Stance: Goofy
Microsoft patches.
Two days ago, I was running a very intensive job on one of my systems at work. And a three letter agency waiting not so patiently for the results. Microsoft updates a software product I don't even use (but can't get rid of - internet exploder) and reboots my system and corrupts 65 gigs worth of evidence.
Last night, I was working on a practical exercise for a certification and needed to run a long processing job on my laptop. Which also got the updates last night and rebooted.
I've lost a few days worth of work all because some fucking monkey with a wiffle ball bat in the software sweatshop in Bangalore writes shit code that has to be patched by ham handed dingleberries who write their patches in such a way that can't be bothered to check and see if the system is, you know, doing something before it pulls the plug.
The official uniform of the developers at Microsoft.
Two days ago, I was running a very intensive job on one of my systems at work. And a three letter agency waiting not so patiently for the results. Microsoft updates a software product I don't even use (but can't get rid of - internet exploder) and reboots my system and corrupts 65 gigs worth of evidence.
Last night, I was working on a practical exercise for a certification and needed to run a long processing job on my laptop. Which also got the updates last night and rebooted.
I've lost a few days worth of work all because some fucking monkey with a wiffle ball bat in the software sweatshop in Bangalore writes shit code that has to be patched by ham handed dingleberries who write their patches in such a way that can't be bothered to check and see if the system is, you know, doing something before it pulls the plug.

The official uniform of the developers at Microsoft.