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OT: Joe Pa done


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Aug 5, 2011
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Seattle Idiot... you have to take a step back and look at all of this garbage from 2 different angles.
1-imagine the boy is your son... would all this sympathy for Joe Pa piss you off? The guy just pawned the responsibillity off to someone else and didn't ensure the safety of your innocent son.
2- imagine if the boy was being stabbed or shot (crimes in my opinion that are just as bad as r*pe). do you think everyone involved would act a little differently? no doubt about it.

these are the standards they should be held up to. anything short of that and i don't care if you are the coach of PSU or Mother Teresa, you need to pay for your crime of inaction.


Haters gonna hate
Aug 4, 2011
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While it sucks Joe PA legacy will end like this. He along with the grad student/his higher authority all failed and should be downright ashamed. Now we all dont know exactly what happened so i try never to jump to conclusions but from what we have heard it seems they all faield and the Football program was not looking for any kind of distraction. Just my opinion, but what do i know.

Seems like nobody is paying attention to Sandusky when he should be getting all the bashing his way. That POS!


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Aug 4, 2011
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For all those defending Joe Pa, are you guys ok with Catholic bishops simply reporting this kind of behavior to the Vatican without actually taking action to stop it? Again, I don't see a distinction. Obviously Catholic bishops would be expected to have a higher sense of morality, but at the end of the day it's precisely the same thing.


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Aug 4, 2011
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While it sucks Joe PA legacy will end like this. He along with the grad student/his higher authority all failed and should be downright ashamed. Now we all dont know exactly what happened so i try never to jump to conclusions but from what we have heard it seems they all faield and the Football program was not looking for any kind of distraction. Just my opinion, but what do i know.

Seems like nobody is paying attention to Sandusky when he should be getting all the bashing his way. That POS!

I don't think it sucks his legacy ends this way... I think it sucks that he LET it end this way. We don't know exactly what happened but we do know this.... Sandusky-Shower-10 year old boy. That's all we need to know. Not only did they all fail at Penn State, but the District Attorney who knew about it and didn't press charges is also to blame. Not sure why he did nothing, and I'm not gonna get into conspiracy theories, but he is also at fault.

The reason Joe Paterno get's all the heat is because he is at the top. He get's all the reward and praise when they win games and have a successful program so he should be the one to take the brunt of the blame (aside from Sandusky who will get his when he goes to prison)


Haters gonna hate
Aug 4, 2011
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I don't think it sucks his legacy ends this way... I think it sucks that he LET it end this way. We don't know exactly what happened but we do know this.... Sandusky-Shower-10 year old boy. That's all we need to know. Not only did they all fail at Penn State, but the District Attorney who knew about it and didn't press charges is also to blame. Not sure why he did nothing, and I'm not gonna get into conspiracy theories, but he is also at fault.

The reason Joe Paterno get's all the heat is because he is at the top. He get's all the reward and praise when they win games and have a successful program so he should be the one to take the brunt of the blame (aside from Sandusky who will get his when he goes to prison)

I hear ya man.

College football is a mess, thats for sure.


Aug 5, 2011
Close your eyes...
Hoopla Cash
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Calamity... he is an easy target because he is high profile... but that's the exact reason he should have done more!! If Joe Paterno steps forward people are gonna listen and take action. It is his DUTY to take action. Pete Carrol gets shit for claiming to not know about Reggie Bush's house 300 miles away from USC, and Tressel for not doing enough when he knew about his players trading jerseys and what not... but we should excuse Joe when not only was this happening right under his nose, but he was told about it!?!? At the very least he was told about it to a suspicious extent. Fuck Joe... his legacy should be diminished because of this. If you know about a crime and do nothing, that makes you an accomplice.

I'm not asking to excuse Joe but I am appalled that he's being nailed to the boards where as the actual criminal is hardly discussed.


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Aug 5, 2011
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I'm not asking to excuse Joe but I am appalled that he's being nailed to the boards where as the actual criminal is hardly discussed.

it's because the guy who did it is not even human... we have no expectations for monsters like him. but for a guy like joe pa to stand by and let it continue is unbelievable.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke


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McQueary to coach this weekend. He needs to be fired as well. Every single person involved needs to be.


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Aug 10, 2011
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McQueary to coach this weekend. He needs to be fired as well. Every single person involved needs to be.

I find this the most morally wrong part of the whole situation outside of what Sandusky allegedly did and the fact that university officials may have covered it up. People want Joe Paterno gone because he is the face of the program during the time these actions were ongoing, but no one seems to care that McQueary who is the one person most responsible for not helping victim 2 that night or at least reporting it to the police will still be coaching on the Saturday for Penn State. What's the schools reason for firing Paterno but keeping that piece of crap? My guess they are worried about legal repercussions for firing a witness helping the prosecution against a former employee. It's total crap and by firing Paterno and keeping him the school is still showing they are nothing but a bunch of cowards who only care about themselves.
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Aug 7, 2011
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I don't see how the distinction makes a significant difference. Ok, so a naked man was ONLY fondling or touching a naked boy in the showers of an otherwise abandoned facility. Like that wouldn't still be abuse?

Trying to distinguish what Joe Pa really knew. Based off vague hearsay I thought it was appropriate that he'd contact his uppers about the event. We don't know if Joe was told that Sandusky was "fondling", "touching", or "horsing around" in the showers. "Horsing around" matches up with Tim Curley's testimony though, which is why I choose to believe that's what Joe Pa was notified of.

I can imagine Joe had the impression that if any of this was true, that the Athletic Director would take care of it. And as a precautionary measure Joe told Sandusky to not bring children on campus anymore.


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Aug 7, 2011
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For all those defending Joe Pa, are you guys ok with Catholic bishops simply reporting this kind of behavior to the Vatican without actually taking action to stop it? Again, I don't see a distinction. Obviously Catholic bishops would be expected to have a higher sense of morality, but at the end of the day it's precisely the same thing.

The distinctions are the Bishops knew what was going on (in some cases) and had multiple reportings of this type of behavior.


Chief Imagination Officer
Aug 4, 2011
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Who are Joe Pa's "superiors" at the University in reality?

Sandusky is probably a master manipulator, and that's the big aspect of this thing that can be argued to get Joe Pa and everyone else involved off the hook. In reality Joe Pa should be facing at least some jail time for not reporting it to police. They should all have to show how things were a lot more complicated than they appear on the surface, and I just don't buy that. Joe Pa was contacted by the "very distraught" witness and let him know the details. It's not like he didn't know anything like the way he's portraying he doesn't know anything.

Did everyone else assume everyone else called the police? And then weeks later - oh well too late to report it now. There's a nice place where these guys should all contemplate their silence for 6 months to a year.


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Aug 4, 2011
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I'm not asking to excuse Joe but I am appalled that he's being nailed to the boards where as the actual criminal is hardly discussed.

Calamity... just for the record, I'm not saying you are excusing him or on his side or anything like that, so I hope you don't take anything I say personally toward you.

I think it's because Sandusky is 100% guilty. He deserves the full punishment of the law, and the full punishment of his cell mate. With Joe, there is (to some, not to me) room for debate. But like I have stated in all of my posts about the subject... it's not just Joe, it's everyone involved. But Joe is the face of that program for better or worse. If he gets the credit and praise for the good, he also should be scrutinized for the bad.

It's an ugly thing that's gone on and the shitty thing is I'm sure they are just scratching the surface. Usually when a couple victims have the courage to come forward, more will follow.


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I can imagine Joe had the impression that if any of this was true, that the Athletic Director would take care of it. And as a precautionary measure Joe told Sandusky to not bring children on campus anymore.

Why did he not follow up then?? This is what I've heard that is fact.... Sandusky admitted to being nude in the shower with a boy and "hugging" him while naked. They told him not to shower with boys anymore.

How in any way shape or form is this the right course of action?? Just tell him not to do it anymore and then be on with your lives??

If the athletic director was told about something like this, why would he and Joe not ever talk about this again?? And if they did talk about it, they didn't go to the police. And if they didn't go to the police because they thought that it was all a misunderstanding or blown out of proportion or anything like that.... they made a HUGE error and should still be punished for doing so. This is one of those things you don't take lightly. If there is any suspicion you go and tell the police. Make it an anonymous tip if you have to.


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I think Joe Paterno should have done more than just tell his boss, but I have to imagine Sandusky was a long time friend?? 30-40 years? I try to imagine how I'd react to that kind of story about a guy I've counted as a friend for half of my life, while also trying to consider the strange upbringing of people in their 70s. They were kind of taught to mind their own business, and just look out for their own.

On the other hand, Paterno is a father, and a grandfather, right? How the hell was he not outraged with his paternal instincts? Penn State was his family, and if someone was betraying his family it should have set him off... even if it was a close friend.

I think the real scumbags, besides the *********, are the people above Paterno who tried to cover it up and ignore it by lying to the Grand Jury and not going directly to the police. The guy who witnessed it, he sorta did the right thing by telling Paterno, and Paterno kinda did the right thing by telling his boss... the issue is that they didn't do anything else after it became obvious the University was trying to bury the issue. From there, they should have called the cops.

You have a responsibility to yourself to step up and go outside the normal 'chain of command' when they fail, so I'm really surprised that the witness and Paterno just sat on it once they realized the University was trying to cover it up... it was kinda cowardice of them to shirk the responsibility on their bosses and leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
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Trying to distinguish what Joe Pa really knew. Based off vague hearsay I thought it was appropriate that he'd contact his uppers about the event. We don't know if Joe was told that Sandusky was "fondling", "touching", or "horsing around" in the showers. "Horsing around" matches up with Tim Curley's testimony though, which is why I choose to believe that's what Joe Pa was notified of.

I can imagine Joe had the impression that if any of this was true, that the Athletic Director would take care of it. And as a precautionary measure Joe told Sandusky to not bring children on campus anymore.

Is it appropriate for a grown man to be "horsing around" in the showers with a ten-year-old boy? Again, this is a distinction without a difference. In addition to reporting it, he should have approached his friend and employee and asked him about it. He should have taken action to make sure it didn't and couldn't happen again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
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The distinctions are the Bishops knew what was going on (in some cases) and had multiple reportings of this type of behavior.

How did they know? Did they actually see their priests having sex with little boys? How did they any more evidence than the "hearsay" that Paterno had? And there were multiple reports in this case.


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Aug 31, 2010
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Fuck Joe Paterno and fuck his legacy.

At the very least he heard "Sundusky... young boy... together in shower..." nevermind that it was at 9:30 at night in a secluded area and all the rest he may or may not have been told.

That's enough right there. Fuck the rest. I don't know how anybody gets past those facts.

Sandusky is the real villain but all these tools who didn't tell the cops are a bunch of bastards as well, I could give a fuck that Paterno is a hall of fame coach he's a Hall of Fame Pussy too. He chose his football program over reporting a heinous crime committed against a child. Bastard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Fuck Joe Paterno and fuck his legacy.

At the very least he heard "Sundusky... young boy... together in shower..." nevermind that it was at 9:30 at night in a secluded area and all the rest he may or may not have been told.

That's enough right there. Fuck the rest. I don't know how anybody gets past those facts.

Sandusky is the real villain but all these tools who didn't tell the cops are a bunch of bastards as well, I could give a fuck that Paterno is a hall of fame coach he's a Hall of Fame Pussy too. He chose his football program over reporting a heinous crime committed against a child. Bastard.

Seriously. The only time it would even be remotely appropriate for an adult to be in the showers with a child is if the child's parent is there, a la a dad and son showering at the gym after a game of b-ball or something. I am the furthest thing from someone who is sensitive about nudity, group showers, etc., but there's just no justifiable explanation for this shower scene, even if it was completely innocent.


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Aug 11, 2011
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Some of you are fucking Morons. Schulz WAS THE HEAD OF THE POLICE when Paterno reported it. He did take it to the police. Also Schulz despises Paterno, always has. He is probably the one trying to put it all on JoePa.