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Mozgov to the Cavs


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Jul 17, 2014
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Imo he is an upgrade over waiters and he wasn't even the main guy in the trade...

if he doesnt pout when things dont go his way- and shares the ball he will be better than Dion...lets see where his shooting % goes as well...ifhe can get it up to 44, 45% that would be big as well.....If he can hit 36-37% of his 3's that would be big as well....

we shall see.....to me Dion was always about potential....and unfortunately he had not tapped into it yet.....while i dont think Smiths potential is as big as Waiters- Smith functionally does not have to play that well to gvie the Cavs what Waiters had been giving them thus far this year.....

The Cavs needed some real NBA players to fill out there rotation- and they got 3 of them for Waiters....not all stars or guys that would even be fringe all stars--- but 3 guys that can play that plugged up some major holes....

we shall see....if you really think you can predict wherethe Cavs will be in May right now then you should be working at Goldman Sachs making millions- because no one knows

all i know is that If LeBron is healthy they wont be losing to anyone in the East thats not named Chicago- I can guarantee you that.....


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Dion was only offense....no d no rebounding...nothing...undersized and if his shot wasnt falling he was a useless chucker

This best pickup was that center tho...especially for the playoffs


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Dion was only offense....no d no rebounding...nothing...undersized and if his shot wasnt falling he was a useless chucker

This best pickup was that center tho...especially for the playoffs

You do realize this is exactly what JR Smith is right?


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You do realize this is exactly what JR Smith is right?

Smith does have some playoff experince and a lot more of a proven track record...plus he has some more length than Dion- and gets along with his teammates better.....

but even with all that there is no doubt a chance he is a shithead and it backfires

but there is also the chance you could get a pretty darn good player with playoff experience who could be a big time bench contributor....

only time will tell...he got off to a nice start last night


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Dion was only offense....no d no rebounding...nothing...undersized and if his shot wasnt falling he was a useless chucker

This best pickup was that center tho...especially for the playoffs

I am really interestd in seeing how Mozgov effects Love- and if it frees up Love to be himself a little more...in retrospect asking loveto play and guard 5's was probably not a good idea if you wanted to get the most out of him- but the Cavs just didnt have much choice.....

again...until Shumpert and LeBron come back and they have a few weeks to gel, its anyones guess as to where this team can get but they have the pieces they need if everyone can get healthy


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You do realize this is exactly what JR Smith is right?

That was why it was a great move...we lost nothing and picked up other players...and imo waiters is not even as good as smith. The point of the trade was for shump which is a massive upgrade over delavadova as a starting sg

However the best move was getting a 7-1 center...hands down


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I do not think its a coincidence that JR was happy and productivethe year the knicks were winning......

throw him on a crappy team in a bad situationad you are asking for headaches....with strong vets on this team and a real chance to win something hopefully he plays like he did 2 years ago when he won 6th man of the year award....

who knows....of course there isachance he implodesand i totally understand that

but it seems that there are a lot of factors in his corner and he looked like a contributor last night


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Smith does have some playoff experince and a lot more of a proven track record...plus he has some more length than Dion- and gets along with his teammates better.....

but even with all that there is no doubt a chance he is a shithead and it backfires

but there is also the chance you could get a pretty darn good player with playoff experience who could be a big time bench contributor....

only time will tell...he got off to a nice start last night

I really think the only reason they got Smith is because the Knicks wanted to get rid of both players.

They really had no need for Smith. Offense isn't really the Cavs issue when Lebron is available.

If they could've gotten Shump without getting Smith/giving up Waiters, I believe they would have done it


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I do not think its a coincidence that JR was happy and productivethe year the knicks were winning......

throw him on a crappy team in a bad situationad you are asking for headaches....with strong vets on this team and a real chance to win something hopefully he plays like he did 2 years ago when he won 6th man of the year award....

who knows....of course there isachance he implodesand i totally understand that

but it seems that there are a lot of factors in his corner and he looked like a contributor last night

JR smith been a shitty player since the 2013 playoffs against Boston....He was never the same player in NY since that point


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Jul 17, 2014
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I really think the only reason they got Smith is because the Knicks wanted to get rid of both players.

They really had no need for Smith. Offense isn't really the Cavs issue when Lebron is available.

If they could've gotten Shump without getting Smith/giving up Waiters, I believe they would have done it

oh i totally agree - if the Knicks just wantedto dump shump i think we dont take smith- but to get the 1st rounder we had to take smith- and the first rounder helped get mozgov- you cant really look at it in a vacuum because of the other parts

but there is no denying that while I like Waiters talent and potential - Smith has ACTUALLY done stuff in the NBA and won a 6th man of the year award-

and Waiters play was not that great--- the best thing he did in my opinion was get to the foul line- but other than that its not like he was playing great D or shooting well.....functionally Smith does not have to do a whole lot to totally replace or even usurp Waiters contributions....

add in Shumpert and his defense- which should allow LeBron to take a break here or there- and then Mozgov and how he should help the defense and help Love on both ends- and the deals make sense

none of those 3 guys are going to make an all star team or win a playoff series for you- but any 3 of them could be the reason why you win a playoff a game or why James/Love/LeBron get the matchup they want that they can exploit and win the game for you

and thats what its all about


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Apr 17, 2013
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That was why it was a great move...we lost nothing and picked up other players...and imo waiters is not even as good as smith. The point of the trade was for shump which is a massive upgrade over delavadova as a starting sg

However the best move was getting a 7-1 center...hands down

You actually lost Waiters, 2 #'1s (and I know one of them was just acquired), as well as having another 5M on the books for next season.

Let's determine "massive upgrades" after we see massive wins. Ok?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Soooooo, about that Ballmer video you left for me the other day....

Watch your back :mad2:

He looks like one of those inflatable things that they put outside of gas stations. :bolt:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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:lol: I will say that it must be pretty cool to be so rich that you don't have to give a crap what people think of you. I don't know what he'll do re: the Clippers finally getting a championship, but he has got to be the most fun owner in all of professional sports.


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Dec 12, 2014
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Upgrade over Waiters? :pound:

What did he do in his first game? 0 for 5.

God posters on this site are dumb

What did waiters do his 1st game in okc 1-9...and jr scored 27 against golden state meanwhile waiters hasn't scored 27 points all season

Feel dumb now?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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God posters on this site are dumb

What did waiters do his 1st game in okc 1-9...and jr scored 27 against golden state meanwhile waiters hasn't scored 27 points all season

Feel dumb now?

While I agree that there was a bit of an overstatement by that particular poster, you have not been here long enough and do not have the credibility here to be making general statements and calling poster on this site dumb.

If you want to call the individual post dumb, that's fine. Beyond that, I'd tread carefully.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Upgrade over Waiters? :pound:

What did he do in his first game? 0 for 5.

I actually think that JR fits the role of " spot up shooter " much better than Waiters.

But, Waiters will be the better player.

Both guys carry a high risk...imo

JR is just an idiot. Both on and off the court.

Waiters problem is....he's not nearly as good as he thinks he is and he will try to prove you wrong at the expense of winning.

The guy just can't stay in his lane.