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OT: OJ: Made in America


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I know this is probably not the board for this but I do enjoy posting with you guys instead of the posters on PF so just curious if any of you guys been watching this?

Part 3 comes on in a few minutes. I heard that parts 3-5 will blow your mind away.


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Jul 7, 2013
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I watched the first episode & about 30 minutes of the second episode before I turned it off. It just doesn't appeal to me. There is nothing really new or enlightening it. I'll probably sit down & watch it in it's entirety one day in the future when I have nothing else to watch, but not right now.

If you are interested, I read around the the interwebs that ESPN is currently streaming all five episodes on ESPN3, their online streaming page. Although I haven't looked to verify it.


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I watched the first episode & about 30 minutes of the second episode before I turned it off. It just doesn't appeal to me. There is nothing really new or enlightening it. I'll probably sit down & watch it in it's entirety one day in the future when I have nothing else to watch, but not right now.

If you are interested, I read around the the interwebs that ESPN is currently streaming all five episodes on ESPN3, their online streaming page. Although I haven't looked to verify it.

Yeah they posted it last night but I don't have time to spend 10 hours watching it so I rather just watch it day by day


You can never have too many knives.
Jul 7, 2013
Chandler, Arizona
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Yeah they posted it last night but I don't have time to spend 10 hours watching it so I rather just watch it day by day

I like to binge watch shows. So when I do get around to watching, I'll probably spend a whole day doing so.

But so far, it just feels underwhelming for the amount of praise or hype it has been getting. It just feels like OJ is being used as plot device to further a discussion about racism in America. It comes off as tiring to me. Maybe the second half of episode 2 along with the final three episodes goes in a completely direction, thus becoming more interesting to me. :noidea:


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I like to binge watch shows. So when I do get around to watching, I'll probably spend a whole day doing so.

But so far, it just feels underwhelming for the amount of praise or hype it has been getting. It just feels like OJ is being used as plot device to further a discussion about racism in America. It comes off as tiring to me. Maybe the second half of episode 2 along with the final three episodes goes in a completely direction, thus becoming more interesting to me. :noidea:

Based on what I read on twitter last night, supposedly episodes 3-5 are ridiculous. Guess we'll see

One thing I didn't know til last night was that Marcus Allen messed around with Nicole.


You can never have too many knives.
Jul 7, 2013
Chandler, Arizona
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Based on what I read on twitter last night, supposedly episodes 3-5 are ridiculous. Guess we'll see

One thing I didn't know til last night was that Marcus Allen messed around with Nicole.

You didn't know that? You must be young. It was out there at the time of the murder investigation & trial.


You can never have too many knives.
Jul 7, 2013
Chandler, Arizona
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I just looked up the story lines for each episode.

Part 1 – O.J.’s upbringing and football career.

Part 2 – Racial history of Los Angeles, history of O.J. and Nicole, the early investigation and chase, some pre-trial stuff

Part 3 – Early trial

Part 4 – Late trial

Part 5 – Verdict, civil trial, O.J.’s downward spiral and robbery incident

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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The part where the Dude was talking about how he went in the house and took all the pictures of OJ with his white friends and replaced them with pictures of black folks made me laugh.

His legal team was just ridiculous. They worked the shit out of the media and the public.

I remember when the verdict was read, how black people were out celebrating like it was New Years Eve.

So, now when I see the Parents of Trayvon Martin and the pain they endure every time Zimmerman has a fund raiser, like selling the gun that killed their child....

I wonder: is this how Ron Goldman's and the Brown family felt when folks were partying like it's fucking Mardi Gras?


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I've seen parts 1 and 2. Plan to burn through the rest On Demand this weekend. It's really well done so far. Watching the parts where he abused Nicole, seeing the pictures, and hearing the 911 calls was very tough watch though.


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Apr 24, 2013
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The part where the Dude was talking about how he went in the house and took all the pictures of OJ with his white friends and replaced them with pictures of black folks made me laugh.

His legal team was just ridiculous. They worked the shit out of the media and the public.

I remember when the verdict was read, how black people were out celebrating like it was New Years Eve.

So, now when I see the Parents of Trayvon Martin and the pain they endure every time Zimmerman has a fund raiser, like selling the gun that killed their child....

I wonder: is this how Ron Goldman's and the Brown family felt when folks were partying like it's fucking Mardi Gras?
Even though I was a kid(on verge of becoming an adolescent) at the time, after seeing so many docs on this, and somewhat remembering what the times were like then, I can tell you why black people were celebrating. First the opposing lawyers helped the defense team immensely by sticking their foot in their mouths time, and time again, but moving on.....
It wasn't JUST so much about the defense team working up a narrative as opposed to the narrative already being there before the trial even started. The LAPD had gotten away with SO much brutality and wrongdoing in those days(and tons of years before it), plus this trial was coming off the heels of the Rodney King trial where all of those officers walked free(which led to the LA riots).
SO, when the OJ trial came along, it was a peferct storm. Not only was he beyond a beloved, superstar athlete, but people were already thinking "well, here we go again man". So with people already feeling this way, along with the defense presenting points like Mark Furhman(probably the worst person that could of been on the stand in this type of case) possibly tampering with evidence, OJ trying on the gloves, and other things, it negated all of the mounting evidence that said that OJ did it.
So when the decision came in, it wasn't "man OJ got off", it was "man after all these years, we FINALLY won one", and that was the reason why so many were celebrating like they did
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Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Even though I was a kid(on verge of becoming an adolescent) at the time, after seeing so many docs on this, and somewhat remembering what the times were like then, I can tell you why black people were celebrating. First the opposing lawyers helped the defense team immensely by sticking their foot in their mouths time, and time again, but moving on.....
It wasn't JUST so much about the defense team working up a narrative as opposed to the narrative already being there before the trial even started. The LAPD had gotten away with SO much brutality and wrongdoing in those days(and tons of years before it), plus this trial was coming off the heels of the Rodney King trial where all of those officers walked free(which led to the LA riots).
SO, when the OJ trial came along, it was a peferct storm. Not only was he beyond a beloved, superstar athlete, but people were already thinking "well, here we go again man". So with people already feeling this way, along with the defense presenting points like Mark Furhman(probably the worst person that could of been on the stand in this type of case) possibly tampering with evidence, OJ trying on the gloves, and other things, it negated all of the mounting evidence that said that OJ did it.
So when the decision came in, it wasn't "man OJ got off", it was "man after all these years, we FINALLY won one", and that was the reason why so many were celebrating like they did

Agree to all of that.

I can't speak for you or for your experience.

But, I lived on Imperial and Western at the time of the verdict.

Nobody around me cared if he was guilty or innocent. They only cared that he beat the system.

Our perception of things is shaped by our environment....My environment is totally different 20 years later.

So, I look back at my thought process at that time and it makes me CRINGE.


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Apr 17, 2013
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The part where the Dude was talking about how he went in the house and took all the pictures of OJ with his white friends and replaced them with pictures of black folks made me laugh.

His legal team was just ridiculous. They worked the shit out of the media and the public.

I remember when the verdict was read, how black people were out celebrating like it was New Years Eve.

So, now when I see the Parents of Trayvon Martin and the pain they endure every time Zimmerman has a fund raiser, like selling the gun that killed their child....

I wonder: is this how Ron Goldman's and the Brown family felt when folks were partying like it's fucking Mardi Gras?

Yeah...that part made me sick. Who's to say that we've degraded severely as a society over the years? We weren't that civilized in the early 90's.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Agree to all of that.

I can't speak for you or for your experience.

But, I lived on Imperial and Western at the time of the verdict.

Nobody around me cared if he was guilty or innocent. They only cared that he beat the system.

Our perception of things is shaped by our environment....My environment is totally different 20 years later.

So, I look back at my thought process at that time and it makes me CRINGE.

Good summary of the situation. I realize that opinions were divided on this at that time. However - I cannot imagine how anyone could view OJ as anything more than a total scumbag at this time. In hindsight - he played the race card at a time when he pretty much did everything possible to distance himself from the black community.

Forget about the murders - just the complete abuse of Nicole Simpson is sickening enough & this idiot continued this behavior after they were divorced - 100% delusional. People get mad at the likes of Hardy - this guy is way, way worse. Disagree with others about these specials - I believe that this is very good TV & way better than most of the crap currently on television.

Lance Armstrong

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so far its been a fantastic doc. It's amazing how OJ was able to turn himself basically white, get away with beating his wife, then turn around and paint himself as the representation of every Black man to his advantage. OJ is the ultimate con man.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I watched the first episode & about 30 minutes of the second episode before I turned it off. It just doesn't appeal to me. There is nothing really new or enlightening it. I'll probably sit down & watch it in it's entirety one day in the future when I have nothing else to watch, but not right now.

If you are interested, I read around the the interwebs that ESPN is currently streaming all five episodes on ESPN3, their online streaming page. Although I haven't looked to verify it.

Oh, you are tripping! Episode 3 was the best one by far. We thought we knew all about this case, but we didn't know all the exact details. Please continue to watch.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Based on what I read on twitter last night, supposedly episodes 3-5 are ridiculous. Guess we'll see

One thing I didn't know til last night was that Marcus Allen messed around with Nicole.

And that's exactly what im talking about. I had no clue that Allen messed around with Nicole. I love Allen because he is a Trojan and a Raider, but that left a nasty taste in my mouth.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The part where the Dude was talking about how he went in the house and took all the pictures of OJ with his white friends and replaced them with pictures of black folks made me laugh.

His legal team was just ridiculous. They worked the shit out of the media and the public.

I remember when the verdict was read, how black people were out celebrating like it was New Years Eve.

So, now when I see the Parents of Trayvon Martin and the pain they endure every time Zimmerman has a fund raiser, like selling the gun that killed their child....

I wonder: is this how Ron Goldman's and the Brown family felt when folks were partying like it's fucking Mardi Gras?

Man, the prosecutor was heated when she walked in that house. The defense was brilliant.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Even though I was a kid(on verge of becoming an adolescent) at the time, after seeing so many docs on this, and somewhat remembering what the times were like then, I can tell you why black people were celebrating. First the opposing lawyers helped the defense team immensely by sticking their foot in their mouths time, and time again, but moving on.....
It wasn't JUST so much about the defense team working up a narrative as opposed to the narrative already being there before the trial even started. The LAPD had gotten away with SO much brutality and wrongdoing in those days(and tons of years before it), plus this trial was coming off the heels of the Rodney King trial where all of those officers walked free(which led to the LA riots).
SO, when the OJ trial came along, it was a peferct storm. Not only was he beyond a beloved, superstar athlete, but people were already thinking "well, here we go again man". So with people already feeling this way, along with the defense presenting points like Mark Furhman(probably the worst person that could of been on the stand in this type of case) possibly tampering with evidence, OJ trying on the gloves, and other things, it negated all of the mounting evidence that said that OJ did it.
So when the decision came in, it wasn't "man OJ got off", it was "man after all these years, we FINALLY won one", and that was the reason why so many were celebrating like they did

Agree! Agree! Agree!

I explain this to people all the time.

The black community know O.J. is guilty, but as you said, it was bigger than that.


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And that's exactly what im talking about. I had no clue that Allen messed around with Nicole. I love Allen because he is a Trojan and a Raider, but that left a nasty taste in my mouth.

Now I see where Derek Fisher got his inspiration from