Fantasy Football Guru--??
That Monkey, that Funky Monkey...
oh where for art thou Monkey??
oh where for art thou Monkey??
Nice work jumping around Treff thanks Commish
Here is how fantasy Pros ranks our teams...............
Rank Team Score
1 DilWuff White Beers 898
2 Team LeftyMBBRL 863
3 Badass Bandits 856
4 Windy City Sloths 795
5 Barilko's Oilers 795
6 Team THE Sportsboys 773
7 Tlance TD Makers 770
8 Treff's Fudpuckers 768
9 Ram Tough 735
10 Yellow Fuzzies 719
11 Smoking Monkey 709
12 TKO of Spikes 663
Had to do it before I pass the fuck outThanks Sam that was quick
Here is how fantasy Pros ranks our teams...............
Rank Team Score
4 Windy City Sloths 795
Here is how fantasy Pros ranks our teams...............
10 Yellow Fuzzies 719
Take note guys - this might be the highest my team gets all season if my MBBRL trend continues. I wonder what grade ESPN would assign? (Treff, is that an option in the LM Tools? It used to be.)
Take note guys - this might be the highest my team gets all season if my MBBRL trend continues. I wonder what grade ESPN would assign? (Treff, is that an option in the LM Tools? It used to be.)
Go to DRAFT REPORT CARD which is the 4th tab under the ESPN FF logo. Only the commish can get the league to automatically grade the teams.
Here is how fantasy Pros ranks our teams...............
Rank Team Score
4 Windy City Sloths 795
Joe = C
First trade offered. Just realized there's an expiry on it. Any way to turf that, commish?
Did not like how my strategy of waiting on RBs ended in the draft. Strong receivers and no running game. Like most years, time to sit down at the waiver/trade table to try to correct my errors.