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............. Next Longhorn Head Coach


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sorry, but Gumby does not scare me in the least, but I do agree about Briles.

Mike Gundy has done a tremendous job at OSU. Yea, he's losing to OU but it's so close now between the two programs that it isn't funny. He should have played for a NC already but OSU got jobbed by the SEC favoritism of the BCS. He's young, good looking, well spoken, smart as hell and has a way with people. He would thrive in the UT environment.........exactly what OU doesn't need to see. UT might make the right hire but the odds are against it. It's hard to hire someone who can be successful after a legend leaves a job. But if Texas does get it right, we'll be standing around wondering what the hell WE do next.


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Sep 24, 2013
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I was ok with Mack leaving, if 2 things happened:

1) He left on his own terms,
2) We all but had the guy who would be replacing him.

Neither of those happened. Mack was treated like a clown through this whole process. Completely undeserved. Secondly, the Longhorns "search for a new coach" has become a laughing stock of college football. To force Mack out - after promising him you wouldn't - just to begin searching for a coach you don't even know exists...???:wtf2:

The future seems scary to me fellows, if this is the way the new regiment is going to run things.

I don't think you should be worried. I really think it shows that Powers thought he either had more control than he thought, OR he had no idea of how many and how strong the opinion of Longhorn Nation was to remove Mack. The movement to get him out started after last year.

This is what I was told from someone I trust and is very involved with the program. He's not huge like Jamail, but does know a few people. Everybody thought that Mack was smart enough to step down after this year own his own. "We all thought it was going to be a no brainer so most were not worrying about it." Then it's obvious that Mack wanted to stay, and the "good ole boys" club said ok since he's part of the club. That's not what's in the best interest of Texas though. Important people got wind of it and put a stop to it. Did Powers speak before he should have, yes. I have to put some blame on Mack for wanted to stay when his time is clearly over. At least some of the blame.

I don't know for sure if this is how it went down, but it sound reasonable.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
High Plains of My Mind
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Mike Gundy has done a tremendous job at OSU. Yea, he's losing to OU but it's so close now between the two programs that it isn't funny. He should have played for a NC already but OSU got jobbed by the SEC favoritism of the BCS. He's young, good looking, well spoken, smart as hell and has a way with people. He would thrive in the UT environment.........exactly what OU doesn't need to see. UT might make the right hire but the odds are against it. It's hard to hire someone who can be successful after a legend leaves a job. But if Texas does get it right, we'll be standing around wondering what the hell WE do next.

I'm no sunshine pumper, but methinks you are being a tad bit over dramatic....


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
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Horns, I just think your expectations are very different from mine. Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but I just think we should have done better.
What school clearly did better than Texas during the Mack Brown era (1998-2013)?

Take a look at similar prestige programs from 1998-2013:
It wasn't OU and their bowl game failures.
It wasn't USC with their crippling NCAA troubles and 4 head coaches.
It wasn't OSU with NCAA issues and bowl losses that almost permanently crippled Big 10 pride.
it wasn't flailing similar power brands like Michigan, Nebraska, Notre Dame, or Penn State.
It wasn't Florida State who spent 14 years being forgotten until now.
It wasn't Florida Ron Zook, Will Muschamp, and nonstop police blotter issues.
It wasn't Auburn who fired 2 coaches for ineptitude.
It wasn't Tennessee and rock bottom years.
It wasn't Georgia with probably better recruits and less results.

You could make an argument for LSU (I'll concede them).
Only Alabama stands out.

Those 16 schools are all comparable in various ways to the Texas brand name and tradition.
None of them outside of Alabama (and possibly LSU), outperformed Texas in the total picture.

I am just stunned by the ridiculous expectations.
Mack Brown had a spectacular career.

We could very well be looking at the end of a golden era and lean times ahead from our own arrogance and entitlement.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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Horns chill it will be fine and the sun will rise in the morning. Normally I would find amusement in Longhorn angst but getting worried some of you guys might actually hurt yourselves. Lock up the guns and sharp objects and let this all play out Texas will be ok.


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
Oklahoma City
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What school clearly did better than Texas during the Mack Brown era (1998-2013)?

Take a look at similar prestige programs from 1998-2013:
It wasn't OU and their bowl game failures.


Let me just stop you right there.

Oklahoma won more games in your time frame.
Oklahoma won 4X the Conference Championships that Texas did.
Oklahoma had 2X the NC game appearances that Texas had.
Oklahoma holds the winning record over Texas in your time frame.
10 Win Seasons = Oklahoma 12/Texas 9
11 Win Seasons = Oklahoma 9/Texas 6
12 Win Seasons = Oklahoma 6/Texas 3

By any stretch of the imagination, Oklahoma was clearly better than Texas in the Mack Brown Era.


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I'm no sunshine pumper, but methinks you are being a tad bit over dramatic....

I've lived through a couple of eras when Texas was the superior football program and OU was losing 60%-70% of the RRSO games. I've seen multi-year UT winning streaks in the RRSO and it sucks. We've lived through a golden era for OU football against UT over the past 13 years. There is nothing that says it has to continue. IF Texas gets lucky and makes the right hire, we'll have a very big problem on our hands. Texas has more advantages that Oklahoma does; the biggest advantage Oklahoma can ever have is superior coaching. Without that edge, the pendulum swings back in UT's favor......and stays there until OU does something major to bring things back into equilibrium or (even better!) to our advantage.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
High Plains of My Mind
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Gumby is not a better coach than Stoops. Not even close. And FTR, I've been watching OU since before Chuck, so believe me, I've seen the swings.....it happens.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
High Plains of My Mind
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Let me just stop you right there.

Oklahoma won more games in your time frame.
Oklahoma won 4X the Conference Championships that Texas did.
Oklahoma had 2X the NC game appearances that Texas had.
Oklahoma holds the winning record over Texas in your time frame.
10 Win Seasons = Oklahoma 12/Texas 9
11 Win Seasons = Oklahoma 9/Texas 6
12 Win Seasons = Oklahoma 6/Texas 3

By any stretch of the imagination, Oklahoma was clearly better than Texas in the Mack Brown Era.

isn't Texas delusion great or what, LMAO!~


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May 19, 2013
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Yep, we suck. In fact in the last 9 years we sucked so bad that we've beaten OU 5 of those 9 years.:whistle:


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Jul 5, 2013
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They need to come out and announce that Lane Kiffin's got the job already. Its not fair to keep leading on the other candidates when they already have their man.


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Sep 24, 2013
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Isnt much success????
you guys crack me up.

Mack Brown was WILDLY successful.
Heck we pushed him out the door for having the audacity to finish 7-2 in league play.
We might live to rue the day we are so arrogant and spoiled by Mack's success.
Mack is a VICTIM of his own phenomenal success.

Texas was the only school ranked in every BCS poll from 1998-2010.
Texas won 9 or more games for 12 straight years.
Texas won 10 or more games for 9 straight years.
Texas finished in the top 15 12 times.
Texas won 10 bowl games.
Texas produced a Heisman winner, DPOY, and every other major award.
Texas won a National title and played for another.
Texas won 3 BCS bowl games.
Texas never got on probation or any NCAA sanctions.
Texas went from a nothing faded relic to the #1 brand.
Texas expanded the stadium 3 times.
Texas got its own television network.

What the hell else do we expect??????
I am terrified that the next coach will not even come close.

1. So, you're happy with finishing 7-2 in conference play after getting our asses blown out by BYU and Ole Miss. I'm not and apparently most of Longhorn nation isn't either. Example: Mack Brown was basically fired for lack of performance on the football field.
2. All those other points mean nothing. That comment about USC and Florida st might be true but they have way more BCS appearances than Mack Brown. Again performance on the field.
3. Yes, we won 10 bowl games. In fact we own the Holiday and Alamo bowl. I think we've been to those more than a BCS bowl game. Again, my expectation is not to go to the Alamo or Holiday bowl.
"It's not good when our players know the names of the animals and the San Diego Zoo." - Joe Jamail
4. The rest is nice but doesn't win football games against teams you are suppose to beat.

Your expectations are low. This is why we are in the position we are in. We just disagree. You are very emotional about Mack Brown. My guess is that you know him or you have met him a few times. He is a great guy. I get that and I understand the loyalty to a point. He just doesn't win enough footballs games to compete for national championships and that's why he was fired. I'm sorry you disagree. Be prepared. It will take someone at least two years to even get this program going in the right direction. Next year Mack would have probably finished 8-4 again. I'm hoping a new coach can do a little better, but there's been a lot of damage.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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They need to come out and announce that Lane Kiffin's got the job already. Its not fair to keep leading on the other candidates when they already have their man.

He already coached for us once, under the name 'John Makovic'


Just some guy
Aug 6, 2011
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1. So, you're happy with finishing 7-2 in conference play after getting our asses blown out by BYU and Ole Miss. I'm not and apparently most of Longhorn nation isn't either. Example: Mack Brown was basically fired for lack of performance on the football field.
2. All those other points mean nothing. That comment about USC and Florida st might be true but they have way more BCS appearances than Mack Brown. Again performance on the field.
3. Yes, we won 10 bowl games. In fact we own the Holiday and Alamo bowl. I think we've been to those more than a BCS bowl game. Again, my expectation is not to go to the Alamo or Holiday bowl.
"It's not good when our players know the names of the animals and the San Diego Zoo." - Joe Jamail
4. The rest is nice but doesn't win football games against teams you are suppose to beat.

Your expectations are low. This is why we are in the position we are in. We just disagree. You are very emotional about Mack Brown. My guess is that you know him or you have met him a few times. He is a great guy. I get that and I understand the loyalty to a point. He just doesn't win enough footballs games to compete for national championships and that's why he was fired. I'm sorry you disagree. Be prepared. It will take someone at least two years to even get this program going in the right direction. Next year Mack would have probably finished 8-4 again. I'm hoping a new coach can do a little better, but there's been a lot of damage.



Apr 20, 2010
Lost in the ABYSS that is Islanders Hockey.
Hoopla Cash
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Delusional ideas. The selection committee will be given directions as to what attributes would be best for the next HC at Texas.
Ideally the next HC at Texas will have an exceptional ability on the offensive or the defensive side of football. If not, he will not last for long.

Jimbo Fisher?


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
Oklahoma City
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Yep, we suck. In fact in the last 9 years we sucked so bad that we've beaten OU 5 of those 9 years.:whistle:

Mack is 7-10 vs Oklahoma.
Good luck to him in whatever he does......... after you guys fucked him over.