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Odds Graham gets cut?


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I guess that depends on how you look at it. If you credit Bevell with Russell Wilson's development, then yes, he has been a success. The issue with that is it's just a guess, you can't know for sure. What I do know is that he frequently has bizarre personnel decisions - i.e. keeping Jimmy Graham in to block frequently when he is arguably one of the worst blocking TEs in the NFL - and his play calling has been suspect at times. In a run first offense, what is the purpose of coming out on first down in a 5 wide set with nobody in the backfield?

No play caller is perfect. If there was one, they would never lose. As far as Graham not being able to block, that falls on Schneider. You cant have a playmaker at TE that's only on the field when youre going to throw, that tips your hand before the play even begins. Which is why I didn't like the pickup when it happened. If the Hawks were not ready to completely change the offense to a pass first-lots of presnap motion type of offense, it's likely never going to work. The 5 wide set on 1st down? What kind of defense is it against? Is the defense coming out in jumbo, because like you said the Hawks are known for their run first philosophy? You can catch them with their pants down by spreading them out and utilizing the speed of your receivers and Wilson.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I also think it's a bit exaggerated how much Graham stays in to block on passing downs. It really rarely happens. Usually when he's asked to block, it's on running downs. And on passing downs, he's been asked to run a lot more routes than he was in NO, and he sucks at most of them, thats why he doesn't get the looks he got in NO.

Also, free agents take a while to get going. Just because you're great in one role on one team, doesn't mean you're going to be instantly great in another role, on another team. He was beginning to find his groove and was improving at running larger route tree when he got hurt..


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Not to change the subject, but isn't it great to turn on the radio and hear them talk football and Seahawks again?


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Humbled, appreciative Graham rejoins Seahawks

Jimmy's back on the field and expected to play Game 1.

I think all this talk of cutting him is absurd. The moment the offense started to play well, which was more about replacing a terrible rookie center with an average center, Graham started being more involved. Unfortunately he quickly got put on the IR.

Only way they would cut him would be a medical settlement which doesn't seem necessary right now.
Yeah, I mostly agree with the exception that given the cap benefits of unloading Graham's contract, I think that at least puts in the realm of possible. However, I think it would take something else on top of that like an attitude problem or a failure to rebound from the injury as you mention....certainly no evidence of any attitude issues at this point.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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My opinion on Bevell is that he is below average. I think that the talent on the offense is the reason for the success, not Bevell's play calling. I'm very frequently frustrated with his play calling and personnel decisions.
It's hard to make the case we've had great talent in the passing game the last 4 years. Rice was probably the best guy in '12 but hurt a lot. Tate probably the best in '13 but that was pretty much his only strong year as a receiver before leaving. In the '14 season SB our top 4 WRs were all undrafted free agent entries into the league. It seems pretty much every year except maybe this one around this time the talk is about how mediocre/pedestrian our WRs are.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Baldwin had to tear into bevell before he changed his play calling. Even the players know bevell is a joke, i will never understand the blind loyalty for him.

Harvin was a good player in minny, was having a dominant season before he hurt his ankle in our house. Its ridiculous to say no OC got anything out of him.

Harvin was an above average athlete with elite speed whose talent couldn't live up to his attitude, ego and injuries. His "dominate" half season saw him have big games against bad defenses and if the pass defense ranked in the top 20, he averaged less than 40 yards per game and 9 yards per catch. Yeah, he was dominate.

Since every remaining game on the Vikings' schedule that year was against top 20 passing defenses, I would project his 16 game total for the 2012 season (had he not gotten hurt) as:

94 catches
954 yards
10.1 ypc
5 td

40 rushes
192 yards
4.8 ypr
1 td

29 kick returns
1037 yards
35.8 ypkr
2 td

Percy was an elite KR but he was never that great of a receiver. As a side note - the Vikings offense averaged more yards and point in the games Harvin didn't play in than they averaged in the games he did play in.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I guess that depends on how you look at it. If you credit Bevell with Russell Wilson's development, then yes, he has been a success. The issue with that is it's just a guess, you can't know for sure. What I do know is that he frequently has bizarre personnel decisions - i.e. keeping Jimmy Graham in to block frequently when he is arguably one of the worst blocking TEs in the NFL - and his play calling has been suspect at times. In a run first offense, what is the purpose of coming out on first down in a 5 wide set with nobody in the backfield?
I also look at other guys on the O who have excelled without the high draft pick, mainly the WR's. Baldwin, Lockette, Kearse, Mike Williams, Chris Matthews, and throw Rawls in as well to name a few. Bevell doesn't get complete credit for those players, but he is involved and our O plugs along pretty well considering more resources are steered towards the D than the O.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Yeah, I mostly agree with the exception that given the cap benefits of unloading Graham's contract, I think that at least puts in the realm of possible. However, I think it would take something else on top of that like an attitude problem or a failure to rebound from the injury as you mention....certainly no evidence of any attitude issues at this point.

Maybe before June 1st there may have been a chance.