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Mozgov to the Cavs


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Blatt has started Dion, Marion, Miller at the 2

for a while he was playing Joe Harris big minutes


Blatt is a VERY good X's and O's guy- but his managmentof rotations and situations has been completely sub par thus far

With guys like Mozgov, and Shumpert though, he should be able to set a good 8-9 man rotation i hope and stick to it and give guys predictable minutes which is a big deal in the NBA game

Miller always started at the 2 when Wade was out and the Heat had a very good record in those games.


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The Heat can make trades if they really want to. It isn't that hard to make trades when almost everyone on your roster only has a year or 2 left on their contract.

With Cole leaving in the offseason it gives Miami a chance to get a real PG.

As I said before stop worrying about the Heat and hijacking every Cav thread or non-Heat thread and turning it into a Heat thread.

If you're so concerned about Miami, make a thread about them

your going to the "they can make trades" card?

cmon man.....RONDO just got traded and the Celts hardly got anything---- When was the last time a decently high #1pick changed hands that was not traded for a bigtime star (like Love)

it just does not happen.....

ESPECIALLY with how the cap is going to rise in coming years- cap room is not going to be worth nearly as much as it was---

when thecap goes from like 65 to 85 when the new CBA kicks in-that caproom loses a TON of its value

the shits chess-not checkers- and the Heathavea 70 year old exec that wont be around much longer,a nd no young talent to build around.


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Blatt has started Dion, Marion, Miller at the 2

for a while he was playing Joe Harris big minutes


Blatt is a VERY good X's and O's guy- but his managmentof rotations and situations has been completely sub par thus far

With guys like Mozgov, and Shumpert though, he should be able to set a good 8-9 man rotation i hope and stick to it and give guys predictable minutes which is a big deal in the NBA game

The roster is flawed.....He's not the GM last I check.

Just because a certain way of building a team worked for one team doesn't mean it will work for another franchise.

I blame Lebron for thinking every big 3 would work as smoothly as the Heat big 3 did....Also the Heat big 3 had no other choice but to work out because they knew they were stuck no matter what for 4 years. Love & Lebron both can opt out after this season.


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Miller always started at the 2 when Wade was out and the Heat had a very good record in those games.

I wanted Miller to start from the very beginning and Dion to bethe 6th manbut Dion was a baby and pouted about it all offseason-and then pouted even more when he got sent to the bench......

now with Shumpert though, its tough forme

who do you think should start when healthy? Shumpert orMiller? I am not sure.....its a goodquestion


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your going to the "they can make trades" card?

cmon man.....RONDO just got traded and the Celts hardly got anything---- When was the last time a decently high #1pick changed hands that was not traded for a bigtime star (like Love)

it just does not happen.....

ESPECIALLY with how the cap is going to rise in coming years- cap room is not going to be worth nearly as much as it was---

when thecap goes from like 65 to 85 when the new CBA kicks in-that caproom loses a TON of its value

the shits chess-not checkers- and the Heathavea 70 year old exec that wont be around much longer,a nd no young talent to build around.

Pat Riley isn't a great GM. I will actually be happy when he leaves actually. His best moves were trading for Shaq and signing Lebron (which he didn't have much to do as Lebron wanted to play with his best friend). D-Wade fell into his lap in the draft so the Heat will be fine when Riley leaves.

I'll ask you again why are you so concerned with Miami? We were a good franchise before Lebron. We were a good franchise before D-Wade. We will continue to be a good franchise after Wade retires as well. The Cavs on the other hand is god awful and the numbers back this up


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The roster is flawed.....He's not the GM last I check.

Just because a certain way of building a team worked for one team doesn't mean it will work for another franchise.

I blame Lebron for thinking every big 3 would work as smoothly as the Heat big 3 did....Also the Heat big 3 had no other choice but to work out because they knew they were stuck no matter what for 4 years. Love & Lebron both can opt out after this season.

LeBron is not going anywhere....I doubt Love does either- when it comes down to it does he leave a ton of money on the table, and LEAVE LeBron to go to something like the Knicksto play with Melo or the Lakersto play with like Kobe, and a good but not great free agent- and get hisbutt kicked in the West?

while I totally admit it is not 100% Love comes back- i think its at least 85%- all though to predict it right now is pretty much useless......

who at this time last year saw Bron bolting?

No one can even get a decent prediction until the season is over....Imean- if the Cavs make/win the finals its obviously a moot question


Apr 18, 2013
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The coach isn't the issue.

I blame Lebron and also the GM for Cleveland struggles

Maybe. Maybe not. However, it's fair to acknowledge that Memphis and Golden State had core pieces that had been together for awhile when they got new coaches. That continuity makes a difference. Cleveland added two major pieces along with their new coach.


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Pat Riley isn't a great GM. I will actually be happy when he leaves actually. His best moves were trading for Shaq and signing Lebron (which he didn't have much to do as Lebron wanted to play with his best friend). D-Wade fell into his lap in the draft so the Heat will be fine when Riley leaves.

I'll ask you again why are you so concerned with Miami? We were a good franchise before Lebron. We were a good franchise before D-Wade. We will continue to be a good franchise after Wade retires as well. The Cavs on the other hand is god awful and the numbers back this up

the Lakers history makes you guys look like the Kings but the Lakers are MILES away from contending- the only thing youguys have going for you is that you are in the East- and you can hope bosh ages gracefully-

history means NOTHING in todays NBA with howthe CBA is structured


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Maybe. Maybe not. However, it's fair to acknowledge that Memphis and Golden State had core pieces that had been together for awhile when they got new coaches. That continuity makes a difference. Cleveland added two major pieces along with their new coach.

not only adding LeBron and Loveand a coach from Europe- but practically the whole team is new...

the holdovers from last year? Varejao whois done, Kyrie, TT, Delle, and i think that is it unless im missing someone

thats pretty crazy when you think about it....

every time i watch a game and Love does not get 15 shots but Dion was taking 15 shots i would get so mad....I loved Dion's ceiling and his ability to get to the rim....but his opinionof himself was just ridiculous

i shit you not- maybe Dion did not thinkhe was better than LeBron (maybe) but heDEFINITELY thought he was at least the 2nd bestp layer on the team....and it hurt the Cavs


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LeBron is not going anywhere....I doubt Love does either- when it comes down to it does he leave a ton of money on the table, and LEAVE LeBron to go to something like the Knicksto play with Melo or the Lakersto play with like Kobe, and a good but not great free agent- and get hisbutt kicked in the West?

while I totally admit it is not 100% Love comes back- i think its at least 85%- all though to predict it right now is pretty much useless......

who at this time last year saw Bron bolting?

No one can even get a decent prediction until the season is over....Imean- if the Cavs make/win the finals its obviously a moot question

I agree Lebron doesn't go anywhere even if it means Blatt is fired in the summer. Love I think will seriously test the market especially if his role doesn't change and they don't make a deep run


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Love would haveto find the absolute perfect situation to leave.....especially once he gets a taste of the postseason.

he is not going to go to a team that is bad- he cant go to any teams that dont have the spacE (which is many of the good teams)---

so what does that leave?

any place that rivals getting a ton of extra money and playing with LeBron and guaranteed relevance and success? Plus- he had some hits to his rep in Minne- if he bitches out after 1 year and goes to a loser to get stats again he would be gone after big time by the media


Apr 18, 2013
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Love would haveto find the absolute perfect situation to leave.....especially once he gets a taste of the postseason.

he is not going to go to a team that is bad- he cant go to any teams that dont have the spacE (which is many of the good teams)---

so what does that leave?

any place that rivals getting a ton of extra money and playing with LeBron and guaranteed relevance and success? Plus- he had some hits to his rep in Minne- if he bitches out after 1 year and goes to a loser to get stats again he would be gone after big time by the media

The LA media will embrace him :nod:


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I wanted Miller to start from the very beginning and Dion to bethe 6th manbut Dion was a baby and pouted about it all offseason-and then pouted even more when he got sent to the bench......

now with Shumpert though, its tough forme

who do you think should start when healthy? Shumpert orMiller? I am not sure.....its a goodquestion

Cavs can't ever afford to start Miller.
The Heat had enough defenders to cover for him, the Cavs don't.


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The Clippers would sign him.

o yah...definitely the Clippers

I mean, dont worry that they have Jordan and Blake signed to big time deals and they have no cap space.....DEFINITELY THE CLIPPERS GnG--- you are a genius!


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The Sixers have a better long term future than the Heat

the Heat have nothing to build on- You guys are totally 100% devoid of young talent. That rebuild will be long and brutal- and Riley will not be there

you know that and I know that.

If the Sixers make good moves the next couple seasons they could have a great long term future.

As far as the Heat, we currently have 3 young players that might be keepers.
I think everyone if happy with Whiteside.
Ennis has all the tools. Shabazz has talent.

Next, other than Bosh, the Heat has 2010 type flexibility in 2016.
With the new projected salary caps, they could for sure sign a player, and probably 2 who would earn more than him.

Then, let's not forget that South Beach is most NBA players dream, plus they have extra coin to drop there because they are saving tons with no State taxes.

I'm not implying that we contend for championships every year. Nobody will.

We will be solid though almost every season, and as a fan that's all you can ask for.

When James exits the Cavs, what hope do they ever have?
They won't have any assets or anything to offer FA other than a smog filled view of Lake Erie.


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If the Sixers make good moves the next couple seasons they could have a great long term future.

As far as the Heat, we currently have 3 young players that might be keepers.
I think everyone if happy with Whiteside.
Ennis has all the tools. Shabazz has talent.

Next, other than Bosh, the Heat has 2010 type flexibility in 2016.
With the new projected salary caps, they could for sure sign a player, and probably 2 who would earn more than him.

Then, let's not forget that South Beach is most NBA players dream, plus they have extra coin to drop there because they are saving tons with no State taxes.

I'm not implying that we contend for championships every year. Nobody will.

We will be solid though almost every season, and as a fan that's all you can ask for.

When James exits the Cavs, what hope do they ever have?
They won't have any assets or anything to offer FA other than a smog filled view of Lake Erie.

cmon man....Whiteside Napier and Ennis? - im talking about elite level talent here- guys that are difference makers-not POSSIBLE rotation players

before LeBron and Bosh came to paly with Wade- what big time free agents came to Miami? Mourning? anyone else? Gugliotta?- i dunno- im not a expert on Heat history- but as i just said-we have seenteams like the Lakers and Mavs- who have just as much if not more going for them than the Heat totally strike out on free agency multiple times.

If there is anything people in the NBA have learnedover the past few years is that free agency and cap room guarantees you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.....

think about it- the Mavs went out of their way to save cap room and tore apart a championship team to try and sign Deron Williams- and if they did that they would be in deep shit right now and not have Rondo and Parsons

the Knicks cleared cap space for years and signed Amare and Chandler to a combined 37 million a year about worth of contracts and didnt do shit

the Lakers- the LA LAkers- couldnt get anyone to take their money

when James leaves Kyrie takes over- Kyrie is TWENTY TWO YEARS OLD and just led the National TV to a world title and wont he MVP and has looked AWESOME this season -and he is not even close to hisprime- hes here for at LEAST 5 years AFTER this year.....

there is at BEST a 40% chance you get a stud in free agency- and then there is no guarantee that stud even works out

and again dude- whiteside napier and ennis? Im talking about ELITE talent- i mean- those guys are not even tier 2 or 3 guys....

DJ Fieri

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not only adding LeBron and Loveand a coach from Europe- but practically the whole team is new...

the holdovers from last year? Varejao whois done, Kyrie, TT, Delle, and i think that is it unless im missing someone

thats pretty crazy when you think about it....

every time i watch a game and Love does not get 15 shots but Dion was taking 15 shots i would get so mad....I loved Dion's ceiling and his ability to get to the rim....but his opinionof himself was just ridiculous

i shit you not- maybe Dion did not thinkhe was better than LeBron (maybe) but heDEFINITELY thought he was at least the 2nd bestp layer on the team....and it hurt the Cavs

You compared him to Wade!!!!!!!



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good young talent is guys like Wiggins, Parker, Embiid, Randle, Smart, Saric, Oladip, Giannis, AD, Beal, Lillard, Leonard, Drummond, Kyrie, Jonas, Kemba, Klay Thompson, WAll, Cousins, Monroe, George, Hayward,

even 2nd tier guys like Ross, Waiters, Sullinger, Zeller, MCW, Adams, Olynk, Gordon, Stauskas, Mrotic, Favors, Knight, Vucevic, Faried, R Jackson, Sanders, Bledsoe, Bradley

cmon man, whiteside, ennis, napier? if those guys become solid rotation players the Heat front office would be THRILLED....maybe Ennis has the potential to be a difference maker ifhe gets real lucky


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You compared him to Wade!!!!!!!



dumbass that puts words in my mouth

I said the LAKERS COACH BYRON SCOTT COMPARED HIM TO DWAYNE WADE.....but facts do not mean much to you