Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
Nothing was better than when I was a young kid and came home and saw a note on the table. It usually said my mother was working late, heres money for McDondalds, get your own dinner.
I remember when the McDonald's finally was built where I grew up. We had to ride our bikes about 2-3 miles along a highway to get to it. Fun times!
Prior to that the only thing near us was a Burger King and Winky's, but there was no way you could get those w/o being driven to them.
my first introduction to McDonalds was actually through school where they brought in the dry McDonalds Character Cookies and the waters down Orange Drink (not pop but Orange Drink) in those big plastic McDonalds dispensers.
also WTH is Winkys?
the school i went to in kindergarten and grade 1 had one just around the corner. So about once a week i used to bring $0.25 and treat myself to a box of McDonaldland cookies.
My friend used to come with me and just get about 10 packets of ketchup to eat.
i drove by there several years later, and had completely forgotten that I had to walk for a bit down the shoulder of the #7 Highway to get there. I was so laser focused on those cookies, i mustn't have noticed.
Being able to afford a hamburger was one thing but MAN was getting a cheesburger SPECIAL when I was a kid They literally taste exactly the same as then lol
I can't be the only one who burned his tongue quite badly on the McDonald's hot apple pie![]()
I can actually feel that by reading your post