Newly appointed fentanyl czar
They can turf that Panago pizza commercial with that creepy dude's laugh while they're at it, though.
Sorry I saw 'creepy dude's laugh' and thought of Spezza. I didn't think he was creepy before the laugh.lol - Closer to a James Earl Jones type of laugh than a girly Spezza laugh.
I do not often get hangovers but if I really tie one on I might. I have had limited success with drinking a concoction of Propel or PowerAde Zero (small concentrated bottle you squirt into water) and half an Airborne tablet. That seems to usually have me feeling pretty good the next morning.I'll tell ya what drives me nuts. IPA hangovers. Holy fuck.
I do not often get hangovers but if I really tie one on I might. I have had limited success with drinking a concoction of Propel or PowerAde Zero (small concentrated bottle you squirt into water) and half an Airborne tablet. That seems to usually have me feeling pretty good the next morning.
I do realize its probably just the water and/or a placebo effect, but I still stand behind it.
The stock market is driving me nuts.
Yeah... well it's driving me to drink.
The stock market is driving me nuts.
Make it a kitten, just in case they call your bluff.I still do not have a disconnect date. I have nothing scheduled (and there was no one else who could help me). When the new people come to hook me up, I am just going to take their modem to one of their lobby locations along with a cute puppy and a handgun. I will tell them they need to disconnect me or the puppy gets it.
Make it a kitten, just in case they call your bluff.
One. Uppers. Example: friend invites me over for game, I respond with a "maybe, not feeling great tonight". Their response? "I've been sick for a month and a half, haha!" Dude. Duddddde. Honestly, I'm sorry. That sucks. And I know, because you tell me often. But there is no need to one up my occasional illness with your "okay, but I'm always sick". Same friend who I can't chat with in other life situations because it magically returns to their problems. I call because I'm upset about parents moving..."yeah, that stinks...I'm away at school so I get it."
Time Warner Cable.
So, it seems they decided, in October, to add a 5 dollar charge to my bill. And they sent us a piece of mail about it, apparently. I don't know. I guess it got lost in ~30 pieces of junk mail we get from them a month telling us about their service offerings. We only had Internet service with them, so there should have been no variance in the bills for things like Pay Per View, etc. So we simply had them auto pay from our bank account every month like we always have.
Fast forward to last Friday when we get a threatening letter from them that our account is 22 dollars delinquent and they have turned us over to collections for it. Our service is due to be interrupted on Thursday.
Sweet, I thought. Proper motivation to get a new provider. They are being installed Saturday. Double the speed, and 10 bucks less a month.
But at no point did they email us, call us or make any effort to, after receiving four consecutive payments that were five bucks short, find out what happened. They just let us go to collections. And now they act like it's our fault.
So, I called today to tell them I was cancelling. First, I got the wrong department. And wouldn't you know it? The second largest telecom provider on earth can't seem to grasp the concept of transferring a phone call. And of course it was my fault for calling the wrong department, despite the fact that their system dumped me there after I answered every voice prompt question with "disconnect service". I am shamed.
When I finally got to the sloppy, nasty, cloven hooved Nazi who was to "help" me disconnect my service, it got sooooo much worse. After I explained, quite clearly, why I wanted to disconnect ("you dumped me to collections without an attempt to figure out what was wrong, and I've been a customer for 8 years without a single late payment, ever"). She tried to upsell me to a bundled service, not once... not twice... no less than 7 times. I literally spent 4 or 5 minutes of the phone call when the only word that left my mouth was "no".
I still do not have a disconnect date. I have nothing scheduled (and there was no one else who could help me). When the new people come to hook me up, I am just going to take their modem to one of their lobby locations along with a cute puppy and a handgun. I will tell them they need to disconnect me or the puppy gets it.