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Lions select OT at #10


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
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So what you're saying here is that Mayhew has drafted the exact same amount of WRs and CBs in the first three rounds? Inconceivable!

That may be the last we ever hear from TrustMe/MikeD... I'm willing to bet his head literally exploded when confronted with that reality.

I I doubt that. Mike will be on here bitching about that in some way and Rob will bring up RBs and try to fight someone


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Apr 18, 2013
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I just figured it out.......The Lions will select an OT at #10 to come in and beef up the trenches behind, Reiff, Wafford, Waddle and Sims.....They beefed up the D-line with Fairley Suh and Ansah.....

This is GENIUS.......Leshoure wasn't used last year because he's gonna get the rock 20 times a game this year.......Absoulte GENIUS! Once Leshoure goes for over 2000 yards we can then trade him for draft picks next year....I swear Mayhew is Genius!!!!

Genius you are indeed.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Nice work Mebert. Who would have thunk that readily-available information could so easily de-bunk this "ignoring the defense" mumbo-jumbo?

What did he debunk? He included Amari Spievey who started how many games at CB? None. His other 3rd round pick is Bill Bentley, who in 2 years has more PI's than Passes Defensed. Darius Slay is the most talented CB on the roster, and go figure, it is the ONLY draft pick in the 1st 2 rounds he has spent on a CB.

He didn't have a problem trading up to get Jahvid Best. Another shiny toy for the offense. That worked out great. He didn't have a problem trading up to get Mikel LeShoure in the 2nd round -- he is now paid to stand in street clothes on the sideline. Don't worry though -- he went out and bought a shiny new toy for the offense to make up for his mistakes (Reggie Bush).

He didn't have a problem drafting Titus Young and Ryan Broyles in back to back years in the 2nd round. How did that turn out? One is out of the NFL and should be in the looney bin and the other is an injury waiting to happen whenever he steps on the field. Don't worry though -- He went out and bought a shiny new toy for the offense to make up for his mistakes (Golden Tate after Burleson was released).

Maybe this thread should be -- HOW DOES MAYHEW HAVE A JOB RIGHT NOW?!?!


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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What did he debunk? He included Amari Spievey who started how many games at CB? None. His other 3rd round pick is Bill Bentley, who in 2 years has more PI's than Passes Defensed. Darius Slay is the most talented CB on the roster, and go figure, it is the ONLY draft pick in the 1st 2 rounds he has spent on a CB.

He didn't have a problem trading up to get Jahvid Best. Another shiny toy for the offense. That worked out great. He didn't have a problem trading up to get Mikel LeShoure in the 2nd round -- he is now paid to stand in street clothes on the sideline. Don't worry though -- he went out and bought a shiny new toy for the offense to make up for his mistakes (Reggie Bush).

He didn't have a problem drafting Titus Young and Ryan Broyles in back to back years in the 2nd round. How did that turn out? One is out of the NFL and should be in the looney bin and the other is an injury waiting to happen whenever he steps on the field. Don't worry though -- He went out and bought a shiny new toy for the offense to make up for his mistakes (Golden Tate after Burleson was released).

Maybe this thread should be -- HOW DOES MAYHEW HAVE A JOB RIGHT NOW?!?!



Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So what you're saying here is that Mayhew has drafted the exact same amount of WRs and CBs in the first three rounds? Inconceivable!

I've already stated -- Speivey was never a CB, he was moved to Safety almost immediately. The other issue you seem to be looking past. Detroit already had the best WR in the NFL when he took over. Detroit didn't have any good CBs when he took over. So explain why they would need to invest 2 second round picks at WR, when they had already spent money for Burleson and had CJ?

THAT is why I said -- I'd be willing to wager, Detroit drafts another WR, whether it be trading up to get Watkins or staying put and taking Evans. They can't help themselves.


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TP -- that is about what i expected back from you. I'm sure you will be on here when they ask to predict how the Lions will do in 2014 and you will say 13-3 or something ridiculous.

Until Detroit invests in some playmakers in the back 7 -- they are going to be the same middle of the road team they have been. I will admit though -- they will be fun to watch on offense.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I've already stated -- Speivey was never a CB, he was moved to Safety almost immediately. The other issue you seem to be looking past. Detroit already had the best WR in the NFL when he took over. Detroit didn't have any good CBs when he took over. So explain why they would need to invest 2 second round picks at WR, when they had already spent money for Burleson and had CJ?

THAT is why I said -- I'd be willing to wager, Detroit drafts another WR, whether it be trading up to get Watkins or staying put and taking Evans. They can't help themselves.


Dude was drafted as a CB, didn't work out, moved to safety. I love how you'll simply discredit any information that works against your hypothesis.

And even if he had been drafted as a safety, isn't that still evidence of Mayhew doing the opposite of what you won't stop crying about: ignoring the defense? You talk about how much he neglects the secondary, but make no mention of him drafting Delmas in the 2nd round. You bitched up a storm about him passing on some big-name safeties this year in free agency in favor of Goldn'Taters this year, but also neglect to mention that he did indeed land one of the top safeties in free agency last year.

You have a real knack of ignoring evidence that disagrees with the half-truths you're trying in vain to sell here..


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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TP -- that is about what i expected back from you. I'm sure you will be on here when they ask to predict how the Lions will do in 2014 and you will say 13-3 or something ridiculous.
I'm not sure why I'd do that- I predicted 9-7 last year (pretty close), and I liked last year's team better than the current one, what with the coaching changes and all.

Just more of your sensationalism tactics- lying about things I never said or did because the argument you're trying to make has already crumbled around you.

Until Detroit invests in some playmakers in the back 7 -- they are going to be the same middle of the road team they have been. I will admit though -- they will be fun to watch on offense.
Didn't realize our back 7 was lacking playmakers. I knew our secondary was, but I was under the impression that our LB crew was pretty damn decent in that department. I'm not sure if you watched any Detroit Lions games last year, but we had an OLB by the name of DeAndre Levy who was a machine last year. Something like 6 INTs (1 TD return, 2nd TD return negated by penalty) and 15 passes defensed... like 120 tackles or so... guess he doesn't fit the bill. Our MLB, Stephen Tulloch, turned in a pretty good season, too. 135 tackles and 3.5 sacks. Not a big-time playmaker, but he had his moments.

So it would seem the back 7 isn't lacking for playmakers, the issues is limited to the secondary. I suspect you don't like that, though, because having a shitty back 7 sounds worse than a shitty secondary.

Kind of surprised you missed last season- it was disappointing to be sure, but Levy's break-out year was impressive as hell. You should you-tube him...


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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I'm not sure why I'd do that- I predicted 9-7 last year (pretty close), and I liked last year's team better than the current one, what with the coaching changes and all.

Just more of your sensationalism tactics- lying about things I never said or did because the argument you're trying to make has already crumbled around you.

Didn't realize our back 7 was lacking playmakers. I knew our secondary was, but I was under the impression that our LB crew was pretty damn decent in that department. I'm not sure if you watched any Detroit Lions games last year, but we had an OLB by the name of DeAndre Levy who was a machine last year. Something like 6 INTs (1 TD return, 2nd TD return negated by penalty) and 15 passes defensed... like 120 tackles or so... guess he doesn't fit the bill. Our MLB, Stephen Tulloch, turned in a pretty good season, too. 135 tackles and 3.5 sacks. Not a big-time playmaker, but he had his moments.

So it would seem the back 7 isn't lacking for playmakers, the issues is limited to the secondary. I suspect you don't like that, though, because having a shitty back 7 sounds worse than a shitty secondary.

Kind of surprised you missed last season- it was disappointing to be sure, but Levy's break-out year was impressive as hell. You should you-tube him...

He doesn't understand good football or players. Just reads stat sheets and cherry picks stats to bitch about.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Kreton, you were cool for like half a day. What were you doing differently that morning? You get laid that day or something?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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He doesn't understand good football or players. Just reads stat sheets and cherry picks stats to bitch about.

THANK YOU -- i needed a good laugh. FYI -- Detroit picked 5th overall last year and 10th overall this year. They are 11-21 during these years. Let me guess -- you've been watching good football and good players, huh?

I wish I could 'understand good football' like the two biggest homers on the Lions board. :laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3:


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Mayhew is 29-51 during his regime. The Lions have the best RB corps in the NFL, and a top 5 O-line, thanks to the best center in the NFL, Dom Railoa.

Despite all of this, we still need another top 10 WR.

Oh, and trade Suh and let Fairely go. We don't need defense with all these WR's we're gonna have.


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Apr 19, 2013
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I liked last year's team better than the current one, what with the coaching changes and all.

Huh? How could you like last year's team better? Weren't you the guy who said it was the coaching and the schemes the Lions used that were hurting the team?

Didn't you say Ihedbigo is a significant upgrade over Delmas?

We now have a new coach and new schemes, as well as another shiny toy for the offense and you like last year's team better?

Make up your mind.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Kreton, you were cool for like half a day. What were you doing differently that morning? You get laid that day or something?

See other thread to see what my problem is. But to recap, fuck Mike, and if you want to do that kind of dumb shit you'll be limped with in my book. I've never had a problem with you before but the last few days and especially today shit is getting retarded.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Mayhew is 29-51 during his regime. The Lions have the best RB corps in the NFL, and a top 5 O-line, thanks to the best center in the NFL, Dom Railoa.

Despite all of this, we still need another top 10 WR.

Oh, and trade Suh and let Fairely go. We don't need defense with all these WR's we're gonna have.

See dude. Shit like this. You don't think that, no one has actually said all those things, but are saying it anyway just to troll and piss people off. What is your point?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Huh? How could you like last year's team better? Weren't you the guy who said it was the coaching and the schemes the Lions used that were hurting the team?
Wasn't a fan of Schwartz for the last couple years, so the coaching change will benefit us a lot in the long run, but I think there will definitely be an adjustment period as players get sorted out this season.

Didn't you say Ihedbigo is a significant upgrade over Delmas?

We now have a new coach and new schemes, as well as another shiny toy for the offense and you like last year's team better?
He said "shiny toy"! Drink! :drink:

Huh? Just because you don't like us signing a WR instead of a safety doesn't mean I said this year's team is, or will be, better than last year's.

I've called you out on this twice now, yet you still keep on doing it- stop lying about what I said. Try to make an argument based on the merit of football significance, not your anger about signing Tate. It happened, it's done with, not going to change if you bitch enough, so stop trying. We get it, you don't like it one bit, thought we should have told Ward he wasn't allowed to sign with Denver and had to sign with us instead for the same low-ball deal.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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See dude. Shit like this. You don't think that, no one has actually said all those things, but are saying it anyway just to troll and piss people off. What is your point?

Who's pissed off? All of those things have been said.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
Hoopla Cash
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No they haven't. Noone has said all those things. I I think one guy said trade Suh, Noone said we have the best RBs or o line. Only that those units were good last year. Why exaggerate and lie?


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No they haven't. Noone has said all those things. I I think one guy said trade Suh, Noone said we have the best RBs or o line. Only that those units were good last year. Why exaggerate and lie?

You need to go back and find it. TP was just spazzing out about the Lions indisputably having a top 5 line.

Could have/have the best RB's? why split hairs? Clown shoes has been arguing all week about how awesome our league leading butter fingers RB corps is. Sue me if I'm having a little fun with a couple of posters I consider major homers. They can dish it out but now they can't take it? Has nothing to do with you.