I think until Sunday we didn't have quite enough data points to start Hillman, but now a pattern has become pretty clear: if there's a lack of clarity at RB for Peyton's Broncos, the most veteran back gets the feature role, even if otherwise poorly thought of. (Worn-out McGahee, underachieving Knowshon, underachieving fumbler Hillman.)
Now, Montee was the definite starter before he went down - and I don't think it's so much about rushing effectiveness - but if Peyton is comfortable with Hillman in there, Montee will have trouble getting his job back. Look at protection and miscues rather than YPC and TDs to know whether Hillman will stay in... and you have to watch the games for that (or ask Treff?)
Absolutely correct. Talent at RB is meaningless, it truly is who Peyton feels the most comfortable with, albeit Hillman has out produced Ball with just 2 games under his belt. I still have visions of Ball arguing with Peyton the week he went down. With that first and production second, I personally think the writing is on the wall for Mr. Ball. .....