Back in my 20's, I dated a girl who had a twin and my friends asked me how I was able to tell them apart. I answered that it was pretty easy, Jill had blue eyes and Jack had a dick.
A guy walks into a grocery store and says to the grocer, “I’d like a half a pound of lox, a pint of cream cheese, and…”
Then he stops because he’s puzzled by the store shelves filled with just boxes and boxes of salt. He says to the grocer, “You’ve got so many boxes of salt on your shelves. I’ve never seen so much salt! Excuse me for asking but…do you sell a lot of salt?”
The grocer replies, “Meh…to tell you the truth if I sell a box of salt a week I’m lucky. I don’t sell a lot of salt. But the guy that sells me salt…BOY! CAN HE SELL SALT!”