yep ... I remember seeing him in the last season of white lotus too ... mind you I havent watched much of this show. My wife does ... last season i would just check in every once and a while to see if Alexandra Daddario showed some booblol I did not realize Gary/Greg in White Lotus was Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite. And Mook is from BLACKPINK, a lot of SportsHoopla's favorite K-pop bands.
that was 2 seasons ago, Daddario and Sydney Sweeney sharing scenes, they had to put a boob warning on the showyep ... I remember seeing him in the last season of white lotus too ... mind you I havent watched much of this show. My wife does ... last season i would just check in every once and a while to see if Alexandra Daddario showed some boob
finally.... Ill take down my petition that Ive been running for 22 years now that its a realityI wonder why David Cronenberg stopped making weird movies and only makes feel good normal stuff now?
As such, the story follows a tech entrepreneur named Karsh, who, following the death of his wife, develops a new software that will “allow the bereaved to bear witness to the gradual decay of loved ones dead and buried in the earth.”
Also, here is it @mattola , what you have been waiting for for 23 years.
I'd think other people in his movies would have issue with that too.
the only thing that really bugs me about Adam Sandler is that he continues to give Rob Schneider work..... guy would be homeless if it wasn't for Adam
Lol Sam Rockwell on The White Lotus
I am glad Goggins is getting credit too. His reactions are great. And the casualness in which Rockwell tells the story, just fantastic.
Theatre is still there. Its a cineplex. Mall is a dead mall though …fitting for the area. You just have to walk outside the mall on the street to watch dawn of the dead in actionSaw it opening night at Tinseltown Mall Theatre.. I know the mall is sort of still there but I think the theatre is long gone
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We had our office across the street at 425 Carrol .. we had crazies a the time .. Furious George was always my favouriteTheatre is still there. Its a cineplex. Mall is a dead mall though …fitting for the area. You just have to walk outside the mall on the street to watch dawn of the dead in action
Danny Trejo ·
#TBT 1985 Boxing Eric Roberts in Runaway Train.
I walked on that movie set as a drug counselor. I was helping this kid I was counseling. He called me up and said, 'Hey, there's a lot of blow down here. It was 1985, and cocaine was running rampant in the movie industry. It was crazy. You'd walk into production and there'd be lines on the table. He just asked me to come down and support him, because that's what I did. I still do it. I went onto this movie set, and he was a PA, and I thought it was cute. I had never been on a movie set in my life. All these guys were dressed up as inmates, and they were all trying to act tough. They all had these fake tattoos.
This guy asked me if I wanted to be in a movie, and I said, 'What do I gotta do?' And he said, 'Do you want to be an extra?' And I said, 'An extra what?' And he said,
'Can you act like a convict?" I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever heard. I'd been in every penitentiary in the state. I looked at him and I said, 'Well, I'll give it a shot. He gave me a blue shirt, and I took off my shirt, and I have that big tattoo on my chest. He said 'Leave your shirt off.' Then this other guy comes over and says, 'Hey, you're Danny Trejo. I saw you win the lightweight and welterweight title up in San Quentin.' And I go, 'Yeah. You're Eddie Bunker.' I had been in prison with him.
And he was a writer. We started talking, and he asked, 'Are you still boxing?' And I go, 'Well, I still train.' And he said, 'Do you want a job? We need someone to train one of the actors how to box. And I said, 'I got a job. They're going to give me 15 bucks for acting like a convict. What's this pay?' He said, 'It pays $320 a day. So I said, 'How bad do you want this guy beat up? Sh!t, for 320 bucks..' And he goes, 'No, you have to be really careful, this actor's really high-strung. He's already socked a couple of people.' I said, 'For $320, man, give him a stick. I'll fight Godzilla for 320 bucks. I started training Eric Roberts how to box. Eric wanted to learn how to box, and I think he was scared of me, so he'd do whatever I told him to do. Andrei Konchalovsky, the director, saw that he would do whatever I told him to do. I guess Andrei had some problems with it. So Andrei comes over and hires me. He says, 'You be in the movie. You fight Eric in the movie.' And that's where it started