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'No one wants to play with Kobe'


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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This narrative has always been media and Kobe-hater created. The players cited in that Abbott hack job article are refuting Abbott's claims.


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Apr 18, 2013
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The people who've been pushing this notion are oddly quiet...


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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This narrative has always been media and Kobe-hater created. The players cited in that Abbott hack job article are refuting Abbott's claims.

At this point, I think most of the Kobe hate is generated from the fact that it's been 19 years, and that many fans are simply tired of hearing about him. I tend to agree. I give him credit for being a 36-year-old guy to perform at the level he currently is, it's time for someone else to have the spotlight. A lot of it is by fault of the media, but Kobe's presence takes away from what the young stars of the NBA are trying to accomplish.

Only a loser wouldn't want to play with Kobe.

If I was an NBA player, I wouldn't want to play with a 36-year-old franchise player on his last legs. It's just business, that's all. I don't consider myself a lose for it. If you disagree, that's your opinion, and opinions can make assholes at times.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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At this point, I think most of the Kobe hate is generated from the fact that it's been 19 years, and that many fans are simply tired of hearing about him. I tend to agree. I give him credit for being a 36-year-old guy to perform at the level he currently is, it's time for someone else to have the spotlight. A lot of it is by fault of the media, but Kobe's presence takes away from what the young stars of the NBA are trying to accomplish.

So, he's just supposed to retire even though he's still playing at a high level and is still better than 90% of the players in the league because some people are "tired of him"? Where was the Kareem hate when he played 20 years? Karl Malone played 19 and Tim Duncan is coming up on 20 himself. Where's the hate? It's pretty funny how people claim to be "tired of him", yet they can't stop from reading everything about him. Adrian Wojnarowski has said that all he has to do to get triple the clicks on any of his article's is to put Kobe in the title.

If I was an NBA player, I wouldn't want to play with a 36-year-old franchise player on his last legs. It's just business, that's all. I don't consider myself a loser for it. If you disagree, that's your opinion, and opinions can make assholes at times.

That would be pretty shortsighted. You'd be depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn from a guy with 5 rings and who is known for his tremendous work ethic and competitiveness. If you were a young NBA star with a lick of sense, it's a great situation. You get to learn from an all-time great for a season or 2 and then the Lakers become "your team."


You can be anything
May 11, 2013
DC of Mexico
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*guy LIKE that, not once does he use Kobes name until referencing that he would make players uncomfortable.

OK, so if these top players want to play with Kobe then why don't the Lakers of LA have a decent team?

Or is it that Kobe is sinking a good team with his shitty play and even worse teammate behavior?

Back on topic, if it isn't Kobe and the Lakers FO has said they are trying to compete for a title. Are they incompetent or lying?


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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*guy LIKE that, not once does he use Kobes name until referencing that he would make players uncomfortable.

OK, so if these top players want to play with Kobe then why don't the Lakers of LA have a decent team?

Or is it that Kobe is sinking a good team with his shitty play and even worse teammate behavior?

Back on topic, if it isn't Kobe and the Lakers FO has said they are trying to compete for a title. Are they incompetent or lying?

Or is it that this was the first year that the Lakers were finally under the cap?


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Apr 18, 2013
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You need new material Bot, most of that has been covered. I think a WNBA message board would benefit from your talents a lot more.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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*guy LIKE that, not once does he use Kobes name until referencing that he would make players uncomfortable.

OK, so if these top players want to play with Kobe then why don't the Lakers of LA have a decent team?

Or is it that Kobe is sinking a good team with his shitty play and even worse teammate behavior?

Back on topic, if it isn't Kobe and the Lakers FO has said they are trying to compete for a title. Are they incompetent or lying?

As Outlaw said, it's all been covered. Go back and read.

Btw, this is your one and only warning. You start your trolling bullshit again and I will permaban you.
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The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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That would be pretty shortsighted. You'd be depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn from a guy with 5 rings and who is known for his tremendous work ethic and competitiveness. If you were a young NBA star with a lick of sense, it's a great situation. You get to learn from an all-time great for a season or 2 and then the Lakers become "your team."

I really can't believe I'm wasting my 1,000th career post on SportsHoopla on this, but here goes:

If I'm an NBA role player, say Jordan Hill, Khris Middleton, or Draymond Green (In Green's case a borderline Top 50 current NBA Player, I would consider going to L.A. for the money, which Hill did with solid individual results but little to elevate the team's play.

If I'm a borderline All-Star such as Rudy Gay
who could have been a UFA at season's end, going to L.A. would make little sense because it's a decision between signing an extension with an organization with some young talent on its roster vs signing with a team that has 36-year-old Kobe Bryant and a bunch of uncertainty on the roster surrounding him. Sorry, but I'm taking my extension money with Sacramento.

If I'm a talented young point guard, say Brandon Knight or Eric Bledsoe, I would definitely make L.A. a top potential destination since they very much have an opening at such a hot NBA position (PG). The problem with that is that teams are using extensions and restricted free agency as leverage to lock up their point guards.

If I'm Carmelo Anthony, who was already made out as a coward for the way I left Denver, I'm not going to revisit that scenario again especially for the money New York is offering me. Plus, my kids are in school here and are quite comfortable with their surroundings. Still, if I'm a Laker fan I'm not so sure I wanted Carmelo anyway because all he's proven to be at this point is a stat-stuffer and first-round fixture.

All in all, I'm not quite sure what kind of "star" Laker fans think Kobe Bryant can attract.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I didn't know you could read people's minds, Cane. Fascinating stuff.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I really can't believe I'm wasting my 1,000th career post on SportsHoopla on this, but here goes:

If I'm an NBA role player, say Jordan Hill, Khris Middleton, or Draymond Green (In Green's case a borderline Top 50 current NBA Player, I would consider going to L.A. for the money, which Hill did with solid individual results but little to elevate the team's play.

If I'm a borderline All-Star such as Rudy Gay
who could have been a UFA at season's end, going to L.A. would make little sense because it's a decision between signing an extension with an organization with some young talent on its roster vs signing with a team that has 36-year-old Kobe Bryant and a bunch of uncertainty on the roster surrounding him. Sorry, but I'm taking my extension money with Sacramento.

If I'm a talented young point guard, say Brandon Knight or Eric Bledsoe, I would definitely make L.A. a top potential destination since they very much have an opening at such a hot NBA position (PG). The problem with that is that teams are using extensions and restricted free agency as leverage to lock up their point guards.

If I'm Carmelo Anthony, who was already made out as a coward for the way I left Denver, I'm not going to revisit that scenario again especially for the money New York is offering me. Plus, my kids are in school here and are quite comfortable with their surroundings. Still, if I'm a Laker fan I'm not so sure I wanted Carmelo anyway because all he's proven to be at this point is a stat-stuffer and first-round fixture.

All in all, I'm not quite sure what kind of "star" Laker fans think Kobe Bryant can attract.

Agree with much of what you say. As for 'Melo, I don't think many Lakers fans truly wanted him. He was more of a consolation prize. I think there was some hope that he would be able to sacrifice a little, team with Kobe and couple of other FA's and at least get to the finals or make a deep playoff run within the next couple seasons.

As for what kind of "star" Kobe might attract. It's not about who he'd attract. It's the Lakers organization and Los Angeles itself, that is the attraction. Kobe just provides a superstar player who will retire within a a season or 2, but is still playing at a high level. As I said in the post that you quoted, it's an opportunity for a young star player to learn from an all-time great player for a season or 2 before being handed the keys. If you can't see what would be attractive about that situation, then I really don't how to help you.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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As for what kind of "star" Kobe might attract. It's not about who he'd attract. It's the Lakers organization and Los Angeles itself, that is the attraction. Kobe just provides a superstar player who will retire within a a season or 2, but is still playing at a high level. As I said in the post that you quoted, it's an opportunity for a young star player to learn from an all-time great player for a season or 2 before being handed the keys. If you can't see what would be attractive about that situation, then I really don't how to help you.

One cash cow ain't going to get it done. You need other talented players in place to attract a legit, All-Star FA. Players today may be young but they're not that stupid. And now that Silver is pushing to no longer allow teenagers into the league anymore, the days of individual cash cows may start to become a thing of the past.

And to continue another one of your arguments: The reason fans didn't grow tired of Kareem during his final NBA season of 1988-89 is because Magic had taken the spotlight from him long before then. That, and the fact that Kareem wasn't a traveling soap opera like Kobe. You could argue that he didn't handle his departure from Milwaukee very well, but Kareem had the benefit of not having to put up with the stupidity of social media websites like Twitter (good for him), a site that tends make dumb human beings look dumber.
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Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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If KD really wanted to play with Kobe he could have not resigned with OKC and signed with the Lakers. Maybe KD really does want to play with Kobe and maybe KD is just talking out his ass.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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One cash cow ain't going to get it done. You need other talented players in place to attract a legit, All-Star FA. Players today may be young but they're not that stupid. And now that Silver is pushing to no longer allow teenagers into the league anymore, the days of individual cash cows may start to become a thing of the past.

And to continue another one of your arguments: The reason fans didn't grow tired of Kareem during his final NBA season of 1988-89 is because Magic had taken the spotlight from him long before then. That, and the fact that Kareem wasn't a traveling soap opera like Kobe. You could argue that he didn't handle his departure from Milwaukee very well, but Kareem had the benefit of not having to put up with the stupidity of social media websites like Twitter (good for him), a site that tends make dumb human beings look dumber.

Yes, because with all of that cap space, they're just going to look for 1 FA to pair with Kobe. Then with all of the cap space made available when Kobe retires, they're just going to sit on that money.

At this point, you're just looking to argue.

As for your 2nd paragraph, you don't really address anything re: my post. People claim they are "tired of Kobe", yet they can't seem to get enough of him. Like I said in that post, Adrian Wojnarowski has said all he needs to triple the clicks on any article he writes is Kobe's name in the title.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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If KD really wanted to play with Kobe he could have not resigned with OKC and signed with the Lakers. Maybe KD really does want to play with Kobe and maybe KD is just talking out his ass.

Sorry Flauge, I respect you as a poster, but this might be the stupidest thing I've seen you post. When was the last time KD was a free agent and the Lakers had cap space to sign him? Also, KD isn't the only one who's spoken out.