Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
number of posts on an anonymous sports board DO tell everything about a person's life, don't you know...?

BUMP IT UP!!!"I'll probably handle the ball a little bit, but this is Kyrie [Irving]'s show," James said Saturday after the team's first practice of training camp. "He's our point guard. He's our floor general, and we need him to put us in position to succeed offensively. He has to demand that and command that from us with him handling the ball."
Now, James will have another ball-dominant guard in Irving to play with, and not only is it something that he accepted in his return to Cleveland, it actually played a role in selling him on the move from Miami.
"Coming back, my [Sports Illustrated] letter kind of spoke for it, what this city and northeast Ohio, what I mean to it. That had a lot to do with it, probably 95 percent of it. And the fact that Kyrie was here as well. That's a huge part," James said. "I've never played with a point guard like Kyrie Irving, a guy that can kind of take over a game for himself. We need it. So, that was a huge thing and that was way before we even got [Kevin] Love and signed Mike Miller and Trix [Shawn Marion] and the rest of the guys. That was very intriguing."
While James has now publicly thrust the lion's share of the ballhandling duties over to Irving, at the Cavs' media day Friday, the fourth-year guard acknowledged he certainly will concede control to the four-time MVP at times.
Perfect morning to bump this up after another 9 TO performance.
To be fair, I talked about him, on occasion, when he was on the Heat.
I've never questioned his basketball playing level of talent though. He's the best.
And what was under my name is what I felt about him, and still do.
I changed it now because James or no James, I'm a Heat fan and have moved on...
Of course the Cavs will struggle at some points. All teams do.
I'm not near naïve enough though to not think they will be very good (if they stay healthy) and worst case are prob ECF.
Regardless, its always championship or bust with James, so my enjoyment will either come, or not come when they are eliminated or not.
Regular season losses won't mean a hill of beans for the Cavs for the most part.
lol.....i dont even know how you can comment on ANY TEAM.Btw Wiggy, I don't know why you're commenting on other teams. The only team you pay attention to is the Cavs. You've constantly made an ass of yourself as it concerns the Heat as well as other teams. Most people avoid speaking on issues they're not informed on, but that doesn't look to have stopped you. the same time..anybody can just regurgitate what other people say. There's nothing wrong with watching every game and forming your own dont even know how you can comment on ANY TEAM.
I read more, listen to more radio, --- and when i got the opportunity- watch more- then you- last night i watched quite a bit of Sixers-Lakers-----
I am INFINITELY more informed than you are since i actually take the time to educate myself. I am not one of those assclowns that think they know the game of basketball becase they watch every single game. One of those assclowns that calls radio stations up saying they have "watched the tape". I actually READ the guys who are the TRUE experts- the guys that have been around the game for decades, the guys that get PAID and earn their living covering the game. The people that ACTUALLY know what they are looking at.
gmafb. it just cracks me up the ego and audacity of people on here like bskballer because they have league pass. Adrian Woj or Mark STein, or Windhorst or Spears or any number of guys....people that are actually PAID to cover the game and have been around it for decades....not assclowns that think they are experts because they watch a game on league pass after going to their REAL jobs.
please - tell me how you educate yourself about the NBA? what have you done in the last month?--- read anything? what games have YOU watched? lol.... the same time..anybody can just regurgitate what other people say. There's nothing wrong with watching every game and forming your own opinion. the same time..anybody can just regurgitate what other people say. There's nothing wrong with watching every game and forming your own opinion.
I was going to write a response, and this was basically it. He said he can't formulate his own opinion, so he pieces together things from different places. Makes sense based on some of the hot takes we've seen.
Also, many of these guys Wiggy is talking about who are paid to cover the game are not basketball experts. They are journalists. While they certainly gain knowledge while writing, that does not mean that they know and understand the game at a high level. Some do, some don't.
Players and coaches are the real experts. Simply covering the game is not nearly the same as actually performing or teaching it.
In other words, if everything you know about basketball comes from columns about the NBA, than you are not nearly as knowledgeable as you think. At least not when it comes to basketball intangibles.