lol what a lovely waiver Tuesday
mattola would like this one lol
Wonder what happened to that guy.
I can hear the Bennington spin now after they trade Prust for John Scott
"I mean ... when you have a chance to acquire an all star game MVP ... I mean ... you do it"
i heard a john scott for Prust call in the cesspool!!!
It would shock me if Buffalo gave any public funding for a stadium. They love the Bills, but that city's been broke since long before the Bills last made the playoffs.
Torn between wanting the Habs to do something stupid for entertainment purposes...and wanting Prust as far from the East as possible.
Hockey's back tonight, can't wait.
Prust is not to be feared anymore. He's become a huggy bear, not wanting to get his face messy for his lady and her tv show
plus its a tossup on who is the faster skater right now : Prust or John Scott ... especially with the ankle injury that Prust had earlier in the year
There's nothing quite as cruel as the charade leagues and teams put on to get public money. It's appalling. The NFL doing it pisses me off more than most, simply because they're worth billions but still shake the coffer in the public's face. But it makes me think about the Pens situation. I know it's hardball, and that's just how you play the game, blah blah blah, but it sucks. Of course if they simply had given the Pens the casino license, then they don't have to threaten moving, etc. But what sucks is you play on fans' emotions. You know public perception will be in your favor, mostly, because the fans want their team around. This situation is obviously different, though. Asking for public money to build a new arena that, even if nice and used for other things, is still wholly unnecessary, is just a slap in the face.