Bruins homer
I am not sure. It is a great question and one that I would have answered with ease 2 days ago but now I am not so sure.
As for the other question, let me try to explain. The reason I asked if you feel you should have the right to ban posters if personally attacked rather than asking a mod for that protection is because the rationale is analogous to having a gun for the purpose of home protection. Mods are trusted with that power by the board. If ordinary posters, with long and consistently sane posting histories (showing them to be trained and mentally stable), had that power they could exercise it if they feel attacked. Perhaps someone who felt attacked here today on the board may have exercised that power had they possessed it.
No poster on here can r*pe his wife with their posts while he waits 2 minutes for the Mods to come help. This is not a great analogy.
No poster on here can r*pe his wife with their posts while he waits 2 minutes for the Mods to come help. This is not a great analogy.
And people rarely wait until their wife is being raped before they introduce their gun into a situation. If he had a "gun" in the context of the analogy, my guess is he would have used it.
I am not sure. It is a great question and one that I would have answered with ease 2 days ago but now I am not so sure.
You seemed to answer with ease two minutes ago until your position collapsed on itself.
I do hope you can reconcile your beliefs and come to a conclusion that's best for yourself and for us all. Be well.
Based on his past history and his apparent gun education, I completely disagree with you, but that's just my personal belief.
Banning someone for a couple of days on a message board because of personal attacks is not analogous to using a gun in an argument.
I see where you are trying to go with this, but I think it is a real leap to make that comparison.
Not that simple.
An ordinary poster on a message board with a ban hammer is analogous to an ordinary citizen with a gun and the right to use it. In a situation in which that person feels they or someone else is being attacked that person may use it. It's not the same, it's analogous.
It's not.
But I see that you seem to think that it does, which is.....surreal but to each their own, I guess.![]()
You really ought to be able to ban them on your own. I mean, why should you have to wait for the mods to come and protect you when you could do it yourself...?
I'll let that sink in while I move on.
Is there a SportsHoopla amendment that guarantees the right to ban?
Are their rogue posters without training and mod abilities who can ban whenever they want and can ban other accidentally in the process?
Can you buy the ability to ban on the Flyers board for 50 vdollars?
I mean, come on. It is not that simple.
Is there a SportsHoopla amendment that guarantees the right to ban?
I know exactly what analogous means. I also know what asinine means and this comparison is more the latter than the former. Analogous assumes at least some small level of comparability. This little game does not meet that standard, IMO. I get it. You are sold on it. You are trying to be clever and have sold yourself on how clever it is. I disagree.