Well-Known Member
As in professional sports leagues, I suspect early volatility will yield to stability (and pretty soon), so I wouldn't count on much more attrition.
Oblivion (or The Commissioner's Exempt List) is a good way to keep people interested and fighting. I think it certainly made the end of the season more enjoyable for OBX. And it's not like they are locked out. Steelers and TK can both be voted back in, but it's not a bad thing if they get competition from Nos, for example, who narrowly missed getting in this year. And if there is attrition, even more likely that everyone could return.
Wait. I'm repeating Tlance. That's what comes of taking an hour to post.
If working 12 hours 7 days a week hadn't worn me out, I would have enjoyed going from 1-7 to 6-8 a lot more. But it was nice.