Newly appointed fentanyl czar
Isn't there a law about that or something?
It depends on the city/town, but yes generally most places allow you 24 hours to clear your sidewalk of snow. These by-laws are rarely enforced though.
Isn't there a law about that or something?
I shovelled my neighbours walk for him the last time it snowed because he just had come out of hospital from a heart procedure and when i was out doing it on sunday i get to the property line and i hear this tapping and i look up and he;s standing there at his kitchen window and motioning for me to keep going, pointing down the hill on his sidewalk
Hockey parents.
There's this kid. He's an 02 birthday. And in the strictest of terms at the Pee Wee division 01 are "major" and 02 are "minor". This kid is a goalie, and can skate out okay. Across divisions, we have six teams and 10 kids wanting to play goal. 3 01s and 7 02s. And one of the 01s, the starting goalie for the 01 select team doesn't want to play 100% of house games in goal so he can stay in touch with the flow of the game.
So we decided to move the one 02 kid up to play goal on the "major" team because he was most prepared to play goal at that level and will not be a huge liability when skating out. That gives us 6 remaining goalies to split among the 3 "minor" teams. Perfect, right?
Well, no. See goalie kid is friends with another 02 kid. And goalie's mom and other kid's dad got to talking (probably pillow talk) and they REALLY want the two buddies to play together. Skater kid is *not* ready to play "major". So, fine, we can shuffle teams a bit and move the next best goalie/skater up to "major" and put this kid back in "minor" with his friend (probably on my team with my son who spent all last pond hockey season with the game he could play against goalie kid circled on his calendar - oil and water). Because skater kid is already on my team. And my other goalie is pretty sharp, but not a great skater.
So, we work out the teams, put goalie and skater kid together on a different minor team and move another problem child to my team (He hates when I'm there at practice because when he goofs off, I make him do pushups). I like it because I keep my steady if unspectacular goaltending tandem, and don't have to deal with either mom or dad.
Now, skater kid's dad is threatening to remove his son (I say let him). And now Goalie's DAD is saying "fuck that kid, my son wants to play "major". There have been, I shit you not, 31 emails between coaches today trying to sort out what to do. I don't want goalie kid on my team because his mom EARNS the "c" name (and is probably the only person I've ever met that I'd give it to) and I don't want to deal with her (She told her son that he doesn't need to listen to me because I must not be a good goalie if I never played college or pro), and my son will beat his ass before the end of the season.
All because of some dumb ass stigma attached to "Major" vs "Minor". I told the commish to leave me with problem child 2, and call the dad's bluff about yanking the skater. Either way, if the dad yanks the skater DO NOT move the goalie back to major. You just can't keep some people happy.
*whew* I feel much better having vented a bit.
huh? I guess I'm glad I've never seen that.
Sorry for firing up the wayback machine, and quoting myself. But I wanted some context for the next rant.
Notes: We finished the season 8-5. Top in our league. Goalie kid played in "Major" where the team did not win a game. Skater kid stayed with us and had a decent year despite missing three games with an injury. Overall, we had good chemistry all year.
So playoffs start tomorrow. At practice on Monday, skater kid is rambunctious and takes another kid's bag and puts it in the showers (kid dropped his bag early and went to get dinner with mom). It gets caught just before he is ready to turn on the water. The other kid is our top defender and a very solid skater. The D kid also just so happens to hate goalie kid with a passion. Seems they played Selects the previous year and it was such a bad experience that D guy didn't even try out for selects this year. And he would have made it and been solid. Another thing is 5 of our players live in the same neighborhood / go to the same school and have known each other since kindergarten. D man is one of those five.
So as the regular season winds down, "pond hockey" teams are forming. Pond hockey is 3 on 3 limited rules hockey. No offsides, no icing, no power plays (only penalty shots). One game a week, no practices. Just play for fun on Saturday mornings. The dad of skater kid sends an email to 6 certain players on my team's parents and asks if they want to join a pond hockey team, including four of the five neighborhood kids (not the D man). All four say yes. The email also says "if you know anyone else who wants to play, let me know". So the four tell D man, who jumps at the chance. Then he finds out that goalie kid is going to be on the team and says "Never mind". So this all comes into the locker room Monday at practice and in addition to skater kid and D man sniping at each other, the 6 other kids who did not get invited to play on the pond hockey team are all asking "why not?". Me, unaware of the pond hockey thing, start talking to kids that me an another coach are starting our own pond hockey team and everyone is welcome. One of the six who was asked says he will switch from that team to mine (kid's played for me for three years)
This all escalated to pucks being shot at players' feet in practice, some throwing of snow from skates in the locker room and now parents are at each other's throats because it was discovered that the two people "organizing" the pond hockey team are (and this is a shocking development) Goalie mom and skater dad. And they are trying to make it seem like parents are telling their kids not to play because of goalie kid. When it has nothing to do with that. The kids are all making their own decisions. And now goalie mom is saying that me and the other coach are only starting a team to take kids away from theirs.
The other coach? The head coach from the team I helped out my first year. She is convinced we have something against her precious little snowflake. And we do. Because we coached him AND dealt with her. But we are keeping it civil. At least trying.
And they are going to get an email from the hockey coordinator for Columbus stating that they cannot compete in Pond Hockey unless they have a USA hockey certified coach on the bench. And in PeeWee level there are 13 of us. Not one of us will do it. My Pond Hockey team will have four coaches. Because we will have four coaches' kids. And a fifth coaches' kid, but that coach has other commitments in the spring.
So either she is going to go Vesuvius and say we are getting her team disqualified, or one of us is getting assigned to that team. And I, the only coach with a kid who wants to play goalie, am the most likely as it is suggested each team have two kids who want to play goal, and the team me and the other coach are assembling has three and maybe a fourth if lacrosse doesn't interfere.
I can't wait to see how she reacts when I pull my son out of it and he gets to learn Lacrosse.
It's one thing to be a locker room cancer, but I don't know if I've ever seen a situation where someone is a cancer in a locker room they aren't even in...
This one is for Pix.
New Castle HS basketball team drives me fucking nuts.![]()
Sidenote, although it wouldn't change things because of New Castle: both of those schools being in AAAA is silly. Playing a team like NA on the regular is crap. They graduate 3-4xs what Hampton does. I graduated with 250, they average like 800.