yep ... I remember seeing him in the last season of white lotus too ... mind you I havent watched much of this show. My wife does ... last season i would just check in every once and a while to see if Alexandra Daddario showed some booblol I did not realize Gary/Greg in White Lotus was Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite. And Mook is from BLACKPINK, a lot of SportsHoopla's favorite K-pop bands.
that was 2 seasons ago, Daddario and Sydney Sweeney sharing scenes, they had to put a boob warning on the showyep ... I remember seeing him in the last season of white lotus too ... mind you I havent watched much of this show. My wife does ... last season i would just check in every once and a while to see if Alexandra Daddario showed some boob
finally.... Ill take down my petition that Ive been running for 22 years now that its a realityI wonder why David Cronenberg stopped making weird movies and only makes feel good normal stuff now?
As such, the story follows a tech entrepreneur named Karsh, who, following the death of his wife, develops a new software that will “allow the bereaved to bear witness to the gradual decay of loved ones dead and buried in the earth.”
Also, here is it @mattola , what you have been waiting for for 23 years.
I'd think other people in his movies would have issue with that too.
the only thing that really bugs me about Adam Sandler is that he continues to give Rob Schneider work..... guy would be homeless if it wasn't for Adam
Lol Sam Rockwell on The White Lotus
I am glad Goggins is getting credit too. His reactions are great. And the casualness in which Rockwell tells the story, just fantastic.