Way too mad about Rep!
You compared an out of work coach to someone on unemployment and he told you why the comparison wasnt a valid one. Like many of your thoughts, you're not really going anywhere.
apply that thinking to normal people like us and i can see why no one wants to come off welfare
You compared an out of work coach to someone on unemployment and he told you why the comparison wasnt a valid one. Like many of your thoughts, you're not really going anywhere.
hmmmmmmm close you should re-read the post
That is one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard. Just because you're out work doesn't mean you take whatever job someone throws at you.
he brings up a stupid comment like this and i cant help but jump over it and show him how stupid it is for anyone to pass up on a job while out of work
I don't know anything about Ken Hitchock's life, but since you've got a hard-on for him, we'll use him as the example here. Why does he want to uproot his family so he can take a job in New Jersey? What if he doesn't need the money? What if he thinks Lou is an overbearing son of a bitch and doesn't want to deal with the stress?