Agreed TE is lowest on the list of needs. O-line is a must at 1.18
If we can snag Jenkins on Monday that'd be great. Jenkins is a better zone blocker than Fries. That would fill a big hole. If we do that I'd be more comfortable passing on an OL in the 1st as long as we look at that position in the 2nd round and it would be someone to play tackle in the event Lucas never returns to form. The only 'hole' IMO you have is WR... If you gave me Cross, Jenkins, Olu, Haynes, Lucas to start the season? I'm good with that.
What's funny is some folks have been saying Haynes at Center and I'm completely baffled by that. First off, Haynes has only ever played right guard in his life.. second, he was a good right guard for the Huskies in a wide ZBS which is exactly what we're running. "He's not strong enough" well duh, in a ZBS you don't have to be.. you have to move quickly laterally and basically 'hold' your man. That's what he does well. Grubb didn't know how to do a run game or ZBS to save his life. Third, Olu did okay last year. He was a bit of an above average starter. Give him a chance. Least he wasn't snapping balls over Genos head 24/7.... didn't help we had Grubb's dumbass college offense out there.
Anyway, I see zero reason why you can't march Haynes out there. Olu is not a great ZBS player, but he's young, you can teach him - and if you get Jenkins (or Donovan Jackson in the draft to play LG, gonna take an early 2nd to get him) then you got him surrounded by two good ZBS guards. Cross is at this point an elite left tackle (yah I went there - that'll be a huge contract next year, it was good to clear the books when we did). He'll do whatever you need.
If Jenkins leaves... yah, you kind of have to target a guard early on. And Donovan Jackson is what I'd love if we can trade back to a late 1st or early 2nd (or trade up, hey we have draft ammo now). That would be a day 1 plug and play draft pick in this scheme at left guard. I don't like the idea of it, I'd rather have Jenkins, but its what it is at that point.
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