The Croz Man Cometh
Go Pens!
As for the other movies in the series, I remember 1 and 2 being OK, if a bit long, given that they were geared to the 10-15 age bracket.
3 was very meh until the ending where, for me, it nose-dived to terrible status. They spent the whole movie think SB is so evil and scary, then they meet him and it basically goes SB: "No Harry, I'm the good guy." HP: "Oh, he's the good guy, let's trust him." I understand that scene was better in the book, but it was very poorly done IMO and killed the whole thing for me.
4 was OK also, though I thought this introduced a plot element that was not really carried (in the movies at least) - the other wizard schools. Are we really to believe Voldemort only wanted to destroy Hogwarts/England? Why didn't they get help from the other schools?
5 was a total waste of time except for the very end (which, to my understanding is mostly what people said about the book). The whole thing with the woman taking over Hogwarts didn't mean much, and I thought the scene where SB dies was poorly done because you don't really know that he's dead until much later.
6 I don't remember too well honestly, so I won't say anything on that.
I'm late to the party, but when and how the Fuck did he die? I wondered where the hell he went for the rest of the series. I though Gary Oldman was too busy to do the rest of the movies.