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Lockette & Kaepernick named in a sexual assault accuation


Aug 12, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Because it's kaepernick and we all know what a scumbag he is.

This is tongue and cheek? Bc I must of missed that. I corrected you on how dispatching police and ems works, at which point you call Kaepernick a scumbag. When I call you out on that you go off on personal attacks claiming it's ok bc it's "your" board and the 49ers board does the same thing.

My point is this, I don't run the 49ers board and really don't post there often. There are some good posters over there and some bad just like any other board. But I enjoy talking with other teams fans to get their perspective. After this weeks news I expected to see some stuff on Kaepernick, funny pictures or whatever. But the stuff you, and a few others are spewing is really nothing more than espn garbage. Maybe it's the offseason boredom, but this board (sports SportsHoopla in general) is slowly regressing bc of shit like that.


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This is tongue and cheek? Bc I must of missed that. I corrected you on how dispatching police and ems works, at which point you call Kaepernick a scumbag. When I call you out on that you go off on personal attacks claiming it's ok bc it's "your" board and the 49ers board does the same thing.

My point is this, I don't run the 49ers board and really don't post there often. There are some good posters over there and some bad just like any other board. But I enjoy talking with other teams fans to get their perspective. After this weeks news I expected to see some stuff on Kaepernick, funny pictures or whatever. But the stuff you, and a few others are spewing is really nothing more than espn garbage. Maybe it's the offseason boredom, but this board (sports SportsHoopla in general) is slowly regressing bc of shit like that.

I get that you hate the Kaep thread on the general board, but you know what? There are lots of Richard Sherman threads that pop up on general board and lots of folks like to take shots at him. Kaep is dislike for some of the same reasons Sherman is. To expect news like this to come out and not see a thread knocking Kaep to pieces is unrealistic, it's going to happen.
Perhaps that thread got cared away, but the Sherman threads do also. Unless Kaep gets charged with some thing, this will pass. Some of the 49ers fans need to take a chill pill, get a little criticism for a 49er player who is in the news for some thing that at least "sounds" bad and the 49er fan base goes bananas, calling folks trolls and such.
Just let it go and it will pass,continue to argue about it......then it will continue.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Amazing how a different color jersey can make someone a "scumbag". Typical espn response.

Not saying your one of them, but us Seahawks fans did have to deal with stupid troll shit about sherman using PED's when it wasn't the case. You really shouldn't use the "typical espn response" when your own team fans were doing the same.

These guys were partying hardy and got a little out of hand, to me nothing will come of this but I do enjoy the fact Niners players make Harbs look more like a jackass.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This is tongue and cheek? Bc I must of missed that. I corrected you on how dispatching police and ems works, at which point you call Kaepernick a scumbag. When I call you out on that you go off on personal attacks claiming it's ok bc it's "your" board and the 49ers board does the same thing.

My point is this, I don't run the 49ers board and really don't post there often. There are some good posters over there and some bad just like any other board. But I enjoy talking with other teams fans to get their perspective. After this weeks news I expected to see some stuff on Kaepernick, funny pictures or whatever. But the stuff you, and a few others are spewing is really nothing more than espn garbage. Maybe it's the offseason boredom, but this board (sports SportsHoopla in general) is slowly regressing bc of shit like that.

Personal attacks? What the fuck are you going on about now? :laugh3:

You say you want an honest discussion, but I do not see you actually trying to have one. Jumping on others on their team board isn't asking for an honest discussion. It just isn't.

I mean if we feel like making fun of Kaepernick on our own board why shouldn't we? It's the off season and there isn't really much else to talk about at least until draft day.

Judging a board based on the quality (or lack there of) of posts during its off season seems a bit strange to me. Most simply leave it and return when camp starts up and the more serious conversations return.

Now if you enjoy talking to others on their boards I'd suggest a different strategy to find a conversation.