Separate or shoot to kill
Haven't watched the Oscars in god knows how long; any movie buffs here who think the Oscars still have any merit in regards to quality filmmaking from an art critic's perspective, or today are they more just a celebrity 'popularity contest' like the Grammies?
You could use the same reasoning for sports.
Not really, it's easier to relate to sports for most people having played sports growing up and most people have an allegence to a certain team maybe based on where they are from, hey if they had acting leagues maybe i'd care, the Minnesota Method Actors maybe or I guess if I did some acting growing up maybe i'd care.
I should have said sports awards. You'll probably pay more attention to the heisman or whatever award if someone on your favorite team is up for it.
Same with movie awards. If you like a particular actor or enjoyed a movie, you'll probably root for it to win if they are in the running for an award.
Nope, I have no interest in sports awards either. I also do not root for any actor or any movie I liked to win an award, honestly I don't usually even know if they are up for an award.
Wow, you draw a lot of conclusions simply because I don't care about award shows.