how much does something like that cost? i'm guessing around $4k if you install it.
how much horsepower will that add?
and, will it fit under the hood or will you need a taller hood to make it work?
Knew a guy in High School that would take off the belt to his A/C and power steering on Friday so he could cruise on Friday/Saturday nights. He said it helped by not robbing power, which is true, but this guys car just wasn't that fast either way.
Depends on the set up and type of blower. I was thinking of going with a Paxton supercharger and running low boost. Probably cist about 5 to 6 grand doing the work myself plus getting it dyno tuned. Should get me at least 600 HP. More that that and I would need to do some serious engine building to support it. Forged cams and pistons, fuel pump, oil pump, injectors, switch over to ethanol not to mention what I would have tondo to the drive train to support that much HP. The cost can get out of hand quick. One of the guys I work with just got 1000 HP out of his corvette. The car was the cheap part...
Two problems.
Hiding 6k from my wife
Daily driving and staying out of the boost range.
More specifically, everything will fit under the hood and I should see gains between 150- 200 HP on the dyno. I was on the dyno about six months ago and only put down 415 HP. Since then I removed the cats so that should have given me at least 10-15 more.
I have a fairly new turbo Forester and it seems like a lot of drivers take advantage of the industry that has built up around tuning WRXs.
Think the "basic" approach is to do a cold air intake, install a bigger turbo and intercooler, run E85 if you can (like a Top Fuel dragster running pure alcohol), and get a tune for all the changes and to be less conservative than factory. Seems like people are doing the more basic exhaust changes more for sound and resort to removing the cat for more power (and making the car technically street illegal).
But, the big problem with the new FXT is that it is CVT only...and I've read about two people trashing their trannies with fairly tame mods already. These transmissions are not repairable by the dealers, they simply slap a new one in for $7k if there is trouble...even changing the fluid is supposed to be a very difficult process. The guess now is maybe 300-350 HP max for the stock CVT (and this is supposed to be the high torque version!).
I'm really new to this and just trying to learn, maybe I'll try bumping it up to 300HP or so when the powertrain warranty expires (it's 250 stock).
That cold air intake by K&N does wonders to the 2.0L, 4 I have in my work car, a 2000 Dodge Neon. The advertised increase in HP by K&N is no bull. Whoever stated the fact that factory engines are just plugged to the hilt is spot on. Get air flowing and that engine's HP will improve. Guaranteed!