This is why the militias were first formed. The National Guard was unofficially the first militia to protect their new land and laws against all enemies. Until they were The Army National Guard which began on Dec. 13, 1636, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized three militia regiments to defend against the growing threat of the Pequot Indians. Today, the Army National Guard continues its historic mission of providing defense for the nation.I assumed in meant State not as in a State but a condition?????
And they are a department of the Army navy Air Force or Marines just not federally governed as much as they are state governed. But doesn't the US Govt have the right to activate them as needed?This is why the militias were first formed. The National Guard was unofficially the first militia to protect their new land and laws against all enemies. Until they were The Army National Guard which began on Dec. 13, 1636, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized three militia regiments to defend against the growing threat of the Pequot Indians. Today, the Army National Guard continues its historic mission of providing defense for the nation.
They are federally funded and resourced. For example all their weapons and such come from the Department of Army or Department of the Airforce. Basically title X then it's basically signed over to the Govener via a Title X officer.And they are a department of the Army navy Air Force or Marines just not federally governed as much as they are state governed. But doesn't the US Govt have the right to activate them as needed?
Well here is my take, Yes, hell Yes!
Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Seeing as the NRA is not a militia but an organization I feel most gun owners in America are not part of a well regulated militia, and I damn sure feel they are not necessary to the security of a free state. There is no way our forefathers could have envisioned the advancement in weaponry when this was written. They could not have envisioned how out of control this has become. Now I know some moron is about to say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" that may be true but that does not mean people should have easy access to the types of weapons that can easily kill masses in a short period of time.
So how do we manage and already out of control situation? We can't just walk up to peoples homes and say please sir we need all your automatic weapons. Won't work!
1. Start by regulating the sale of bullets and bullet making materials. Sure we know most likely people with these weapons probably have thousands of rounds on hand but we do not need to make easier for them to get more.
2. Very harsh penalties for use of weapons or sale of weapons that we not done legally. I would start with 5 years imprisonment and confiscation of all fire arms.
3. Control illegal trade / black market sellers and purchasers of weapons on the black market if caught will serve a term in prison no lesser than 25 years.
4. Hired security in our school systems will this cost the taxpayers more? Yep but it seems things are not getting better.
This is a problem that seems very unique to America that being said I feel it safe to assume it's very much because of the second amendment. I also fear we may be well past the point of no return in this matter.
Well, you are correct at where it ends but did you forget where it began?Well...
Ends right there.
How about we start to regulate mental health issues first.
Yup. I thought you were gonna talk common sense.Quitter never win
I did use common sense you just got a knot in your conservative diaper.Yup. I thought you were gonna talk common sense.
Which you went ahead and demonstrated a complete lack of.
And then try and grade school half assed insult to bait me back in. Nope.
Always with the insults.I did use common sense you just got a knot in your conservative diaper.
Limiting munitions would have a positive long term affect, limiting materials needed to craft your own munitions would do the same. You just don't like it so you acted like a little bitch about it.
I am not aware of other countries having consistent mass shootings. Yes there are wars and genocide etc but you don't here a lot about these type events in other parts of the world. And in today's social media world it would be pretty darn hard to keep it from airing.I'm late to the party!
America is not worse than most other countries in regards to mass murder.
Most countries do not air their dirty laundry out in public!
It needs to be fixed and although a lot of people have a "solution" I do not.
Regulate mental issues? Privacy act makes that more difficult.
Impossible? Taking away crazy folks right to bear arms would result in more political unrest. Liberals would want to (for example)
take away white supremacist guns - wouldn't that make them all more empathetic?
Until the day comes that empathy replaces self-interest, I do not see things changing for the better.
Really dude what insults. If you are truly this sensitive I am comfortable saying I am not the problem here.Always with the insults.
It never changes with you.
Try growing up.
What person or group would you give the power to take away a person's arms?I am not aware of other countries having consistent mass shootings. Yes there are wars and genocide etc but you don't here a lot about these type events in other parts of the world. And in today's social media world it would be pretty darn hard to keep it from airing.
None of us know what the solution would be most at least logical people would agree something has to happen.
They can take away a released prisoners right to bear arms I would think it could be done for those with disorders deemed dangerous or harmful.
The only time I mentioned taking away a persons guns was if or when they used the guns in a illegal manner. At that point it would be the police. Not sure who mentioned crazy was not me, but if schizophrenia is considered a mental disorder which I think it is it should disqualify them. I am not saying they are crazy just that the barn door might stay open to long and in walk the creatures. As for defining a woman not sure how that presents but to me there just needs to be a hard stand on that and people won't like it just like gun owners don't like imposed regulations. Your natural birth as defined by medical terminology at birth defines you as male or female, that should be the standard. Not how you identify but what God ( If she exists made you)..What person or group would you give the power to take away a person's arms?
When "medical experts" are asked about schizophrenia or bipolar disorder they claim that is not a sign that they are dangerous.
I have witnessed firsthand what crazy people can do but the experts disagree on what crazy is!
When a Supreme Court justice cannot define what a woman is, how can they or anybody else say what is crazy?
The only time I mentioned taking away a persons guns was if or when they used the guns in a illegal manner. At that point it would be the police. Not sure who mentioned crazy was not me, but if schizophrenia is considered a mental disorder which I think it is it should disqualify them. I am not saying they are crazy just that the barn door might stay open to long and in walk the creatures. As for defining a woman not sure how that presents but to me there just needs to be a hard stand on that and people won't like it just like gun owners don't like imposed regulations. Your natural birth as defined by medical terminology at birth defines you as male or female, that should be the standard. Not how you identify but what God ( If she exists made you)..
Yeah not sure that talks specifically about allowing anything other than the current standard. It states there may be area for concern not so much there is a need to change it. IMO this could be as easy as a new block checked on the form at birth. Biological Birth M or F as assigned by genitalia. This box would be checked by a medical professional. The a box for parents M F or undetermined.MSN
We could so much improve the situation if we had/enforced 100% recycling.
Try and find a beer can on the road on Tuesday morning. Crackheads and smokers pick them up as fast as drunks throw them out the window
Well here is my take, Yes, hell Yes!
Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Seeing as the NRA is not a militia but an organization I feel most gun owners in America are not part of a well regulated militia, and I damn sure feel they are not necessary to the security of a free state. There is no way our forefathers could have envisioned the advancement in weaponry when this was written. They could not have envisioned how out of control this has become. Now I know some moron is about to say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" that may be true but that does not mean people should have easy access to the types of weapons that can easily kill masses in a short period of time.
So how do we manage and already out of control situation? We can't just walk up to peoples homes and say please sir we need all your automatic weapons. Won't work!
1. Start by regulating the sale of bullets and bullet making materials. Sure we know most likely people with these weapons probably have thousands of rounds on hand but we do not need to make easier for them to get more.
2. Very harsh penalties for use of weapons or sale of weapons that we not done legally. I would start with 5 years imprisonment and confiscation of all fire arms.
3. Control illegal trade / black market sellers and purchasers of weapons on the black market if caught will serve a term in prison no lesser than 25 years.
4. Hired security in our school systems will this cost the taxpayers more? Yep but it seems things are not getting better.
This is a problem that seems very unique to America that being said I feel it safe to assume it's very much because of the second amendment. I also fear we may be well past the point of no return in this matter.
I blame electronics and social media.
Lack of family structure and faith as a value.
The reason he went to an elementary school is because it was a soft target, people who could not defend themselves.
There is plenty of regulation that is not utilized.
Start there.
Ends right there.
How about we start to regulate mental health issues first.
Wow to me that seems a stretch. Not sure what faith has to do with it when I consider all the deaths and rapes that have occurred in the name of god / religion.
1. Start by regulating the sale of bullets and bullet making materials. Sure we know most likely people with these weapons probably have thousands of rounds on hand but we do not need to make easier for them to get more.
Then you have a system where only the rich and elite are afforded the ability to enjoy a sport or defend themselves.
2. Very harsh penalties for use of weapons or sale of weapons that we not done legally. I would start with 5 years imprisonment and confiscation of all fire arms.
Sure. There are already harsh penalties that are not enforced. Liberal DA's and SA's that let criminals go.
3. Control illegal trade / black market sellers and purchasers of weapons on the black market if caught will serve a term in prison no lesser than 25 years.
Control it how? Again, Liberal Attorneys who let people go.
4. Hired security in our school systems will this cost the taxpayers more? Yep but it seems things are not getting better.
Good idea, or more sheriffs deputies.
This is a problem that seems very unique to America that being said I feel it safe to assume it's very much because of the second amendment. I also fear we may be well past the point of no return in this matter.
2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia
How are only the rich and elite be able to afford it? It's a ban period not based on income. I don't agree there are harsh enough penalties in place and this has nothing to with liberals or SA. Control by agency enforcement. The govt has to dig deeper into finding these groups more funding at all levels if need be. And when I say unique to America it should have been obvious to all this is a much larger scale issue in the US than anywhere else. Not to say it can't occur in other place but not with the regularity it occurs here.
Electronics and social media. So many kids these days are buried in their phones or playing call of duty on line. They are not socializing with other kids there own age. I talk to other parents and their kids isolate themselves from family members while posting on social media. Because so many parents joined facebook in the '90's they taught by example. Because there is the isolation from others, attitudes and emotions are held back from others face to face. Until it is too late. People are not getting mental help, or even committed as needed, because they do not have interaction with others.
Faith. Because many people need a crutch. Some need a god, some need a drink, some need a good work out.
Oh, ban bullets. OK.
I'm done here.
Quitter never win
So we have a parenting problem in America I agree. Parents can tell kids, NO Phone, No Gaming etc... My kid earned those privileges. He was awarded a specific time frame for completing assigned tasks, he could accumulate time and use if during the week or in one stint on the weekend. Example chores completed 30 minutes each chore, homework completed 30 minutes per assignment. Tasks handled that we not assigned may award an hour. He would save his minutes to game of Friday or Sat night. He also did Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Martial Arts, Drum lesson etc
So I am curious where is the half assed insult LOLYup. I thought you were gonna talk common sense.
Which you went ahead and demonstrated a complete lack of.
And then try and grade school half assed insult to bait me back in. Nope.
Why is it always the liberal causing issues? Was the shooter a liberal?Liberals would want to (for example)