Maybe I'm on warning? 
I was a bit cheeky in the politics forum yesterday..

I was a bit cheeky in the politics forum yesterday..

Accepted my first "big girl" job today. Man, that feels good. Of course, one set of nerves (finding a job) just became another (finding an apartment, starting a new job, being an adult on my own). DEEP BREATHS ERIN.
Accepted my first "big girl" job today. Man, that feels good. Of course, one set of nerves (finding a job) just became another (finding an apartment, starting a new job, being an adult on my own). DEEP BREATHS ERIN.
Is this where I tell pix to go watch the movie 'Single White Female'?
Yeahhhh, I won't be taking ads for a roommate fellas, no worries there. And hope to get a dog soon-ish.
This is Adrian Peterson trying to hit a softball.
Congrats, pix! You staying around Pitt or moving somewhere with less french fries on sandwiches?
South of town, about an hour away. Fewer fries on sammiches, but more fried goods.
The argument against pit bulls is not necessarily racist. It does, however, employ racial thinking.
Aaaaaand that's where I stopped.
I wish these fuckwits would stop trying to force those things on us so they can feel better about themselves.
Some people just don't like them. I don't like Chihuahuas, Cocker Spaniels or Yorkies either, where's the overblown mock-outrage filled article and 75 facebook autoforwards a day designed to make me feel guilty about that?
Does anybody really care if Adam Wainwright served up a couple of pitches to Derek Jeter last night? It's an All-Star game, I mean the days of Pete Rose crashing into Ray Fosse are long gone.