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Michael Sam Documentary


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Caynine. 32 teams don't want a media circus for a back up. its not worth it. They don't want to have a QB controversy like Retro said. Same reason we didn't draft Johnny football. Because every incomplete pass or check down, (lol) people would be yelling go Tebow. And QB contros get coaches fired. :rollseyes:

Think outside the box. Orton is no better than Tebow. Which is why he was benched in Denver.

Again what has Orton ever done? x3

As far as M Sam, it's a mess. And another stupid move.


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Apr 30, 2013
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Caynine. 32 teams don't want a media circus for a back up. its not worth it. They don't want to have a QB controversy like Retro said. Same reason we didn't draft Johnny football. Because every incomplete pass or check down, (lol) people would be yelling go Tebow. And QB contros get coaches fired. :rollseyes:

Think outside the box. Orton is no better than Tebow. Which is why he was benched in Denver.

Again what has Orton ever done? x3

As far as M Sam, it's a mess. And another stupid move.

Kyle Orton actually has just as many playoff appearances as Tebow. But, i wouldn't exactly qualify either as having remarkably accomplished careers. I mean... making a special play or two, yet otherwise being dragged along for one playoff run is decent enough, I suppose.

Let's be real here... Nobody really cares about the sideshow. If there's one thing we should all know about the NFL by now... it's that talent trumps everything.

It's why controversial guys like T.O., Pacman Jones, Chad Ochocinco, Randy Moss all had continuing careers. It's why Brett Favre couldn't stay retired. It's why Aldon Smith just had his 5th year option picked up by the 49ers. It's why our very own Leonard Little got a Super Bowl ring, instead of being bounced out of the league and into a jail cell... And it's why Michael Sam was drafted by the Rams last weekend. If a team feels that bringing in a particular player carries even the remote possibility of creating more wins... they're gonna bring them in, regardless. Good players will always be coveted for their talent. Media circus, or not. I think it's pretty obvious that nobody believes Tim Tebow adds any value to their team, or he'd still have a job.

C'mon, man... you know I'm right on this one. :nod:


Swollen Member
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Kyle Orton actually has just as many playoff appearances as Tebow. But, i wouldn't exactly qualify either as having remarkably accomplished careers. I mean... making a special play or two, yet otherwise being dragged along for one playoff run is decent enough, I suppose.

Let's be real here... Nobody really cares about the sideshow. If there's one thing we should all know about the NFL by now... it's that talent trumps everything.

It's why controversial guys like T.O., Pacman Jones, Chad Ochocinco, Randy Moss all had continuing careers. It's why Brett Favre couldn't stay retired. It's why Aldon Smith just had his 5th year option picked up by the 49ers. It's why our very own Leonard Little got a Super Bowl ring, instead of being bounced out of the league and into a jail cell... And it's why Michael Sam was drafted by the Rams last weekend. If a team feels that bringing in a particular player carries even the remote possibility of creating more wins... they're gonna bring them in, regardless. Good players will always be coveted for their talent. Media circus, or not. I think it's pretty obvious that nobody believes Tim Tebow adds any value to their team, or he'd still have a job.

C'mon, man... you know I'm right on this one. :nod:

I agree with you on this and I'll take it one step further. I really couldn't care less about how much religion Tim Tebow brought to the league. As a football player, as a QB, he was terrible. He wasn't accurate, he didn't read defenses worth a damn, and his winning percentages had more to do with his defense shutting teams down for 4 quarters then his offensive prowess. He was a gimmick, much like the Wildcat, and his time had passed.

What hurt Tim Tebow towards the end was his unwillingness to change positions. I'm sure many teams saw his presence on the team as something beneficial....just not as a QB, where his skills are seriously limited. H-back, TE would have probably prolonged his career in the NFL at least a year or so.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Caynine. 32 teams don't want a media circus for a back up. its not worth it. They don't want to have a QB controversy like Retro said. Same reason we didn't draft Johnny football. Because every incomplete pass or check down, (lol) people would be yelling go Tebow. And QB contros get coaches fired. :rollseyes:

Think outside the box. Orton is no better than Tebow. Which is why he was benched in Denver.

Again what has Orton ever done? x3

As far as M Sam, it's a mess. And another stupid move.

The Sam circus will die down. Even if he makes the team, the media will run out of angles. The Nets didn't have much of a media circus for signing Jason Collins, at least not anything lasting.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Well Caynine. I see that you have a point on the talent issue trumping bad behavior and less than savory character even though everyone preaches they what high character guys. Isn't that one of the reasons they test these guys with the Wonderlic?

We now have a stable with several attendees that fit that category-Janoris Jenkins, Chris Givens, Jo-Lunn Dunbar, Austin Pettis, and yep, I remember the whole Leonard Little affair. Sort of like the red-light district of the NFL as the names you mentioned. Unsavory characters used to be isolated incidents but now they are more frequent because more and more are coming from a greater incidence of dysfunctional and abusive families.

The signing of talent does indeed trump just about everything else and apparently it motivates a team to be hypocritical and duplicitious as well. I suspect that nobody gives a rip about much of anything except the bottom line which is wins=money=success in the NFL. I still think that this gay krap is going to rip this team to shreads but I suspect I may be wrong as well. And if that is the case, I may have to re-examine just what importance being a fan of the Rams is these days occupies for me.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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No coach likes the media circus. Which is why Oprah is not allowed around training camp. We will have to disagree on this. Distractions are the last thing coaches want for their QBs especially.

And to me, you give 2 QBs the same supporting cast, same weapons and that will tell you exactly what you have in a QB.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No coach likes the media circus. Which is why Oprah is not allowed around training camp. We will have to disagree on this. Distractions are the last thing coaches want for their QBs especially.

And to me, you give 2 QBs the same supporting cast, same weapons and that will tell you exactly what you have in a QB.
Pat Kirwan chimed in on media distractions. Apparently he went through the 'circus' allowing media into the locker room for Keyshawn Johnson's book, 'Just give me the damn ball'.


Kirwan, said it caused a lot of distractions with Vets coming to him frustrated because of the way these guys portrayed them. He said it was frustrating because whatever the reality was, there was nothing that could be done about the storyline. It was out of his control and caused major locker room problems.


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Jul 25, 2013
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The Oprah folks just made clear (timing is dubious) that they aren't even asking for access to practices, lockerrooms, or any team activities. Apparently, they will just follow Sam around when he's working out privately, at his home, etc.

It's unclear if this was the original intention all along or is the result of some backlash from Sam's obvious contradictory statements.

I still think a lot of players may get jealous that a 7th round pick is getting treated like they believe Peyton Manning should with all the attention. It's going to cause some friction. Should be a fun ride!

This may be a brilliant marketing ploy by the Rams FO: Draft him, sell tons of jerseys, cut him (after all, the Rams have a fairly stacked core where Sam is trying to break into on D), and move on.


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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No coach likes the media circus. Which is why Oprah is not allowed around training camp. We will have to disagree on this. Distractions are the last thing coaches want for their QBs especially.

And to me, you give 2 QBs the same supporting cast, same weapons and that will tell you exactly what you have in a QB.

Well, I agree there. No coach "likes" or "wants" the distraction. But for a talented player... they'll absolutely chance it.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Oprah folks just made clear (timing is dubious) that they aren't even asking for access to practices, lockerrooms, or any team activities. Apparently, they will just follow Sam around when he's working out privately, at his home, etc.

It's unclear if this was the original intention all along or is the result of some backlash from Sam's obvious contradictory statements.

I still think a lot of players may get jealous that a 7th round pick is getting treated like they believe Peyton Manning should with all the attention. It's going to cause some friction. Should be a fun ride!

This may be a brilliant marketing ploy by the Rams FO: Draft him, sell tons of jerseys, cut him (after all, the Rams have a fairly stacked core where Sam is trying to break into on D), and move on.
I'm sure if Fisher and company allowed access to Oprah and provided an open door, they would have followed Sam around like a little puppy dog. I also have no doubt they will be there every step where NFL rules provide media access regardless of the Rams decisions.

The one thing we do know, the NFL rules allow teams to make their own decisions about media access to rookie camps. So the Oprah gang will just have to wait until the Mandatory Veterans minicamps that start later in the offseason to gain access to practices, lockerrooms, or any team activities. This, they wont need to 'ask' for, it's granted by League rules providing 'media access'!


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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The Oprah folks just made clear (timing is dubious) that they aren't even asking for access to practices, lockerrooms, or any team activities. Apparently, they will just follow Sam around when he's working out privately, at his home, etc.

It's unclear if this was the original intention all along or is the result of some backlash from Sam's obvious contradictory statements.

They "aren't asking" for that kind of access, because they were never gonna get it in the first place. Lol. No way in Hell Jeff Fisher allows anybody that kind of access to Rams Park. At best, they'll be in on designated media days, just like everyone else. I can just hear that phone call now...

Oprah: Hello, Coach. This is Oprah Winfrey. Just letting you know... we'll be covering 7-on-7 drills today, then maybe DE meetings on Friday afternoon."

Fisher: I don't care if you're OPRAH Winfrey. Your ass ain't comin' in here.



9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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The Sam circus will die down. Even if he makes the team, the media will run out of angles. The Nets didn't have much of a media circus for signing Jason Collins, at least not anything lasting.

That's a good point; I had forgot about Collins...the Sam seas surprisingly! already seem to be calming down a little. I'm sure he and his supporters know what he needs to concentrate on at this time and that is making the team. Who knows? maybe he will play with that much more desire to succeed. We will see. GO RAMS!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Johnson. The emotion you are looking for is envy.

"I still think a lot of players may get jealous that a 7th round pick is getting treated like they believe Peyton Manning should with all the attention. It's going to cause some friction. Should be a fun ride!"

Jealousy is a cousin but something a tad different.


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Jul 25, 2013
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Retroram: Fair enough. Most grammatical corrections people look like idiots (nobody cares as long as you can grasp what people are saying)...but you are right. Envy is the better word. I write these fast and don't treat 'em like a college final paper!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Retroram: Fair enough. Most grammatical corrections people look like idiots (nobody cares as long as you can grasp what people are saying)...but you are right. Envy is the better word. I write these fast and don't treat 'em like a college final paper!
My wife always dogs me about singing the wrong lyrics sometimes...

I just tell her, it doesn't matter, sometimes you just sing what you feel! :lol:

I think it's kind of like that.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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I am going to disagree with you Vita because words do matter and preciseness of words are essential for better relational transactions. The lack of precise communication leads to a lot of krap in this culture. We have whole industries built on precise communication.

Now in your example, I can agree, that you are singing the tune more for enjoyment (and to covertly get under the skin of your wife, lol) and the preciseness of the words may not be as important in that context unless you want to focus on what some consider enjoyment.

Many of the psychosocial pathologies I have treated over the years have the extensive component of dysfunctional or unprecise word usage in routine interactions and that lack of detail provided a foundation for the growth of the pathology (ies). Since we have large sections of our brains dedicated to the formulation, understanding, and proper usage of words, it would behoove us to always strive for better communication.

There is a message out there that states that the power of life and death are contained in the tongue. Words do matter to the point of life and death my good man!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I am going to disagree with you Vita because words do matter and preciseness of words are essential for better relational transactions. The lack of precise communication leads to a lot of krap in this culture. We have whole industries built on precise communication.

Now in your example, I can agree, that you are singing the tune more for enjoyment (and to covertly get under the skin of your wife, lol) and the preciseness of the words may not be as important in that context unless you want to focus on what some consider enjoyment.

Many of the psychosocial pathologies I have treated over the years have the extensive component of dysfunctional or unprecise word usage in routine interactions and that lack of detail provided a foundation for the growth of the pathology (ies). Since we have large sections of our brains dedicated to the formulation, understanding, and proper usage of words, it would behoove us to always strive for better communication.

There is a message out there that states that the power of life and death are contained in the tongue. Words do matter to the point of life and death my good man!
Touché retro!

However I choose a more pragmatic approach to such endeavors in art of human expression.
