I'm just here to troll everyone
No where did I imply Marino was a scrub, just the opposite, in fact.
The comparison was to a supremely confident and talented QB playing playing in his first superbowl in his second year, losing and consoling himself with the assumption that he'd be back again. I was agreeing with SFAnthem's comment, i.e. "Thing is NFL is harder to come back from this". Many a slip twixt the cup and the lip, there is. Great teams have trouble enough reaching and winning a superbowl, this niner team is not great. Very good, very talented, but schematically mediocre, and unpolished at a few key positions, IMO.
Funny how you now claim to having "been a kid" to excuse your ignorance of the Dolphin era in question, yet earlier you were implying knowledge enough to compare that team to this niners team. Just speak to what you know, and try to actually comprehend what others are writing. You'll have a much more fruitful time on these boards if you stick to that formula.
Yes, Papa.

I shoulda typed '4' instead of '2' and then my ignorance would have gone unnoticed. I guess my Watsonian date memorization skillz need work.