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Mozgov to the Cavs


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Wiggy, I don't think cavs have the advantage because those teams have chemistry over them. Chemistry is one of the most important things in bball


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TurnUp, is Deng really out for bid? Has to be a joke rumor.

What we all saw is the first I've heard about it.

We stink with or without Deng, so I wouldn't be the least bit shocked at any move that Riley makes if it will better his positioning for the summer of '16.

Wade/Bosh are just going to have to 'suck' it up for 2 years.


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the Heat's season ended on July 11th- cmon everyone knows that

Without a doubt.
But chances are, even with James, the season would have ended like last year and the this season would have occurred next season.

At least now, Riley knows where he stands and isn't James' hostage.


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Wiggy is so worried about the heat. The heat season is only disappointed if they don't make the playoffs. Nobody expected them to do much. The cavs on the other hand season is a failure if they don't make the finals and it is an epic failure if they don't make the eastern conference finals


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Apr 17, 2013
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Wiggy is so worried about the heat. The heat season is only disappointed if they don't make the playoffs. Nobody expected them to do much. The cavs on the other hand season is a failure if they don't make the finals and it is an epic failure if they don't make the eastern conference finals

I hear the same shit from some of family members still living in Ohio.

The mindset of fans of piss poor franchises.

Really, the Heat has had a past decade of success that any fan base of any sport would kill to have.

Anyone really think Heat fans give a crap if 'your' team is better than us right now?

We KNOW the Heat will be back soon enough.

The Cavs may NEVER win shit with James, and once he leaves, the highlight of your season will be watching the draft lottery show once again.

Beengay fudgepackers

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Larry Hughes was a free agent signing- and Antwan Jamison was traded for and the Cavs gave up Z (who resignedlike 6 weeks later) and a pick that was like 27th overall.

Please bro....if you are going to disparage the CAvs there are plenty of TRUE things you can say right now.

(RIGHT NOW being the operative word- there is a reason the Cavs beat the Bulls at home, have taken 2 outta 3 from Toronto- when they do turn it on- they can easily beat anyone)

It's only the regular season, though. I'm not saying the cavs aren't contenders out of the east, I think they are the second most likely to represent the east in the finals this year. Sorry if I don't know all of the cavs moves in the past, I just remember constantly thinking that each trade and signing (they did pay too much for Hughes) they made before 2010 reeked of desperation. The moves they made this year reek of it as well. We will see how it pays off, but mozgov is not worth two future first rounders. Heck, you could probably draft a player equivalent to mozgov with one of those future picks. The Cavs front office just needs to be patient, but it doesn't feel like it can wait.

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It's only the regular season, though. I'm not saying the cavs aren't contenders out of the east, I think they are the second most likely to represent the east in the finals this year. Sorry if I don't know all of the cavs moves in the past, I just remember constantly thinking that each trade and signing (they did pay too much for Hughes) they made before 2010 reeked of desperation. The moves they made this year reek of it as well. We will see how it pays off, but mozgov is not worth two future first rounders. Heck, you could probably draft a player equivalent to mozgov with one of those future picks. The Cavs front office just needs to be patient, but it doesn't feel like it can wait.

I actually like the moves the Cavs made.

But, you are correct.

They are DESPERATE with good reason.

Forget about the oft-fickleness of Lebron and the constant threat of him fleeing.

If things continue the way they have been, Kevin Love will be in the wind.

Can you imagine how bad it will be when Wiggins reaches his full potential and the Cavs gave him away for a Season long rental that didn't get them a Championship? :omg:

They would never recover.

They have no choice but to go all in.

Beengay fudgepackers

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I actually like the moves the Cavs made.

But, you are correct.

They are DESPERATE with good reason.

Forget about the oft-fickleness of Lebron and the constant threat of him fleeing.

If things continue the way they have been, Kevin Love will be in the wind.

Can you imagine how bad it will be when Wiggins reaches his full potential and the Cavs gave him away for a Season long rental that didn't get them a Championship? :omg:

They would never recover.

They have no choice but to go all in.

Good point. I think that love trade was pretty dumb myself as well. I think Lebron next to wiggins wouldve been hard to stop for years and even harder to score on. Having two guys on the perimeter like that really makes having a rim protector not as big of a deal. Having Love is nice, he plays good offense, but he has Carlos boozer-like defense in the sense that he will never ever be good at it. Getting love makes the cavs need to get a Center who can defend. Even then, Love's defense will continue to be a gaping weak spot that will continue to be taken advantage of by other teams.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Wiggy, I don't think cavs have the advantage because those teams have chemistry over them. Chemistry is one of the most important things in bball

I totally agree-

thats why its a boon that the basketball season is so long and its only January.

how many times in the NBA playoffs does chemistry actually outplay talent though? Not very often.....as long as there is not a humongous disparity.

As for the Love trade- i am not sure if we were gone from FN by that time but i was originally against it.

This was not the reason- but in retrospect- a GMthat gets paid millions maybe should have thought of it- ill try and write later why i was originally against it but softened my stance

If they dont trade for Love- Minne is still trying to move him- and maybe the price lessens- and for the Cavs they couldhave taken time to see if Wiggins wastruly amazing-

plus- the downside was just not there- say we have Wiggins and then want Love next year- what Minne wouldnt do a sign and trade?

heck- maybe weget Love without him with the 2 firsts for Mozgov and the 2 firsts for Love- and Waiters and BEnnett- whoknows

the Cavs have played all the cards they have now (besides the Haywood K which doesnt help till the offseason)-

A gm gets paid millions and has to look at all those things.

Lets see how Love does with a real center though- Pek is not exactly the player he was once Love left- Mozgov should be the beneficiary of all the floor spacing as well....and Love can go back to the 4.....

and to quote my simple minded heat friends- the guy just posted if the Cavs dont make it to the ECF the season is an unmitigated disaster


but it wouldnt matter if the Cavs won 50 games or 70-

they will be ultimately judged on how they perform in the playoffs

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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I totally agree-

thats why its a boon that the basketball season is so long and its only January.

how many times in the NBA playoffs does chemistry actually outplay talent though? Not very often.....as long as there is not a humongous disparity.

As for the Love trade- i am not sure if we were gone from FN by that time but i was originally against it.

This was not the reason- but in retrospect- a GMthat gets paid millions maybe should have thought of it- ill try and write later why i was originally against it but softened my stance

If they dont trade for Love- Minne is still trying to move him- and maybe the price lessens- and for the Cavs they couldhave taken time to see if Wiggins wastruly amazing-

plus- the downside was just not there- say we have Wiggins and then want Love next year- what Minne wouldnt do a sign and trade?

heck- maybe weget Love without him with the 2 firsts for Mozgov and the 2 firsts for Love- and Waiters and BEnnett- whoknows

the Cavs have played all the cards they have now (besides the Haywood K which doesnt help till the offseason)-

A gm gets paid millions and has to look at all those things.

Lets see how Love does with a real center though- Pek is not exactly the player he was once Love left- Mozgov should be the beneficiary of all the floor spacing as well....and Love can go back to the 4.....

and to quote my simple minded heat friends- the guy just posted if the Cavs dont make it to the ECF the season is an unmitigated disaster


but it wouldnt matter if the Cavs won 50 games or 70-

they will be ultimately judged on how they perform in the playoffs

Yes, you were.

You wanted Love. But, not at the cost of Wiggins.

I agree with most of your post.

Love needs to play next to a goon.

Kevin is a great rebounder. But, he's not a banger.

Not sure Mozgov falls into that category. But, he's a step up from having an undersized Tristan manning the position.

* Asik would have been great *

When Lebron gets healthy, Mozgov should get some easy looks.

But, the Cavs have to stop treating Love as an afterthought if they are gonna make any real noise this year.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wiggy is so worried about the heat. The heat season is only disappointed if they don't make the playoffs. Nobody expected them to do much. The cavs on the other hand season is a failure if they don't make the finals and it is an epic failure if they don't make the eastern conference finals

I don't know about that. As of today both teams are performing well below expectations, IMO.

6 games under .500 for the Heat? At the beginning of the season the general consensus on this board, at least, was that the Heat would be much, much better than what they've shown.

I was one of the few saying that the Heat's dropoff after LeBron was going to be a lot more than people were predicting.


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Yes, you were.

You wanted Love. But, not at the cost of Wiggins.

I agree with most of your post.

Love needs to play next to a goon.

Kevin is a great rebounder. But, he's not a banger.

Not sure Mozgov falls into that category. But, he's a step up from having an undersized Tristan manning the position.

* Asik would have been great *

When Lebron gets healthy, Mozgov should get some easy looks.

But, the Cavs have to stop treating Love as an afterthought if they are gonna make any real noise this year.

oh no doubt- if they couldve gotten love without wiggins thats a big time home run but that was just not realistic over the summer.

Varejao going down is a major bummer- because with Mozgov I wouldve felt extremely confident going forward with that frontcourt rotation of Love, Andy, TT and Mozgov....but gotta move on...

This will let TT go back to the bench which is a nice advantage to have since he has to be one of the best bench bigs in the league. And as we said- hopefully it will allow Love to get back in a rythym.

As I said before too- once LeBron went down i really thought Love would get some big time shot numbers and get going- but Dion just swooped in and started jacking up shots- THAT is why he had to go.....As much as i like Dion- at the expense of Love? NO WAY NO HOW....and its a shame Dion couldnt figure it out- but to get a solid perimeter defender with good length, a very good outside shooter, and a post presence that allows people to go back to their most comfortable positions- for just Dion and a 1st- is pretty great

its like in a major league bullpen- if your clsoer gets hurt- everyone moves up a position and all of a sudden everyone is doing a job they are not best to handle- getting Mozgov allows everyone to return to the roles they are best equipped for.

How many Gm's use both a trade exception and injury exception? That was a pretty good job of leveraging your assets to the best of their value by Griffin.

I just cant wait till everyone gets back- hopefully by the end of last week of January everyone is back and healthy, and they have that last week of January to get things started to come together- and then all of Feb, March, April- to get their chemistry together-

and you gotta think they will pick up a guy or two around the waiver deadline whether its a big or ray allen or something like that.

despite all the doom and gloom coming from the bitter haters out there- its really an exciting and fun time to be a Cavs fan-

that is for sure!


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I don't know about that. As of today both teams are performing well below expectations, IMO.

6 games under .500 for the Heat? At the beginning of the season the general consensus on this board, at least, was that the Heat would be much, much better than what they've shown.

I was one of the few saying that the Heat's dropoff after LeBron was going to be a lot more than people were predicting.

The Heat might be the worst rebounding team in the NBA- their outside shooting is pretty awful- they are injury prone, and they might be the slowest team in the league.

This league is LOADED with point guards and so many good ones come out of the draft every year but the Heat refuse to find a good one- and it hurts them a lot


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I hear the same shit from some of family members still living in Ohio.

We KNOW the Heat will be back soon enough.


how do you know this? you just gave Bosh 120 million and he is going to start to decline - the last 2-3 years of that deal could be absolutely devastating to your cap

do the Heat have any good young players that could even be fringe all stars? anyone that is even above average that is under 25?

any cache of draft picks?

unless Pat Riley is a vampire, how much longer do you really think he has? Do you think he wants to preside over a 3-4 year rebuild that will invetiably come once Wade retires?


Jul 14, 2014
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Without a doubt.
But chances are, even with James, the season would have ended like last year and the this season would have occurred next season.

At least now, Riley knows where he stands and isn't James' hostage.

Still pissed off that LeBron had the nerve to leave your Heat & go back home to NE Ohio huh? What happened to you saying that your Heat will..."be just fine" w/ Deng replacing the fella that was the main reason your Heat won back-to-back titles?


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I don't know about that. As of today both teams are performing well below expectations, IMO.

6 games under .500 for the Heat? At the beginning of the season the general consensus on this board, at least, was that the Heat would be much, much better than what they've shown.

I was one of the few saying that the Heat's dropoff after LeBron was going to be a lot more than people were predicting.

Point is cavs fans are way too worried about the heat. Yes the heat have been a disappointment and if you check out our game threads you would see us venting about it nightly. Nobody except heat fans would care much if Miami miss the playoffs or is eliminated in round 1. Cleveland fans should be concerned about the 4 teams ahead of Cleveland. I don't get the obsession with Miami from Cavs fans. Miami will be fine. Miami can be fixed fairly easily during the summer. The cavs are going to be the 6th seed after tonight's games. There is and was no pressure on Miami all season long. Heads are going to roll if Cleveland can't make it out of round 2.


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Apr 17, 2013
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BKS in all fairness I have seen many Heat fans paying high attention to the Cavs, and for good reason.

The Heat Haters thread has by default turned into the Cavs Hater thread, albeit people do it subject by subject.


Nov 11, 2013
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Point is cavs fans are way too worried about the heat. Yes the heat have been a disappointment and if you check out our game threads you would see us venting about it nightly. Nobody except heat fans would care much if Miami miss the playoffs or is eliminated in round 1. Cleveland fans should be concerned about the 4 teams ahead of Cleveland. I don't get the obsession with Miami from Cavs fans. Miami will be fine. Miami can be fixed fairly easily during the summer. The cavs are going to be the 6th seed after tonight's games. There is and was no pressure on Miami all season long. Heads are going to roll if Cleveland can't make it out of round 2.

Yeah, I agree with most of that.

I don't think, generally speaking, cavs fans are worried about the Heat though.

FWIW I see WAAAY more Heat fans pointing out the Cavs troubles than I do the other way around. I mean, that's to be expected... the Cavs are much more of a national sports topic this season... so people are going to be talking about the Cavs more often... and I don't blame Heat fans for enjoying their trouble a little bit when the topic comes up.... but it can't be that satisfying when the Heat are struggling badly themselves.