Merry Christmas guise!
Merry Christmas guise!
How could a thread that began with warm holiday wishes for Giants' fans have degenerated into a debate about the 49ers?
It's all good! Carry on.
tz's just a hard guy to please
now if only we led off with Happy Hanukkah to all..
However you describe it, the team came back from down 17-0 after sh*tting the bed from both sides of the ball for the first quarter and a half.
If we are going to downgrade them for giving up a 28 point lead, shouldn't we award them for winning a game after a 17 point deficit?
The comeback wasn't fueled by those fortunate breaks. That was the niners overall talent at oline, TE, QB and coaching that brought them back.
When the niners scored to open the second half, that was a new ball game, there were breaks on both sides and the niners ended up on top.
Any playoff team that loses a 17 point lead at home shouldnt deserve to win, either.
Almost reminds me of another SF vs ATL playoff matchup, in the 2010 NLDS. Should we point to the lack of offense and the implosion of Brooks Conrad and say the Giants were just lucky? Doesn't that discredit everything else (the pitching, the defense, the clutch hits) the Giants did to win that series?
What SFAnthem said.
Also, re the bolded above, that answer depends entirely on your attitude about the team. If you are inclined to 'believe in' them, you say only a good team can win a big game not playing their best the whole game. If you are tzill, you decide a subpar performance means the team itself is subpar (and you also somehow think all other teams they are playing are better, for some reason). There's no winning or losing this argument, it all comes down to prior mood affiliation.
This actually gets to the heart of the delusions of all sports analysis. In all pro sports, the teams facing each other are composed of the best in the world at what they do. There's not that much delta between them. And when you get to the playoffs, the differences are really small, all the playoff teams are good and on any given day any of them can beat any other.
So you can look at almost any playoff game in any sport (except maybe basketball which has so much scoring) and usually point to one or two moments that the game turns on: that one play where a defender or receiver falls down, that one random fumble, Brooks Conrad, Kyle Williams, whatever. And then the analysts afterwards say 'well Atlanta just couldn't get it done, Ryan isn't a big game QB, etc' when in reality the breaks just went the other way and the teams are so close all it takes is a break or two.
So in effect ALL champions are 'lucky'. They had to be good to get lucky, but they all got more breaks than their equally good competition.
The Niners are good. They are at least as good as their opponents this year. The guys who's livelihoods depend on evaluating the teams (the bookies) rated the Niners 4 pts better than the Falcons (and they won by 4), now they have them 4 pts better than the Ravens. All that means is if that SF-Atl game was played 10 times, the Niners probably win 6. One of the six happened Sunday, because the Niners got more breaks.
No one can tell you what kind of fan to be, but tzill, you're just being weird on this.
You're conflating things, lets take these serially:
1. I don't know if the comeback was "fueled" by the turnovers, but without them the Niners lose. Also, you neglect the two PF penalties and the slip on the disputed catch.
2. There were breaks on both sides, but they weren't equal breaks. Hence, the Niners were lucky.
3. Neither team played like a champion, but the Niners were luckier.
4. The Giants WERE lucky wrt Conrad, but I don't recall enough of the series to say whether or not the breaks evened out. I doubt they got as lucky as the Niners got last Sunday.
Yeah, Im having similar debates with other fans and I think I've lost track of what I have or haven't stated alreadyYou're conflating things, lets take these serially:
1. The niners offense was driving at will after those first two drives. I'm pointing out that the turnovers weren't the beginning of comeback and that it was the niner's talent advantage that brought them back into the game.1. I don't know if the comeback was "fueled" by the turnovers, but without them the Niners lose. Also, you neglect the two PF penalties and the slip on the disputed catch.
3. I noticed your definition for what a team has to do to be considered playing like a champion might be excessive. If that standard is set by championship niner teams of the past, then no team might qualify for a championship this year!3. Neither team played like a champion, but the Niners were luckier.
4. The Giants WERE lucky wrt Conrad, but I don't recall enough of the series to say whether or not the breaks evened out. I doubt they got as lucky as the Niners got last Sunday.
Red Herring.
Again, how many SB champs played a mediocre Conf Champ game to get there?
Also, this is not A subpar defensive performance, it's one of several this year. They are what they are: overrated.
He is just a good lawyer.
He accepted a retainer from the Anti-49er Guild. He MUST argue against them![]()
The Niners left 10 guaranteed points on the field in the missed FG and fumble inside the 1 yard line. Those seem like pretty big breaks.
Serious question. Did you enjoy the win at all?
Yeah, Im having similar debates with other fans and I think I've lost track of what I have or haven't stated already
1. The niners offense was driving at will after those first two drives. I'm pointing out that the turnovers weren't the beginning of comeback and that it was the niner's talent advantage that brought them back into the game.
-I'm not trying to neglect the PF penalties. How much of an impact did it have on the final score? The one on #54 I can easily attribute to a player succumbing to pressure of the playoff atmosphere and losing his composure..Composure under pressure is one of the factors that define a champion. Besides, it was a 15 yard penalty on a drive where the niners were getting 8 yards/play, that defense showed no signs of stopping the niners.
But it doesn't matter to what you attribute the errors, my point is that they were unforced; i.e. the Niners did nothing to cause them. Further, I can't minimize the effect of a 15 yard penalty, even if the Niners were rolling. They'd still have to get that yardage otherwise.
-The one on Kaep was very ticky tack and while it did prolong a drive late in the game (it did not result in points)
It didn't just "prolong a drive," it was the difference between a punt and continuing to keep the defense on the field. It was an EXTREMELY lucky break. That the Niners missed a FG doesn't mitigate that.
-The slip on the disputed catch? Why do you thnk he was so open? did you see what the receiver did to Rogers? He grabbed Rogers' shoulder pad and tackled him down. You say potential TD for the falcons, I say at the least no catch and possibly offensive PI. That's a break for the Falcons.
Re-watch it. Watch his cut where he slips. If he doesn't slip, he's gone. That was a TD. Greg Cosell confirms this. Again, unforced error.
2. There were breaks on both sides, but they weren't equal breaks. Hence, the Niners were lucky.
The niners fumble wasn't a "break," it was a great play by a Falcon defender. I think the missed FG could be considered a break. Compare that to the two turnovers we had which were unforced, the two personal foul calls (also unforced), and the slip on the disputed catch. Not even close to even breaks.
Serious answer: I was kind of shocked, but pleased.
My question: why do you care if I enjoyed the win or not? It seems to have nothing to do with our discussion.
I could make a case that the only reason the DB had an opportunity to strip the ball was because the throw was slightly behind Crabtree and he had to adjust a bit to make the catch. If the ball is put out in front he scores rather easily. But, it's kind of nitpicky given the eventual outcome of the game.
I only ask because it genuinely seems like you didn't enjoy the game at all. Now obviously you're a fan, but it seems like you took no joy in the win because you're focusing on everything that went wrong and every little break the Niners received and ignoring the many good things the Niners did and the only thing that really matters, which is them winning the game. I understand being concerned with lack of performance in some areas, because I have concerns as well, but it seems as if you're going out of your way to be overly critical. Then again, I may just be reading too much into all this.
I heard this on the radio yesterday, and I think it bears on this whole discussion-- for many (if not most) Niner fans, this is their first SB experience. I remember the 1981 season and getting into discussions with other fans. I didn't want to hear anything negative and would vehemently oppose any criticism. I need to remember that this week.
I heard this on the radio yesterday, and I think it bears on this whole discussion-- for many (if not most) Niner fans, this is their first SB experience. I remember the 1981 season and getting into discussions with other fans. I didn't want to hear anything negative and would vehemently oppose any criticism. I need to remember that this week.
I think this misses the point. Your 'opponents' in these arguments aren't plugging their ears and trying not to hear anything negative about the Niners. They are all acknowledging that the Niners aren't perfect, that they've gotten some breaks, that they've won games they 'should have' lost and vice versa.
It seems to me that you are grading the team too harshly as a 'pretender' that is only where they are because of lots of luck. The reason I say this is that a blind man can see they are demonstrably as good as any other team in football right now...winning lots of games, winning 2 playoff games incl one on the road, being favored in all of their playoff games incl the SB....if they are 'pretenders' then by your own logic every other team is a pretender too. And if that's the case then the word has no meaning.
This year there's clearly no dominant, superb-in-all-phases-every-single-game team. So they are all 'pretenders'? Frankly it's pretty rare that ANY team is strong in every phase, and doesn't also have a few bad games and a few lucky wins. That's sports, man. Don't you see it?