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Lockette & Kaepernick named in a sexual assault accuation


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49ers fans are reporting that Kaepernick is being framed.

Mr. Tacoma

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Need more info. So far it doesn't say anything about sexual assault, just that she just woke up in the hospital with no idea how she got there.

Best case scenario, she passed out drunk, they couldn't wake her up so they took her to the hospital. Worst case scenario, they ran a train on her while she was out. She admits she has a sexual history with Kaepernick so he's not that out of line for undressing her after they've been drinking but only a r*pe kit will determine if she was in fact assaulted. Gonna have to wait for more information before I draw conclusions on this one.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah, I saw nothing in that report that said Lockette did anything wrong other than hanging out with Kaepernick to begin with. :wtf: You are the company you keep. Don't care if you played with them before, you don't hang out with assholes without getting some of their stench on you.

If it turns out he did something more than just peep into the room the girl was in then he should be tossed off the team, but there is no allegation of anything in that report about him.


Jul 3, 2013
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I think the biggest story here is that she reports smoking marijuana with them in Lockette's apartment. I think the rest is a none story, just a drunk bitch that doesn't know how she got to the ER. Lockette and Patton could easily be cut from their teams and probably not even be missed, but Kaep would be a very big loss for SF if he ends up getting suspended or worse.


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Wonder how this is going to turn out. If they do find a date r*pe drug or the r*pe kit came out suspicious then it's pretty clear the 49ers need to just dump this guy because he's never going to get a clue. Negotiating a huge deal and he's getting involved in crap like this? What a moron.


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I agree with Mr. Tacoma about not drawing ourselves to conclusions yet. Supposedly, the woman is not filing charges. If true, I find it odd that she contacted the police then. I wonder if the hospital did a blood draw for a toxicology test? That might change things if they find something other than marajuanna.


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Framed… Groupies doing what groupies do… These guy's have to be careful… I remember being at the Pro Club years ago and watching George Karl get hit on by a women half his age… HOT AS HECK .. BEGGING him to go out to dinner with her… I'll pay she kept saying… I was like WTF MAN… That's the most un-natural chit I've ever seen… She worked on him for like 15 minutes... Let's take a vote on how many hot babes would hit on George Karl and not take no for and answer if he wasn't famous…. lol it's crazy man… I was like Biatch that's George Karl not George Clooney… Didn't seem to matter to her much… Fame had her panties wet…


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49ers fans are reporting that Kaepernick is being framed.

So as a group, we are saying he was FRAMED?

Um, no. And please, stop.

Plenty on the board have said that they see it as a money grab and this girl bullshitting this claim considering it is reported that she and Kap were "friendly" before. Far from framed, just expecting groupies to be groupies...which is pretty accurate considering the "whore" stories that come out weekly about athletes and their side chicks/hook ups.

At the same time, these are serious charges to be throwing around, much less calling it a "suspicious incident". r*pe is one of those charges that really stays with people the rest of their lives whether it is proven in court or not. Look at Big Ben. Kobe Bryant. Mike Tyson.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Framed… Groupies doing what groupies do… These guy's have to be careful… I remember being at the Pro Club years ago and watching George Karl get hit on by a women half his age… HOT AS HECK .. BEGGING him to go out to dinner with her… I'll pay she kept saying… I was like WTF MAN… That's the most un-natural chit I've ever seen… She worked on him for like 15 minutes... Let's take a vote on how many hot babes would hit on George Karl and not take no for and answer if he wasn't famous…. lol it's crazy man… I was like Biatch that's George Karl not George Clooney… Didn't seem to matter to her much… Fame had her panties wet…

I see where youre coming from boogs, but its just as dangerous to say he was framed as it is to say he's a date rapist. I need to see it play out before drawing conclusions either way. Have you read the police report?


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the woman also alleges that she and Kaepernick have had a sexual relationship in the past.

They talked for a while and she mixed drinks for them and gave them shots. Then the men told her that she should drink shots and "hit" the bong, which contained marijuana, the woman told police.

After a while, she said she started feeling light-headed and went to a bedroom to lie down. Kaepernick then came into the bedroom, started kissing her and undressed her until she was completely naked, according to the report.

Kaepernick then left the bedroom and said he would be right back. They did not have sex.

Sometime afterward, she said Lockette and Patton opened the door and "peeked" inside while she was still naked, but she told them, "What are you doing? Where is Colin? Get out," according to the police report.

They closed the door and left, and the woman remembers nothing after that until waking up in the hospital bed. She told police she has no idea how she got to the hospital or who took her there.

That's it??? So fucking what. I can't stand Kaep or the 49ers - but I'm not jumping on this bullshit bandwagon. 2 people involved in a mutual sexual relationship get mutually fucked up - and then don't have sex.

This is not sexual assault.


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I see where youre coming from boogs, but its just as dangerous to say he was framed as it is to say he's a date rapist. I need to see it play out before drawing conclusions either way. Have you read the police report?

I"m totally assuming .. Just speaking from what I've seen so many times… These guy's have to be SO CAREFUL… And no I have not read the police report…


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in hindsight this is a good thing for the 49ers because now they have leverage on not paying kaepernick 20 million a season


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I've seen in a few places people say that this woman and Kaepernick have a sexual past and in some cases, it is being used as a means to try to discredit her claims; to make it look like she's making it all up to try to get something out of it. Maybe that's true, but it can't be assumed that it is.

Yes, there has been a history of gold diggers with athletes who make false claims to try to get something from the athlete or somehow profit off of the athlete, but there's also been a history of athletes sexually assaulting women. Whether it's one or the other or neither here won't be known for a while.

The thing is, I think some of the people who bring up the idea of a sexual past between this woman and Kaepernick and try to use that to discredit her are forgetting that a sexual past doesn't give someone carte blanche to make unwanted advances anytime they want. Hell, you can be married to someone, have a fairly regular sex life and still be arrested for sexual assault, regardless of your sexual history with them, if you have sex with that person without their consent even once.

Now there isn't a lot to go on yet in this case and we may never find out what really happened, but it's important not to jump to any conclusions based on anything but the facts as they are presented. It's too easy to ruin a person's reputation based on hearsay and assumptions.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Can't see this as a case of her making anything up when she said they didn't have sex before kaep left, that they had on prior occasions in the past had sex, that the other two fools came into the room after kaep left and before she blacked out and told them basically to fuck off, and then woke up in a hospital not knowing how she got there.

Will we ever hear anything else about this? Probably not. Doubt it goes anywhere.

But we know that Lockette is still hanging out with idiots, that all 3 were likely smoking pot, and that Kaep gets a girl all ready to go and then just leaves her proving once again that he can't complete even the wide open passes.

That's the story here.

Mr. Tacoma

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Can't see this as a case of her making anything up when she said they didn't have sex before kaep left, that they had on prior occasions in the past had sex, that the other two fools came into the room after kaep left and before she blacked out and told them basically to fuck off, and then woke up in a hospital not knowing how she got there.

Will we ever hear anything else about this? Probably not. Doubt it goes anywhere.

But we know that Lockette is still hanging out with idiots, that all 3 were likely smoking pot, and that Kaep gets a girl all ready to go and then just leaves her proving once again that he can't complete even the wide open passes.

That's the story here.

Neither she nor the police are alleging any sexual assault happened so I really doubt anything comes of this.

Still, that's not gonna stop me from making crude jokes at Kaepernick's expense. It's the off season, I gotta entertain myself somehow.

Also, an incident involving booze, bong hits and a blacked-out chick who ended up in the hospital makes Harbaugh's "above reproach" comment look even more idiotic. Gotta love that.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Can't see this as a case of her making anything up when she said they didn't have sex before kaep left, that they had on prior occasions in the past had sex, that the other two fools came into the room after kaep left and before she blacked out and told them basically to fuck off, and then woke up in a hospital not knowing how she got there.

Will we ever hear anything else about this? Probably not. Doubt it goes anywhere.

But we know that Lockette is still hanging out with idiots, that all 3 were likely smoking pot, and that Kaep gets a girl all ready to go and then just leaves her proving once again that he can't complete even the wide open passes.

That's the story here.



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This happened in Florida, right? Yeah, I'm sure the cops there will do a real bang-up investigation. Nothing comes of this (doesn't mean nothing happened).

Crapernick taking over where Big Ben left off. Might be time to get married and head for the hills before it's too late, Colin.