Day late with this meme Misko funny though 2 cats going at it this weekend NE Cheaetahs vs Pittsburgh Pussies

Day late with this meme Misko funny though 2 cats going at it this weekend NE Cheaetahs vs Pittsburgh Pussies
How many of you were able to read this meme without using Sean Connery's voice? If you say yes, then you're only lying to yourself.
wow damn that came out huge!! sorry about that!
Literally, rotflmao, this thread is beyond hilarious, great material.
This thread should be stickied. Hilarious!
This has been 20 pages of good nature fun and humor. I hope none takes it to serious or goes over the line. I just know that at some point, someone is going to screw it up and it's probably going to get ugly. Until then, it's fun screwing with each other.
@Psych-Ward is usually good for 5 pages by now, he must be in his padded room again