A useful idiot.
How am I being condescending. I provided links to research. I am an Epidemiologist. This is kind of exactly what I do for a living. I wish gun control could help. Evidence says.....it doesn't. Sorry.
Someone provided a link earlier in this thread about how it has worked in Japan. You are essentially discounting that in it's entirely and said it won't work here. That is short-sighted and not very imaginative. Not to mention a TON of other nations where gun control can and does work. We can't change that because why? We've always loved guns? We always treated black people like shit until 60 years ago, but that changed, didn't it? Social attitudes can change. Events such as this often catalyze that change.
I studied public policy, sociology, and the law for 7 years. I'm not speaking out of my ass here. I also have common sense. Let's play the scenario game..
What if this Connecticut fucker's mom had to wait a year to get a gun. And she had said, "fuck it, it's not worth it, I won't buy a gun." The homicide's you are talking about with the 'people will find a way to get one logic' applies mostly to criminals, and hard criminals at that. A lot of people who buy guns now might not or might fail the background check or psych check or whatever would come along with more restrictions. That's less guns out there. Then instead, maybe this psycho just stabs his mom one night and that's the end of it. Maybe she even survives and nobody dies.
I agree with you to an extent. Guns, terrorism, etc. If the person wants to kill you, they will find a way. But many crimes are crimes of convenience. The number one method to preventing your house from being robbed isn't to own a gun. It's to lock your door. You increase your risk of being robbed at night by something like 900% (can't remember the exact number, read it years ago) by just LOCKING your door. So while a gangster selling heroine is gonna get a piece from somewhere, Sally Soccer Mom might not. And less guns readily available mean less gun accidents, less guns stolen to be used for crimes, and lower stakes in violent situations. Guns up the ante, ironically while lowering the sense of responsibility of power in one's hands. So less guns out there is positive. The responsible gun owner saving the day is the exception, while violence and devastation of innocent lives is the rule with more guns.