Ram Tough
You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too
Wow alot of trades are going down in KOTF!! Wil awesome job! I really don't know where this league would be without you
Wow alot of trades are going down in KOTF!! Wil awesome job! I really don't know where this league would be without you
Damn! Didn't have my claims prioritized the right way. . should've had Tate above Dobsen..oh well..go PATs!
done and done... and done.
to TKO: DT, Rudolph
to Treff: DMC, Decker
..this gives me a bye week TE option that's better than Chandler who I might have been able to claim, and ups my Decker into Thomas... giving me Thomas squared, if you will. The cost of DMC for that exchange is okay with me. Hopefully SJax and Trent become somewhat relevant.
Trade him to you for Decker ..... :rollseyes:
and I know I'm not done yet, hey Tlance??
Where is everybody this week??
Hey Treff my little guy wants your Avatar to trick or treat with...
Not to early to mock for baseball, is it?
Ugh... been moving, no net. Getting settled again now. TKO... ehhhh... not a bad thought with Harvin out, but... giving up too much. I'll counter.