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Mozgov to the Cavs


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shit...im a fan....i dont get paid for this....

a guy that gets millions to do this made that comparison-

hes been fired more times than you have DJ- and he now coaches the Lakers....

yah...good luck with that


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cmon man....Whiteside Napier and Ennis? - im talking about elite level talent here- guys that are difference makers-not POSSIBLE rotation players

before LeBron and Bosh came to paly with Wade- what big time free agents came to Miami? Mourning? anyone else? Gugliotta?- i dunno- im not a expert on Heat history- but as i just said-we have seenteams like the Lakers and Mavs- who have just as much if not more going for them than the Heat totally strike out on free agency multiple times.

If there is anything people in the NBA have learnedover the past few years is that free agency and cap room guarantees you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.....

think about it- the Mavs went out of their way to save cap room and tore apart a championship team to try and sign Deron Williams- and if they did that they would be in deep shit right now and not have Rondo and Parsons

the Knicks cleared cap space for years and signed Amare and Chandler to a combined 37 million a year about worth of contracts and didnt do shit

the Lakers- the LA LAkers- couldnt get anyone to take their money

when James leaves Kyrie takes over- Kyrie is TWENTY TWO YEARS OLD and just led the National TV to a world title and wont he MVP and has looked AWESOME this season -and he is not even close to hisprime- hes here for at LEAST 5 years AFTER this year.....

there is at BEST a 40% chance you get a stud in free agency- and then there is no guarantee that stud even works out

and again dude- whiteside napier and ennis? Im talking about ELITE talent- i mean- those guys are not even tier 2 or 3 guys....

Nobody's roster is FILLED top to bottom with elite players.
In the NBA its not possible nor necessary.
I believe you said they had no youth.
BTW, Whiteside is very intriguing 7 footer who the Heat got for basically nothing.
The Cavs just traded 2 #1's for a player who offers what that Whitside can't do.

I'm not predicting any type of stardom for any of the 3 players I named, but you never know.
It's pretty hard to get a true read on rookies on a bad team in the NBA and especially on a PG.

As far as FA, did you forget about Shaq? Hardaway? Plus there are many others.

Better question, who did they ever go after that chose a different destination for equal salary?

As far as Kyrie, he's a good scorer and terrible defender.
He won nothing up until now, and he and Love combined are lost ( as far as winning) without James.

Also, what on earth would lead you to believe that he will choose to stay there beyond this contract?
He probably would have bolted this summer if James hadn't told him he was coming.


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Wiggy backtracking.


DJ, its easy to make things up and say you were back tracking. I gave you the EXACT QUOTE from your own coach! LOL.....

unreal man.....I made no effort to hide the fact that I think Waiters has a lot of talent- but its unfortunate he has proven he has a 2 cent head. Dion HONESTLY thinks hes better than Kyrie and Love...i have no doubt in my mind that he TRULY believes that.

that confidence and edge is something i like about Dion- but its also the biggest thing holding him back and its why he is no longer a Cav.


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Nobody's roster is FILLED top to bottom with elite players.
In the NBA its not possible nor necessary.
I believe you said they had no youth.
BTW, Whiteside is very intriguing 7 footer who the Heat got for basically nothing.
The Cavs just traded 2 #1's for a player who offers what that Whitside can't do.

I'm not predicting any type of stardom for any of the 3 players I named, but you never know.
It's pretty hard to get a true read on rookies on a bad team in the NBA and especially on a PG.

As far as FA, did you forget about Shaq? Hardaway? Plus there are many others.

Better question, who did they ever go after that chose a different destination for equal salary?

As far as Kyrie, he's a good scorer and terrible defender.
He won nothing up until now, and he and Love combined are lost ( as far as winning) without James.

Also, what on earth would lead you to believe that he will choose to stay there beyond this contract?
He probably would have bolted this summer if James hadn't told him he was coming.

forgive me if i have to educate you about your own teams history but you traded for Shaq because he was forced out of LA.

Obviously you have not watched Kyrie at all this year- he has improved his defense substantially- something that both naturally happens- how many 19 year olds can guard when they come into the league? and its soemthing he worked hard at and really came away from his MVP World Championships performance with a heightened work ethic.

and REALLY? You think I am going to start worrying about Kyrie resigning AFTER he just signed a 5 year extension? he is here for the next half decade! And you want to speculate about him leaving in what? 2020?!!!! Cmon man- that is some SERIOUS reaching.

and what i mean about your collection of players- whiteside, napier and ennis- is that- hey- maybe you get 2 decent rotation players out of those 3 if your lucky- and if your really lucky- maybe one becomes a guy who can be the 3rd best player on a solid team-

but you know and i know that not one of those guys is a game changer and is HIGHLY HIGHLY unlikely ever to become one

who takes the crown from the Wade? who is that guys 2nd banana? Who is the GM? Reilly is 70 in about 2 months- and isnt gonna stick around for the inevitable rebuild...

its not like you are going to get a high pick i nthe lotto when you finish with 35 wins this year.

If you want to put all your eggs in the free agent basket- then I suppose thats something you can roll the dice on- but as i repeated ad nauseum, we have seen on multiple occasions in the last couple years that teams with attractive situations have struck out- and teams that DID land their guys like got burned.


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Nobody's roster is FILLED top to bottom with elite players.
In the NBA its not possible nor necessary.
I believe you said they had no youth.
BTW, Whiteside is very intriguing 7 footer who the Heat got for basically nothing.
The Cavs just traded 2 #1's for a player who offers what that Whitside can't do.

I'm not predicting any type of stardom for any of the 3 players I named, but you never know.
It's pretty hard to get a true read on rookies on a bad team in the NBA and especially on a PG.

As far as FA, did you forget about Shaq? Hardaway? Plus there are many others.

Better question, who did they ever go after that chose a different destination for equal salary?

As far as Kyrie, he's a good scorer and terrible defender.
He won nothing up until now, and he and Love combined are lost ( as far as winning) without James.

Also, what on earth would lead you to believe that he will choose to stay there beyond this contract?
He probably would have bolted this summer if James hadn't told him he was coming.

and yes- LeBron did not tell his best friend and teammate- a guy he has gone to battle with in Dwade that he was leaving- but he told Kyrie....



DJ Fieri

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All the players Wiggy touted as the next big thing in Cleveland.



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Anthony Bennett.

That was another dud.

Anthony Bennet is atrocious...just about that whole draft class is

look at this top 10

Otto Porter
Cody Zeller
Alex Len

the next 11-15 is EASILY the best part of that draft
Steve Adams
Kelly Olynk

Giannis is probably the best player in that draft....MCW probably 2....after that...it gets BAD....i guess Oladipo....???


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All the players Wiggy touted as the next big thing in Cleveland.


DJ you were riding Xavier Henry's nuts like he was Secretariat.

who was the white guy power forward shooter that you loved too? I dont even know his name...kelly?

cmon now....

I will give you credit on Jordan Hill- he has turned out to be solid- but if you would have graded him at the point of his career Bennett is at currently you would have had to say he is a terrible bust.....


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Apparently Randle fell in the draft because he had major foot problems that required replacing metal in his foot....yikes....i was wondering why orlando would take Gordon over him....

its still really early, but you call Kyrie mr glass?......Randle had major foot problems than broke his leg....

Greg Oden 2.0?


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the guy i really liked was Zeller...and i wish the Cavs still had him...


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and yes- LeBron did not tell his best friend and teammate- a guy he has gone to battle with in Dwade that he was leaving- but he told Kyrie....



Lebron deleted" heat forward" from his description on twitter an has "la familia", Kyrie Irving has the same "la familia" in his description

— Chri$tian (@CrbMiz) July 9, 2014

oh yeah. I forgot to was a top secret and nobody knew...just a lucky guess/coincidence.
TT also had the same thing, another coincidence and top secret even though they share the same agent.:L:L:L


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Lebron deleted" heat forward" from his description on twitter an has "la familia", Kyrie Irving has the same "la familia" in his description

— Chri$tian (@CrbMiz) July 9, 2014

oh yeah. I forgot to was a top secret and nobody knew...just a lucky guess/coincidence.
TT also had the same thing, another coincidence and top secret even though they share the same agent.:L:L:L

OMG....@CrbMiz reported Irving changed his twitter profile to "la familia" on July 9th!!! WELL THAT HE HAD TO KNOW!!! LOL

Kyrie signed at 12:01 AM on July 1. Cmon man

what you are saying - and let me get this striaght- is that Pat Riley didnt know, Dan Gilbert didnt know, Dwayne Wade didnt know...

but Kyrie Irving and Tristan Thompson knew?
:suds: bottoms up!


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Apparently Randle fell in the draft because he had major foot problems that required replacing metal in his foot....yikes....i was wondering why orlando would take Gordon over him....

its still really early, but you call Kyrie mr glass?......Randle had major foot problems than broke his leg....

Greg Oden 2.0?

You're reaching as always. What about the other rookies who suffered serious injury? Are they all Greg Odens as well?


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You're reaching as always. What about the other rookies who suffered serious injury? Are they all Greg Odens as well?

the last thing i want is Randle to be hurt- I loved watching him play at Kentucky...hes a lefty too which i take personal pride in!

but it sucks he has had some major injuries to his lower half without yet playing an NBA game- and an NBA game will be physical likenothing he has ever experienced

its a tough transition for a young kid- especially if you are a guard- sometimes it takes 2-3 years for a guy to phyiscally mature and get in an NBA weight room in order to be able to take that beating.

Kyrie is a great example- all though he has never had a major injury- he got beat up since he was a 19 year old kid- (and he looked like a 19 year old kid- he didnt look like an Oden or Bron or Parker or guys like that who are already physically imposing at a young age)

with a couple years of maturation and some NBA weight room training hopefully Randle will be able to hold up to the NBA pounding