Unreliable Narrator.
OK so I'm outside on a glorious day tossing the baseball up in the air to myself.
It gets stuck in some tree branches about 15 feet up.
Shaking the tree does nothing, so I grab a rake and toss it javelin style towards the baseball. I impress myself with how accurate my aim is, having never thrown anything like a javelin before. It must be all those hours of Olympic watching I've done in the past.
I get closer and closer to the ball until, on the 5th attempt, the rake gets stuck in the tree about 12 feet up.
I scour the driveway for some stones but only find one about the size of a ping pong ball. I look up at the baseball in the tree and it looks very small from down here. I let loose with the stone. Not even close.
I decide to shorten my wind up and throw it more like a dart. I measure the baseball up and take aim.
Dead fucking center!!![]()
Screw the rake, it looks good up there.![]()
Tell everyone the rake is just getting a head start on the leaves.