Team Player
I’m a complete and utter history geek, especially for stuff from that period, so yeah I was one of those begging for The Last Dual. Finally, got to watch it this past weekend, and while it was a good movie, holy fuckin balls was it way, way too long!I like Ridley Scott and like his movies usually but The Last Duel sounded awful to me. I'm sure it's well made but the story did not appeal to me. We're audiences begging for a he said / she said r*pe and duel story that occurred in 1386? I don't think so. But Ridley blames "millennials and their fucking cellphones". Maybe Ridley, but the only way I'm watching that movie is if it's on when I'm snowed in or if I hear there is unnecessary and excessive nudity in it.
Bradley Cooper confirms his next directing gig, a movie about Leonard Bernstein called Maestro
Bradley Cooper confirms his next directing gig, a movie about Leonard Bernstein called
Bradley Cooper confirms his next directing gig, a movie about Leonard Bernstein called Maestro
Leonard Bernstein!@Nasty_Magician
Bradley Cooper confirms his next directing gig, a movie about Leonard Bernstein called Maestro
Bradley Cooper confirms his next directing gig, a movie about Leonard Bernstein called
Bradley Cooper confirms his next directing gig, a movie about Leonard Bernstein called Maestro
My job
Update; today is trash day and I heard a bit of commotion out front. Looked and the trash truck had slid past my bin and hit the curb. Driver got out, moved my bin to within reach of the arm thing and emptied mine. Then went to the next house and just missed taking out their mailbox with a slide. He had a bit of trouble getting back "up" my street. And I live in central Ohio, the flattest place on earth.Yeah, we're stuck in the "Wintry Mix" band. Not sure when the snow if gonna start.
I’m about 15 miles NW of downtown Pittsburgh and we have had nothing but rain. Yet the forecasts keeps saying freezing rain is falling. Roads and sidewalks are just wet.Update; today is trash day and I heard a bit of commotion out front. Looked and the trash truck had slid past my bin and hit the curb. Driver got out, moved my bin to within reach of the arm thing and emptied mine. Then went to the next house and just missed taking out their mailbox with a slide. He had a bit of trouble getting back "up" my street. And I live in central Ohio, the flattest place on earth.
So yeah, there is a layer of ice under the wintry mix.
Still raining here yet the news keeps talking about icing lolIt has finally started snowing.