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Michael Sam Documentary


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It's only a "complicated situation" to the fans. Inside Rams Park, I can all but guarantee they're not over-thinking this as much as the fans are. All they're concerned about is the product on the field. If they have to cut a guy... they'll cut him and won't look back.

Fisher has already said he will be cut if he doesn't perform


the SoCo kid
Apr 29, 2013
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From ESPN.com. This doesn't seem to be an in house distraction at all...

"A player on the St. Louis Rams, speaking on condition of anonymity, says Michael Sam's upcoming reality show on the Oprah Winfrey Network could potentially cause friction within the team.

"It's an interesting case that he gets to work with Oprah and have his own show, but I think it does raise eyebrows and it may be somewhat of a distraction," the player told ESPN's Josina Anderson. "But this is our first time dealing with something like this, so we'll have to wait and see how it plays out and how people react."

The player also isn't certain if teammates are truly embracing Sam's presence or just being politically correct when it comes to accepting the NFL's first openly gay player.

"Clearly I'm not sure how everyone feels, but from what I can tell so far I think it's a little bit of both, honestly," he said.

More from ESPN.com
The Rams seem to be doing the right thing to welcome Michael Sam. But could the documentary Sam has signed on for be a distraction, asks Nick Wagoner. Story

The reality show on Winfrey's network will document Sam's experience trying to make the Rams. The network said the working title for the series is "The Untitled Michael Sam Project."

"We are honored that Michael is trusting us with his private journey in this moment that has not only made history but will shape it forever," Winfrey said in a prepared statement. "I am proud of the focus on authentic storytelling in our new documentary series format. The next real-life story we follow in 'The Untitled Michael Sam Project' promises to spark valuable, important discussion on life in America today. Acceptance and illumination start here."

Sources say the plan is for the series to be broken up into six to eight segments. Sam's agents, Cameron Weiss and Joe Barkett, are producers, as is Sam's publicist, Howard Bragman.

Despite being the 249th pick in the draft, Sam's was the second-most popular jersey of draft weekend, selling more at the NFL's official store than that of any other rookie aside from Johnny Manziel."


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The funniest thing to me about all this... the grumbling about media attention, and all... it's all brought on by the very people doing the most grumbling. It's a "story" because they make it a story. The media is driven by ratings and let's face it... they're not going to go to any lengths to broadcast something we don't care about. That would be the very definition of "counter-productive". The media circus is a monster of these fans' own creation. They loathe it... yet make sure to feed it every day. It's like regularly setting fire to your living room, then complaining about how "that darn fire department" always seems to show up.

Without such staunch, steadfast and quite frankly, unnecessary opposition, this is a non-story. If it's a non-story there would be no extra press conference. No Oprah TV deals. Nothing but football. If we didn't care, they wouldn't care. It wouldn't be important enough to merit discussion. You know why there's not more discussion about #13 overall pick Aaron Donald's potential impact on the defensive line? Because, to his detractors, 7th rounder Michael Sam IS more important. We thrive on drama and confrontation. And the media counts on it.

Don't believe me? Just look at our very own message board. We, the dedicated Rams fans. The fans who want it to be about football, are tired of hearing about Sam in the media and want more attention paid to our other picks. So much so, that we have zero threads dedicated to Aaron Donald, or Greg Robinson... on our own page. There are at least 2 dedicated directly to Michael Sam. And 3 other intended draft threads that have degenerated into internet slap-fights over Michael Sam's sexual orientation.

Of course, it's too far gone to stop now. We just have to ride it out. I'm not saying anyone has to "accept" anything they don't want to. I certainly don't. Just understand the genesis of all the media attention lies in one place. And it's every bit as contradictory as Sam's new, "low-key" TV special.

That's not completely true.

The media, as we have seen multiple times, have their own agenda. They have been pushing the whole gay agenda for years now and will continue to do so whether we want to see/hear about it or not. Their agenda is not ratings driven- it's agenda driven.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Caynine why was Kyle Orton a back up in Dallas last year and Tebow not in the NFL last year?

Because I remember Tebow taking a 1-4 broncos team to the playoffs after Orton was awful. If it was all about completion % then how did that team turn it around even tho they ran the ball 45 times a game? Not saying Tebow is a good QB but he does bring intangibles that Orton and Bradford don't have aka leadership, will to win, and toughness, pocket awareness and running ability. Not to mention Tebow was a in your face QB on the sideline.

I'm not saying he's the answer and I agree it's a sideshow. But Orton is no better than Tebow and he's in the NFL which makes u wonder.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Back to M Sam..

We all know there have been other homosexuals in the NFL. They were just discreet about it.

So really what this comes down to is NOT documenting history, but the media just following the first gay man who came out before he started his professional career. It's about him being openly gay and being on a big stage, while they (media) can capitalize on it. It's a broadway show - literally.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Caynine why was Kyle Orton a back up in Dallas last year and Tebow not in the NFL last year?

Because I remember Tebow taking a 1-4 broncos team to the playoffs after Orton was awful. If it was all about completion % then how did that team turn it around even tho they ran the ball 45 times a game? Not saying Tebow is a good QB but he does bring intangibles that Orton and Bradford don't have aka leadership, will to win, and toughness, pocket awareness and running ability. Not to mention Tebow was a in your face QB on the sideline.

I'm not saying he's the answer and I agree it's a sideshow. But Orton is no better than Tebow and he's in the NFL which makes u wonder.

i guess most coaches assume Tebow can only play in a certain system and that system did not match what Dallas wanted to do if Romo went down


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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What has Orton ever done? My point is most back ups today are not that good either. But I agree Tebow is a distraction as a back up and that's what he is. But that is the only reason he's not playing. He's just as good as any other back up QB or 3rd stringer in the NFL.

Do I think he could run a run first offense with a beast Oline? Yes. He makes plays. And I agree the system is huge.

So now my question is. Given a solid D, good Run blocking Oline, and good RBs.. Could Tebiw succeed? Because that's what he did in Denver. He made a few big throws at times too. Doesn't that sound like the Rams right now? Lol

I'm assuming our secondary over achieves of course.
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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From ESPN.com. This doesn't seem to be an in house distraction at all...

"A player on the St. Louis Rams, speaking on condition of anonymity, says Michael Sam's upcoming reality show on the Oprah Winfrey Network could potentially cause friction within the team.

"It's an interesting case that he gets to work with Oprah and have his own show, but I think it does raise eyebrows and it may be somewhat of a distraction," the player told ESPN's Josina Anderson. "But this is our first time dealing with something like this, so we'll have to wait and see how it plays out and how people react."

The player also isn't certain if teammates are truly embracing Sam's presence or just being politically correct when it comes to accepting the NFL's first openly gay player.

"Clearly I'm not sure how everyone feels, but from what I can tell so far I think it's a little bit of both, honestly," he said.

More from ESPN.com
The Rams seem to be doing the right thing to welcome Michael Sam. But could the documentary Sam has signed on for be a distraction, asks Nick Wagoner. Story

The reality show on Winfrey's network will document Sam's experience trying to make the Rams. The network said the working title for the series is "The Untitled Michael Sam Project."

"We are honored that Michael is trusting us with his private journey in this moment that has not only made history but will shape it forever," Winfrey said in a prepared statement. "I am proud of the focus on authentic storytelling in our new documentary series format. The next real-life story we follow in 'The Untitled Michael Sam Project' promises to spark valuable, important discussion on life in America today. Acceptance and illumination start here."

Sources say the plan is for the series to be broken up into six to eight segments. Sam's agents, Cameron Weiss and Joe Barkett, are producers, as is Sam's publicist, Howard Bragman.

Despite being the 249th pick in the draft, Sam's was the second-most popular jersey of draft weekend, selling more at the NFL's official store than that of any other rookie aside from Johnny Manziel."



Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Once the players have to deal with the taping of what 6-8 segments and the notoriety as well as the instant fame with jersey sales and social media and such, I guarantee you this team is going to have a locker room division that will kill the fragile nature of any rebuilding Snisher hopes to accomplish this year. SJ and some others are correct. Who ever pulled the trigger on this guy did not think this one through.

Although players will be doing the PC thing early on, if player egos and envies get going, forget this year. If there is anybody here who wants to see what really is going on in the gay community, you just let me know and I'll post an article that doesn't mince words. It is a lifestyle based in deception and this Sam guy has already proven he is more of the same. Good luck thinking this is all going to go away because it ain't happening unless they cut his ass.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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PC can only last for so long... Then snap!!

Even if they do cut him, will our defense be behind the rest of the league 4-5 games like they were last year? Will they be frustrated as usual because the D is on the field most of the game? Will the D feel like they have to score 10 points a game to compete with the big boys or even decent teams? Lol

Division in the locker room is coming. It's most definitely coming.

Effing idiots


Apr 17, 2013
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Even if they do cut him, will our defense be behind the rest of the league 4-5 games like they were last year? Will they be frustrated as usual because the D is on the field most of the game? Will the D feel like they have to score 10 points a game to compete with the big boys or even decent teams?

These questions SJ are what the Rams should really being focusing on. These and the offense questions that you and others discussed a while back on another thread. Unless they fix these problems, we will be back here next year scratching our heads as usual.

I agree, they just got real stupid-again.


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Apr 30, 2013
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That's not completely true.

The media, as we have seen multiple times, have their own agenda. They have been pushing the whole gay agenda for years now and will continue to do so whether we want to see/hear about it or not. Their agenda is not ratings driven- it's agenda driven.

The media's "agenda" is all about equality. If we were already treating them like equal human beings, it wouldn't exist.

Tai Chi≈Surfing

Jul 2, 2013
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.....and Oprah sucks! she helped to give us OBAMA! :omg:

:lol: pretty sure Dubya Bush, Dick Cheney & John McCain... actually "helped" in lots more ways than you realize, in giving us Pres. Obama.....and thank goodness for that........:suds:

But carry on, my wayward son.


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Apr 30, 2013
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Caynine why was Kyle Orton a back up in Dallas last year and Tebow not in the NFL last year?

Because I remember Tebow taking a 1-4 broncos team to the playoffs after Orton was awful. If it was all about completion % then how did that team turn it around even tho they ran the ball 45 times a game? Not saying Tebow is a good QB but he does bring intangibles that Orton and Bradford don't have aka leadership, will to win, and toughness, pocket awareness and running ability. Not to mention Tebow was a in your face QB on the sideline.

I'm not saying he's the answer and I agree it's a sideshow. But Orton is no better than Tebow and he's in the NFL which makes u wonder.

Don't get me wrong, SJ. I'm a Tebow guy. He's a great man. Humble, hard working, loves football. His passion for the game is infectious. He's the kind of guy you want to root for. At least... I did. Unfortunately, the talent level just isn't there. That's why Orton is still in the league and Tebow is not.

I do remember the Broncos going to the playoffs with Tebow in tow. The defense and special teams (Matt Prater, especially) were more responsible for that playoff run than Tebow was. Although, I give Tebow more credit than most for firing that team up on a weekly basis.

If anyone else believed his Broncos playoff run was anything more than that, he'd still be working today. It's not just the Rams snubbing him. Between 32 rosters, there are 96 QB positions (figuring in starter/backup/3rd string) and Tebow hasn't been offered a single one. That should tell you all you need to know about Tim Tebow.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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You didn't read my entire post.

How can Orton be better than Tebow? With the same cast... Tebow helped control the clock, ran the read option, and made a few big passes here and there. The broncos adjusted their offense and won games. Many games were won on coming from behind I might add.

So you judge QBs by completion % and not Ws? With the same team? If you think Tebow is not in the league because of talent and not because he creates a media circus.. You clearly haven't seen Orton play football. What has Orton EVER done?

And The difference between Tebow and Michael Sam is that Tebow doesn't want the media circus, while M Sam doesn't know what he wants. He wants to be judged as a football player but has oprah in the mix now? This is going to take primadonna to whole new level.


Apr 17, 2013
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If it were strictly about bad talent then I'd agree with you Caynine on Tebow but then why didn't teams cut ties with Vince Young when folks discovered he was overrated? Until finally being cut by the Browns the same they day they signed him, several teams were calling this guy. No, I think the Tebow affair was more about his expression of his faith more than football related malfunctions or lack of talent. As SJ has already chronicled, the guy was tough as nails and had intangibles that permitted him to win with others around him which has been noted.

This is similar to what happended to Kurt Warner with the Rams. Martz grew tired of his proselytizing in the locker room and when the thumb injury/rumor came along Martz was looking for a way to separate himself from Warner. He was out the door ASAP. This was a superbowl winning QB and suddenly he was toast. Go figure. Thumbs Schumbs. He went to New York and crashed because they were a run oriented offense and didn't fit and then landed with Phoenix where he proved everyone wrong.

So, again, if it was just about football, Tebow would still be playing in a system that fit him and the same goes for SAM but it isn't. It's about other-than football krap like we now have. And like I have stated, get used to it because we won't hear the end of it till he is cut and even then as Angelakeram has stated we will hear about the aftermath until it finally dies down a bit.


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You didn't read my entire post.

How can Orton be better than Tebow? With the same cast... Tebow helped control the clock, ran the read option, and made a few big passes here and there. The broncos adjusted their offense and won games. Many games were won on coming from behind I might add.

So you judge QBs by completion % and not Ws? With the same team? If you think Tebow is not in the league because of talent and not because he creates a media circus.. You clearly haven't seen Orton play football. What has Orton EVER done?

And The difference between Tebow and Michael Sam is that Tebow doesn't want the media circus, while M Sam doesn't know what he wants. He wants to be judged as a football player but has oprah in the mix now? This is going to take primadonna to whole new level.

All I can really say to that is... 32 out of 32 NFL front offices see the same thing I do in Tim Tebow. Like I said... if, in good conscience, I could attribute that playoff run to Tim Tebow's credit, I would.

I think I'm one of the very few (if not the only one) here who actually acknowledges both sides of the Michael Sam debate. I agree (and have stated here in this very thread) that Michael Sam's TV deal is in direct contradiction of his claims that he wants to stay under the radar and keep it about the football. Difference is... I'm not ready to declare the inevitable demise of the season, the world, and the St. Louis Rams as we know them over it. Lol.


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If it were strictly about bad talent then I'd agree with you Caynine on Tebow but then why didn't teams cut ties with Vince Young when folks discovered he was overrated? Until finally being cut by the Browns the same they day they signed him, several teams were calling this guy. No, I think the Tebow affair was more about his expression of his faith more than football related malfunctions or lack of talent. As SJ has already chronicled, the guy was tough as nails and had intangibles that permitted him to win with others around him which has been noted.

This is similar to what happended to Kurt Warner with the Rams. Martz grew tired of his proselytizing in the locker room and when the thumb injury/rumor came along Martz was looking for a way to separate himself from Warner. He was out the door ASAP. This was a superbowl winning QB and suddenly he was toast. Go figure. Thumbs Schumbs. He went to New York and crashed because they were a run oriented offense and didn't fit and then landed with Phoenix where he proved everyone wrong.

So, again, if it was just about football, Tebow would still be playing in a system that fit him and the same goes for SAM but it isn't. It's about other-than football krap like we now have. And like I have stated, get used to it because we won't hear the end of it till he is cut and even then as Angelakeram has stated we will hear about the aftermath until it finally dies down a bit.

Being 100% honest with you, Retro... because of my views on religion, it would be very difficult for me to fully respond to this post without the completely unintentional side effect of the possibility of offending you.

Out of complete respect, I will only say this... I do not believe that either of those situations was born of any sort of backlash for their beliefs.