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Band of Brothers
A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
Man,sometimes I have a hard time sleeping...my mind goes 24/7 and all I could think about was great interviewers. One of the best if not the best is the great James Lipton for the Actors Studio show on TV. So prepared so respected ..he might be #1 in my book. Anyway I love that show..Lipton gets actors to open up and you get a peek inside each person he interviews. People let down their hair around him and you get some really brilliant moments on TV. His interviews with Robin Williams might be his best. I never stopped laughing all the way through.
Anyway I was thinking about the famous questions he asks his guests near the end and I thought I would do my answers. I will not be on his show so what the fuck... here we go....
What is my favorite word? Love...the more it is said the better.
What is my least favorite word? CAN'T....You can't do that..you can't say that...you can't ..you can't you can't...fucking shut the fuck up !
What turns me on? A really beautiful woman who is cool as fuck and is not not stuck up . Being able to laugh at herself and the world. Being able to get dirty playing in the sand and not caring about her clothes or her hair getting fucked up. Just a woman who I can talk about shit with. No money chasers . Does'nt matter I got no money
What turns me off? Fucking phonies ! also People that are afraid of everything and play everything safe. People who create fear with their negative bullshit lay downs on others all the time . Bullies especially on the internet that want to control what you say like I am some Stepford child.
What sound or noise do I love? Belly laughter to the point of almost pissing your pants. Best sound in the world.
What noise or sound do I hate? Uncontrollable sobbing from pain..mental or physical...makes me sad
What is my favorite curse word? I love this question. Fuck ...Fuck ..and Fuck again. The most raw word out there...so many uses for verbal expression..so many facial expressions ..so perfect in so many ways.Makes me feel alive and kicking. Brilliant word.
What profession would I like to attempt? Pro baseball player or Musician .. love both so much.
What profession would I not like? Cleaning Porta Potties ...cleaning shit period. Man, I might blow chunks right now.
and Finally ...If Heaven exists what would I like God to say to me when i reach the Pearly Gates? Come on in all of you're passed on family and loved ones are waiting for you. The is a huge party extravaganza and you are sitting next to me in the front row. Farrah Fawcett ( My first huge crush...one of the great ones)has asked if she can be your date tonight and sit next to you. Steak, Crab, Lamb Chops, Pizza, Lobster will be served. Baked potato and garlic mashed potatoes..no vegetables.(fuck yeah) Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream...chocolate cake..my Mom's banana cream pie..ice cold beer and thick chocolate milkshakes. Shots of Jack will be served also during the performance. Me and you one on one drink for drink the whole way...you up for it ?...Fuck yeah lets go!
The performance starts with James Brown who lights it up and gets everyone grooving. Then comes Marvin Gaye to get everyone in the mood for romance. George Carlin is next with his his great humor and look at the fucked up things people did down on earth. Next is Janis Joplin with her passion and brilliance on stage. Lucy and Jimmy Stewert then say a few words and tell stories. Buddy Hackett then comes out and I almost pee my pants laughing at his set. Jim Morrison comes out and almost pulls IT out. Jim does his thing..the only way he knows..ballz out. Jimi Hendrix is next with double drums played by Keith Moon and John Bonham .they both put TNT in their drum sets and it blows sky high lighting Jimi's hair on fire...Jimi just keeps on playing a 20 minute solo with his hair on fire because there is no pain in Heaven and it is the coolest concert of all time. After that can only come Richard Pryor who is laughing his ass off hugging Jimi and making jokes about how he lit himself on fire on Earth.Pryor kills it and I mean kills it..laughter everywhere..
I look over to my right and Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons , and Bill King are all sitting talking together engrossed in the most genius conversation on all things.Bill Walsh stops by and joins in the conversation. Back to the stage where the Rat Pack is doing their thing..telling stories , drinking booze and singing great tunes. Ronnie Van Zant is there to sing Free Bird for me. Robin Williams is there talking about how there was enough dudes there that snorted enough cocaine to kill a thousand elephants back on Earth. Robin brings the house down. Finally it's the great John Lennon singing songs of peace and love to end the show. God then kisses me on both cheeks telling me how much he loves me and to enjoy this great Heaven party forever. Farrah gives me a deep meaningful kiss and everyone sings ..For he is a jolly good fellow.
A few seconds of silence and all of a sudden Rodney Dangerfield stands up and yells at the top of his lungs....We're all gonna get laid !!! Thunderous cheers as everyone raises their arms in victory.
Thank you Mr. Lipton..I had a blast.

Anyway I was thinking about the famous questions he asks his guests near the end and I thought I would do my answers. I will not be on his show so what the fuck... here we go....
What is my favorite word? Love...the more it is said the better.
What is my least favorite word? CAN'T....You can't do that..you can't say that...you can't ..you can't you can't...fucking shut the fuck up !
What turns me on? A really beautiful woman who is cool as fuck and is not not stuck up . Being able to laugh at herself and the world. Being able to get dirty playing in the sand and not caring about her clothes or her hair getting fucked up. Just a woman who I can talk about shit with. No money chasers . Does'nt matter I got no money
What turns me off? Fucking phonies ! also People that are afraid of everything and play everything safe. People who create fear with their negative bullshit lay downs on others all the time . Bullies especially on the internet that want to control what you say like I am some Stepford child.
What sound or noise do I love? Belly laughter to the point of almost pissing your pants. Best sound in the world.
What noise or sound do I hate? Uncontrollable sobbing from pain..mental or physical...makes me sad
What is my favorite curse word? I love this question. Fuck ...Fuck ..and Fuck again. The most raw word out there...so many uses for verbal expression..so many facial expressions ..so perfect in so many ways.Makes me feel alive and kicking. Brilliant word.
What profession would I like to attempt? Pro baseball player or Musician .. love both so much.
What profession would I not like? Cleaning Porta Potties ...cleaning shit period. Man, I might blow chunks right now.
and Finally ...If Heaven exists what would I like God to say to me when i reach the Pearly Gates? Come on in all of you're passed on family and loved ones are waiting for you. The is a huge party extravaganza and you are sitting next to me in the front row. Farrah Fawcett ( My first huge crush...one of the great ones)has asked if she can be your date tonight and sit next to you. Steak, Crab, Lamb Chops, Pizza, Lobster will be served. Baked potato and garlic mashed potatoes..no vegetables.(fuck yeah) Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream...chocolate cake..my Mom's banana cream pie..ice cold beer and thick chocolate milkshakes. Shots of Jack will be served also during the performance. Me and you one on one drink for drink the whole way...you up for it ?...Fuck yeah lets go!
The performance starts with James Brown who lights it up and gets everyone grooving. Then comes Marvin Gaye to get everyone in the mood for romance. George Carlin is next with his his great humor and look at the fucked up things people did down on earth. Next is Janis Joplin with her passion and brilliance on stage. Lucy and Jimmy Stewert then say a few words and tell stories. Buddy Hackett then comes out and I almost pee my pants laughing at his set. Jim Morrison comes out and almost pulls IT out. Jim does his thing..the only way he knows..ballz out. Jimi Hendrix is next with double drums played by Keith Moon and John Bonham .they both put TNT in their drum sets and it blows sky high lighting Jimi's hair on fire...Jimi just keeps on playing a 20 minute solo with his hair on fire because there is no pain in Heaven and it is the coolest concert of all time. After that can only come Richard Pryor who is laughing his ass off hugging Jimi and making jokes about how he lit himself on fire on Earth.Pryor kills it and I mean kills it..laughter everywhere..
I look over to my right and Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons , and Bill King are all sitting talking together engrossed in the most genius conversation on all things.Bill Walsh stops by and joins in the conversation. Back to the stage where the Rat Pack is doing their thing..telling stories , drinking booze and singing great tunes. Ronnie Van Zant is there to sing Free Bird for me. Robin Williams is there talking about how there was enough dudes there that snorted enough cocaine to kill a thousand elephants back on Earth. Robin brings the house down. Finally it's the great John Lennon singing songs of peace and love to end the show. God then kisses me on both cheeks telling me how much he loves me and to enjoy this great Heaven party forever. Farrah gives me a deep meaningful kiss and everyone sings ..For he is a jolly good fellow.
A few seconds of silence and all of a sudden Rodney Dangerfield stands up and yells at the top of his lungs....We're all gonna get laid !!! Thunderous cheers as everyone raises their arms in victory.
Thank you Mr. Lipton..I had a blast.

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