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Best Buy can go fuck itself, too
Not Cool, Best Buy (1 Photo) : theCHIVE
Not Cool, Best Buy (1 Photo) : theCHIVE
Best Buy can go fuck itself, too
Not Cool, Best Buy (1 Photo) : theCHIVE
That is fucked up, but it is New Jersey...
Half of RI is out of power, thats insane.
I lost a few shingles, thats all. A couple of houses in my area had some siding torn off so I got off lucky.
Still I wonder how much its going to cost me to have someone come out and replace 4 shingles is going to cost.
soooo.. like 60... 65 people?
Did you lose power at any time? I know you said you had a few flickers.
Lost it once for about 10 seconds then had lots of flickers. So I got pretty lucky with that. It was out a few hours a couple weeks ago.
Im watching this on Fox News, imagine if that thing lets loose. Shit, people are already trapped I guess in lowland homes.
Bizz, did you lose power?
nope, not a thing
lots of friends around town did but we had just one flicker, that's about it.
we were far enough to the outer parts of the storm that it really wasn't that bad. The coast took the brunt of it.
what dam sly and how far upstate