Well-Known Member
We all know the answer to that one.
Still not as nice as the alpha beta house before they burned it down
We all know the answer to that one.
No way the police hold a press conference if an arrest is going to be made. I'm going to lean toward the side of no charges are being sought in this case.Presser tomorrow.
Suspensions for Iowa coming? Hahaha
News conference scheduled for updates in sex assault case at Huskers' home : Journal Star Breaking News
I am prolly wrong -like alwaysOOPs on post #159 if I stay on topic like that a few more times, you might start calling me Pops -LOL j/k.
I have an acquaintance that adopted a girl born to a U of Iowa gal that was violently r*pped by an Arab student dude that skipped out on bail and went back to his country. That baby girl would be in her upper 20's and I applaud the birth mother for not aborting her as tough as that had to be to do. Pops I understand, it is hard to figure out r*pe from just having gals with remorse for drunken sex acts - a very complex situation for sure.
Division 1 athletes get a monetary stipend so athletes can afford housing off campus, food, video games.
I will lean towards the investigation is ongoing. It will be a non-event, just a CYA to keep the press at bay.
We all know fish live in glass houses R_A, ye don't throw rocks in a glass house, ye leave them on the bottom of the fishbowl.A press conference to say the "investigation is ongoing"? They could just release a statement to the media for that.
There's gonna be a lot of pizzed off folks who stopped there day at 8:45 AM to be told that.
If there was a r*pe I don't think the perp is anyone significant to the team. It would certainly have leaked out of that fishbowl by now.
Was he a big builder or a guy who only built a few homes per year like the guy I hired to supervise building my house some 24 years ago?
The bank made me do it that way for my construction loan even though I had 1/2 the cost of the home to put down. The builder told me it would take 3 months to finish, but it took 9 months as he was having an affair with a gal he later married. The bank offered me a job because I over-watched the bills and the builder tried billing the bank twice for the same thing and I caught it while the bank didn't. The guy did a great job other than that, but then again, my father-in-law was a carpenter who built his own home so he made sure things were done right.
Back on topic*** Most Iowaweegians I know root for the Huskers. Only the low life Counciltuckians are hard core Hawk fans.
Sounds like CSI Homes in Omaha which turned into Hearthstone Homes which both went under and left un-paid subs and poor quality/warrantee work un-done. Then there was Benchmark Homes where the President spent money before it was earned and went under. My builder only built 3-4 custom homes per year, and my house was one of the smaller homes he built as he built many huge homes. Funny thing is my house is way too big for us now that we are empty nesters. My builder is still building today but I don't know that I'd hire him ever again though as he kept subbing out his framing crew to other builders so he could lavishly court his mistress as my house sat as a foundation for months. The quality of my house is really good, just took 5 months more to build than promised.He was building 40 to 50 homes per year. His agent said later on he didn't have the same level of backing of his work, and that's why his agent broke away from.
Hate the word time share as the idiot parents of my daughter's ex-boyfriend gave out my name and phone number when they went to a time share sales pitch weekend in Cabo. Fvckers kept calling me for 3 years asking if I wanted to sell my time share which I don't own. I always responded, "What's a time share", and they would get the message. Glad my daughter dumped that guy, and those parents divorced as the wife and her lover had an apartment for years and the husband found out about it from the lover's wife - one goofy fvcking group they were.I am prolly wrong -like always
but isn't that house a time share house ta boot ??
And so ends the saga of the Husker r*pe case circa 2015.Three football players and three other people.
My guess, one of the other three were the involved party and the football players just so happened to get off the plane and come to their house where a party was going on.
I think I would make sure the other dude was never invited to the house again.
This will also look better for TV than what could have been talked about.
And so ends the saga of the Husker r*pe case circa 2015.
A little early to speculate too much, but mi madre is saying no news is good news at this point.
If a report is made the day after and no arrests have been made at this point... It's probably gonna go away quietly.
Also when Tommy Armstrong, the 3rd most recognizable person in the state, makes a statement to the Omaha World Herald saying "they told us we should all be fine", Katie Flood or someone high up in the ranks would have publicly refuted that claim in some way if it wasn't true.