Don't know if you've read the Lundy REALLY thread but it is a testament to stupidity. great stuff lol
Don't know if you've read the Lundy REALLY thread but it is a testament to stupidity. great stuff lol
I know it's hard Pix, but you should really just give up on that thread. Don't feed the trolls.
People who buy milk and bread before a huge storm
People who buy milk and bread before a huge storm
Used to be a pet peeve of mine until I moved to a place that knows how to handle snow. When I lived in Baltimore, the news stations would actually broadcast a live report from the Super Fresh Grocery Store nearest the station before every single snowfall. Not sure if it was to report on chaos or drive it.
It was chaos. I hated when my routine shopping time fell on the day before it was supposed to snow. My nice, quiet grocery store became a DMZ. People would have eggs, bread, milk and toilet paper.
Like the only way to ride out a storm is to eat french toast and shit.
Here, the stores do get a bit busier before a storm, but people only seem to be buying beer and wine.
Well at least they can't go out on the road and screw up since nobody will get out on the road
Used to be a pet peeve of mine until I moved to a place that knows how to handle snow. When I lived in Baltimore, the news stations would actually broadcast a live report from the Super Fresh Grocery Store nearest the station before every single snowfall. Not sure if it was to report on chaos or drive it.
It was chaos. I hated when my routine shopping time fell on the day before it was supposed to snow. My nice, quiet grocery store became a DMZ. People would have eggs, bread, milk and toilet paper.
Like the only way to ride out a storm is to eat french toast and shit.
Here, the stores do get a bit busier before a storm, but people only seem to be buying beer and wine.
I have a running joke with one side of my family from a "snowpocolypse" situation a few years ago. Now, granted this was actually a big snow storm, I think they ended up getting like 10-15 inches, somewhere in that range. My school (hour south of their place) the day of the storm which hit at night told students who could to go home because they were afraid they'd lose power and didn't want liability...which is idiotic because they instead sent students onto the roads. I digress... The point being that we have "the essentials". Everyone was going on about milk, but ours? Toilet paper, chips, beer, ice cream. Boom.
I too find the "snow panic!" crowd annoying. Especially where I live, I can pretty much open my window and reach my neighbors house. The odds of anyone getting snowed in for days on end is laughable, especially considering I have a 30 second walk to 2 convenience stores and a super market.
Used to be a pet peeve of mine until I moved to a place that knows how to handle snow. When I lived in Baltimore, the news stations would actually broadcast a live report from the Super Fresh Grocery Store nearest the station before every single snowfall. Not sure if it was to report on chaos or drive it.
Sorry 43, but I gotta mention another thing I hate - people from snowier cities bitching about how people handle snow worse in less snowy areas. Yes, Buffalo handles snow better than Pittsburgh, which handles it better than Baltimore, which handles it better than Raleigh. This is a function of better and more plentiful snow equipment generally as you go North and people having more practice in those conditions. It's not genetic or related to intelligence, nor would I expect Raleigh to have the same snow clearing equipment as Buffalo since it would be a waste of money.
I also dislike people bragging about snow days.
I'm off today!!!![]()