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More hate for NE

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Bigfoot is real
Jul 1, 2014
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In typical Belichick fashion, BB listed Brady, Gronk, Bennett, Edelman and Hogan as questionable against the 30th ranked pass D in the NFL.

No need to bring Gronk back against a winless team.

I think if the Patriots start to blow them out Belichick should pull Brady. No need to have Brady pounded by people desperate for their jobs.

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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Questionable suggests that there is a question of whether they are playing. If they are simply screwing with the system, which he has been accused of in the past, then he and/or the team should be fined.

He probably won't be and I don't really care whether he is fined or not but that doesn't change that he should be.

It was my understanding that faggots like you would be sequestered in the soccer forum :noidea:

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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I really hope this is just an online persona and you're not this miserable a human being in real life.

noun: irony
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
"that note of irony in her voice"
antonyms: sincerity
  • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
    plural noun: ironies
    "the irony is that I thought he could help me"
    synonyms: paradox, incongruity, incongruousness
    "the irony of the situation"
    antonyms: logic
  • a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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No need to bring Gronk back against a winless team.

I think if the Patriots start to blow them out Belichick should pull Brady. No need to have Brady pounded by people desperate for their jobs.

I know that crack is cheap in your hood nowadays, but the Jets have 3 wins. Might wanna put the pipe down and check the standings every now and then, eh?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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The system may be stupid. But it is the rules. If the rules are meant to be followed they should eliminate them. But until then teams are expected to follow them.
The thing is he is following the rules. We don't get to pick and choose if we think he's lucky, if he's manipulating or skirting the system... if more coaches were like him this rule would be eliminated. I mean come on NFL let's figure out what a catch is first. No wonder the rule book reads like an encyclopedia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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The thing is he is following the rules. We don't get to pick and choose if we think he's lucky, if he's manipulating or skirting the system... if more coaches were like him this rule would be eliminated. I mean come on NFL let's figure out what a catch is first. No wonder the rule book reads like an encyclopedia.

So the rules are irrelevant?

Not sure that is a position that a Patriot fan should take.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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So the rules are irrelevant?

Not sure that is a position that a Patriot fan should take.
What's the relevance of this rule? Does it effect the outcome of the game? Is this a HIPPA violation? Again lets worry about a player with a cold verse figuring out what a catch is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
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I would say what Belichick is doing falls in that gray area of the NFL rules. He is abiding by the rules but maybe not by how the NFL meant for this to be followed. Belichick has been one of the best of going up to the line and using the way the rules are written to his team's advantage. I'm honestly surprised more teams don't do some of the things he does.

I will say though that I appreciate Kubiak for the Broncos. There might not be a more honest and open coach in the league. There really is no guessing at what he is trying to say or reading between the lines. You ask him a question he will usually give a very open and honest answer. Maybe doesn't give the team a little bit of an advantage but I like it.


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Aug 18, 2014
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What's the relevance of this rule? Does it effect the outcome of the game? Is this a HIPPA violation? Again lets worry about a player with a cold verse figuring out what a catch is.

To be clear, I think this is a pretty minor issue. But it does seem that Belicheck thinks the information matters. If it is irrelevant then why does he make shit up?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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To be clear, I think this is a pretty minor issue. But it does seem that Belicheck thinks the information matters. If it is irrelevant then why does he make shit up?
The NFL requires it. You really think BB cares about these reports:rolleyes2: looks like your wish came true. Reports are all the questionables are dressing:bullshit::D


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I would say what Belichick is doing falls in that gray area of the NFL rules. He is abiding by the rules but maybe not by how the NFL meant for this to be followed. Belichick has been one of the best........ I like Kubiak for the Broncos

Belichick is winning within the rules. He is winning more than Goodell and the New York Gang meant to happen.
Because of this there is much hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth.
The world would be a happier place if the Patriots would just quit winning.....


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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To be clear, I think this is a pretty minor issue. But it does seem that Belicheck thinks the information matters. If it is irrelevant then why does he make shit up?

I'm with you on this. Just give a proper injury report for fuck sakes. Why all the bullshit? If it is just to send a message to the NFL that BB thinks its stupid then all that proves is he is capable of acting like a petulant child instead of probably the greatest coach of all time.

The NFL has it's reasons for asking coaches to provide an up to date injury report. I'm sure its so teams can prepare according to who's supposed be playing or not, but I bet the bigger issue is gambling and fantasy football. None the less, it's still a rule whether Belichick likes it or not. He may think it doesn't matter but that's also what he thought about taking air out of footballs and videotaping walk throughs. The Pats should just stop with the shenanigans and put forth a proper list. Every other team seems to do it, or at least not screw with it every dam week for 18 years. I just find it unnecessary.


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Jul 20, 2013
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I'm with you on this. Just give a proper injury report for fuck sakes. Why all the bullshit? If it is just to send a message to the NFL that BB thinks its stupid then all that proves is he is capable of acting like a petulant child instead of probably the greatest coach of all time.

The NFL has it's reasons for asking coaches to provide an up to date injury report. I'm sure its so teams can prepare according to who's supposed be playing or not, but I bet the bigger issue is gambling and fantasy football. None the less, it's still a rule whether Belichick likes it or not. He may think it doesn't matter but that's also what he thought about taking air out of footballs and videotaping walk throughs. The Pats should just stop with the shenanigans and put forth a proper list. Every other team seems to do it, or at least not screw with it every dam week for 18 years. I just find it unnecessary.
Are you guys serious? Listed questionable players almost always play. Each team can report whatever they want, you actually think it makes a difference to put players on Q list?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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I'm with you on this. Just give a proper injury report for fuck sakes. Why all the bullshit? If it is just to send a message to the NFL that BB thinks its stupid then all that proves is he is capable of acting like a petulant child instead of probably the greatest coach of all time.

The NFL has it's reasons for asking coaches to provide an up to date injury report. I'm sure its so teams can prepare according to who's supposed be playing or not, but I bet the bigger issue is gambling and fantasy football. None the less, it's still a rule whether Belichick likes it or not. He may think it doesn't matter but that's also what he thought about taking air out of footballs and videotaping walk throughs. The Pats should just stop with the shenanigans and put forth a proper list. Every other team seems to do it, or at least not screw with it every dam week for 18 years. I just find it unnecessary.
Too funny you find it unecessary but BB finding it unecessary he's acting like a child.
What did BB think about taking air out of balls?
BB would much rather try and get the league to change adopt rules that have an effect on the game. Things like cameras along the side lines and EZ so the league can get those calls right. Or like extending the goal posts.
Why can no one tell us why this rule is relevant. This is starting to sound like the old "well we do it like that because that's the way it's always been done".
BB once again following the rules. People don't like that, oh well. As he'll tell you he's no doctor he's a football coach.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Are you guys serious? Listed questionable players almost always play. Each team can report whatever they want, you actually think it makes a difference to put players on Q list?
It's not fair. BB doesn't respect the integrity of the shield. Oh the horror