Garage League
Despicable. What kind of sick human being kills school children? My God.. RIP innocent people 

Currently the toll is at 28, 18 children. An entire classroom.
Just read the median income of this area is $110,000. Not that it matters. Just saying this is probably the last place something like this could have been expected to happen.
Wasn't Columbine in Littleton, Colorado a fairly affluent area as well? Just a really sad day.
I can't even imagine. Literally makes me feel ill.
Gun Control
This country needs it.
Shooter is reported to have used a .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle. What purpose does this kind of gun have for regular old Joe America to have ownership of it?
Just read the median income of this area is $110,000. Not that it matters. Just saying this is probably the last place something like this could have been expected to happen.
None, indeed.
Gun Control
This country needs it.
Shooter is reported to have used a .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle. What purpose does this kind of gun have for regular old Joe America to have ownership of it?
One need only look back on this thread to the incident in China. Some nutbar attacks a school with a knife. 20-some injured. NO FATALITIES.
You'll never get rid of all the fuckups but why do they need the very best killing tools out there?
Watching some live coverage. Sounds like there might be 2 shooters.
Watching some live coverage. Sounds like there might be 2 shooters.
Watching some live coverage. Sounds like there might be 2 shooters.