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............. Next Longhorn Head Coach


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Jul 19, 2013
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Odds that the next Texas head coach has as much success as Mack Brown did?


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I think the odds are good, but my opinion is that 4 BCS bowl games in 16 years isn't much success. The one National Championship was nice, but we should have had way more good runs at it being able to get there.


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If I twas Texas I'd go after James Franklin. I want to see what this guy can do with a top program, although I suspect they'll think his resume isn't long enough.


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The coach I would like Texas to hire is Art Briles because the UT football program would be in chaos within a year after he did something hard nosed to some prominent alum, a pampered player who rebels at authority or a member of the media who doesn't like straight answers to stupid questions. Briles wouldn't even have to be in the wrong to create the inevitable controversy; he'd just have to do the wrong thing in the eyes of someone who buys into the UT exceptionalism BS or who holds a secret grudge about how Mack Brown was "run off".

The absolute worst hire from OU's standpoint would be Mike Gundy. He'd be more dangerous by far than someone like Nick Saban or some of the other big name coaches being mentioned as candidates for the job. I'm absolutely certain that Gundy is slick enough to win over the UT alums and then go on a recruiting rampage that would give him talent that Oklahoma, nor anyone else in the Big 12, could handle. He'd be in the National Championship playoff within 2 years and consistently stay there for as long as he was the UT head coach. He would make Bob Stoops look like an old man whose best days have come and gone.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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If I twas Texas I'd go after James Franklin. I want to see what this guy can do with a top program, although I suspect they'll think his resume isn't long enough.
I said the same thing but the Texas posters don't want him they weren't impressed when he was in the Big 12. The talent pool for top coaches is very shallow I probably wouldn't be so picky.


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Franklin isn't producing an exceptionable offense or defense. He's an AA version of Mack. We've had 16 years of Mack. We don't want a different version of Mack.
It's time for a coach who understands and is proficient at offense or defense.


mfw reading SportsHoopla
Dec 21, 2009
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It would have been cool to have Bill O'Brien, but I think he's going to the NFL (hopefully Texans).


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I would rather have Jerry Gray or Gary Anderson way more than Franklin and Gary before Gray. Franklin would be a big mistake.


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
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This is exactly how it will be when the Selection Committee talks about candidates. Just like this thread.

He'll be good.
No he won't.
This guy is better.
He sucks.
We want someone with abc.
No we don't, we need xyz.



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Jul 19, 2013
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This is exactly how it will be when the Selection Committee talks about candidates. Just like this thread.

He'll be good.
No he won't.
This guy is better.
He sucks.
We want someone with abc.
No we don't, we need xyz.


Nah, those nerds will select the perfect candidate.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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I think the odds are good, but my opinion is that 4 BCS bowl games in 16 years isn't much success. The one National Championship was nice, but we should have had way more good runs at it being able to get there.
Isnt much success????
you guys crack me up.

Mack Brown was WILDLY successful.
Heck we pushed him out the door for having the audacity to finish 7-2 in league play.
We might live to rue the day we are so arrogant and spoiled by Mack's success.
Mack is a VICTIM of his own phenomenal success.

Texas was the only school ranked in every BCS poll from 1998-2010.
Texas won 9 or more games for 12 straight years.
Texas won 10 or more games for 9 straight years.
Texas finished in the top 15 12 times.
Texas won 10 bowl games.
Texas produced a Heisman winner, DPOY, and every other major award.
Texas won a National title and played for another.
Texas won 3 BCS bowl games.
Texas never got on probation or any NCAA sanctions.
Texas went from a nothing faded relic to the #1 brand.
Texas expanded the stadium 3 times.
Texas got its own television network.

What the hell else do we expect??????
I am terrified that the next coach will not even come close.


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Delusional ideas. The selection committee will be given directions as to what attributes would be best for the next HC at Texas.
Ideally the next HC at Texas will have an exceptional ability on the offensive or the defensive side of football. If not, he will not last for long.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
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The coach I would like Texas to hire is Art Briles because the UT football program would be in chaos within a year after he did something hard nosed to some prominent alum, a pampered player who rebels at authority or a member of the media who doesn't like straight answers to stupid questions. Briles wouldn't even have to be in the wrong to create the inevitable controversy; he'd just have to do the wrong thing in the eyes of someone who buys into the UT exceptionalism BS or who holds a secret grudge about how Mack Brown was "run off".

The absolute worst hire from OU's standpoint would be Mike Gundy. He'd be more dangerous by far than someone like Nick Saban or some of the other big name coaches being mentioned as candidates for the job. I'm absolutely certain that Gundy is slick enough to win over the UT alums and then go on a recruiting rampage that would give him talent that Oklahoma, nor anyone else in the Big 12, could handle. He'd be in the National Championship playoff within 2 years and consistently stay there for as long as he was the UT head coach. He would make Bob Stoops look like an old man whose best days have come and gone.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.....:noidea:


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Jul 19, 2013
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Isnt much success????
you guys crack me up.

Mack Brown was WILDLY successful.
Heck we pushed him out the door for having the audacity to finish 7-2 in league play.
We might live to rue the day we are so arrogant and spoiled by Mack's success.
Mack is a VICTIM of his own phenomenal success.

Texas was the only school ranked in every BCS poll from 1998-2010.
Texas won 9 or more games for 12 straight years.
Texas won 10 or more games for 9 straight years.
Texas finished in the top 15 12 times.
Texas won 10 bowl games.
Texas produced a Heisman winner, DPOY, and every other major award.
Texas won a National title and played for another.
Texas won 3 BCS bowl games.
Texas never got on probation or any NCAA sanctions.
Texas went from a nothing faded relic to the #1 brand.
Texas expanded the stadium 3 times.
Texas got its own television network.

What the hell else do we expect??????
I am terrified that the next coach will not even come close.

Historically true.


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I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.....:noidea:

Definitely not being sarcastic. Mike Gundy at UT would be a nightmare for OU. Art Briles would just create turmoil for the UT football program and somewhere down the road there would be a hell of a lot of friction from how he acts and runs things.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
High Plains of My Mind
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Definitely not being sarcastic. Mike Gundy at UT would be a nightmare for OU. Art Briles would just create turmoil for the UT football program and somewhere down the road there would be a hell of a lot of friction from how he acts and runs things.

sorry, but Gumby does not scare me in the least, but I do agree about Briles.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Isnt much success????
you guys crack me up.

Mack Brown was WILDLY successful.
Heck we pushed him out the door for having the audacity to finish 7-2 in league play.
We might live to rue the day we are so arrogant and spoiled by Mack's success.
Mack is a VICTIM of his own phenomenal success.

Texas was the only school ranked in every BCS poll from 1998-2010.
Texas won 9 or more games for 12 straight years.
Texas won 10 or more games for 9 straight years.
Texas finished in the top 15 12 times.
Texas won 10 bowl games.
Texas produced a Heisman winner, DPOY, and every other major award.
Texas won a National title and played for another.
Texas won 3 BCS bowl games.
Texas never got on probation or any NCAA sanctions.
Texas went from a nothing faded relic to the #1 brand.
Texas expanded the stadium 3 times.
Texas got its own television network.

What the hell else do we expect??????
I am terrified that the next coach will not even come close.


I was ok with Mack leaving, if 2 things happened:

1) He left on his own terms,
2) We all but had the guy who would be replacing him.

Neither of those happened. Mack was treated like a clown through this whole process. Completely undeserved. Secondly, the Longhorns "search for a new coach" has become a laughing stock of college football. To force Mack out - after promising him you wouldn't - just to begin searching for a coach you don't even know exists...???:wtf2:

The future seems scary to me fellows, if this is the way the new regiment is going to run things.


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Sep 24, 2013
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Isnt much success????
you guys crack me up.

Mack Brown was WILDLY successful.
Heck we pushed him out the door for having the audacity to finish 7-2 in league play.
We might live to rue the day we are so arrogant and spoiled by Mack's success.
Mack is a VICTIM of his own phenomenal success.

Texas was the only school ranked in every BCS poll from 1998-2010.
Texas won 9 or more games for 12 straight years.
Texas won 10 or more games for 9 straight years.
Texas finished in the top 15 12 times.
Texas won 10 bowl games.
Texas produced a Heisman winner, DPOY, and every other major award.
Texas won a National title and played for another.
Texas won 3 BCS bowl games.
Texas never got on probation or any NCAA sanctions.
Texas went from a nothing faded relic to the #1 brand.
Texas expanded the stadium 3 times.
Texas got its own television network.

What the hell else do we expect??????
I am terrified that the next coach will not even come close.

Just about any coach could have done this at Texas. We are so strong as a university before we even get to the head coach part.

1. 9 and 10 wins are nice, but remember, you are losing 2 and 3 games those same years to teams that we should have beaten.
2. Only one Heisman winner. I will give you that 2002 was a hell of a recruiting year, but I'm surprised that Mr. Feb. only had one he could claim in 16 years or at least more players invited to New York for the banquet. One is not that bad though.
3. Fading relic? I highly doubt it.
4. 3 BCS Bowl wins.....that's a joke for Texas in 16 years.
5. Expanded Stadium.... Nice, but Texas is a very popular brand and not because of Mack.
6.Top 15, 12 times. I expect a whole lot better. Honestly, with our resources, do you really think that is all that great for a school like Texas?

Horns, I just think your expectations are very different from mine. Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but I just think we should have done better.