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Let the fun begin, CA Gov signs college athlete likeness pay bill


Not Banned
Aug 2, 2011
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You're ignoring the fact that billions are now made off these athletes and the same deal they had since before the leather helmet days doesn't fly anymore. Just like the days companies had interns work a bunch of hours a week for nothing with the but they are learning the business excuse has gone out the window. Now they laws have changed where the intern has to be getting more from the deal than the company.
Yes there are going to be unintended consequences and people who try to skirt the system but you can't keep the same antiquated system going.
It's funny how the horror to some is that some players might get extra money. To me the horror is colleges and the NCAA ignoring that some players are/were getting sham educations for the sake of fielding a good team.

Billions made off the athletes? Very few athletes are marketable and make a school money. A combination of athletes, rather a Team, can contribute to a school making money. But, rarely is one athlete so good that he’s helping the university make money. Tim Tebow, Zion Williamson, Johnny Manziel yes. But, not Kellen mond or Alex O’Connell.

And, the athletes the university lose money on, should they lose their scholarships? I’m thinking of women golfers or men’s cross country runners. Athletes on a sports team that’s operating at a loss and get their money from other teams success. Should we do away with them?


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Jul 3, 2013
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It's not great ... it's going to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Boosters are going to have a heyday with this.

And btw tell me what other US state suffers from typhus infested rats while serving their population recycled turd water.

What state leads the US in suicide rate?

Alaska. Must be a shithole place to live.

Ron G

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How about they allow the athletes to make as much money as they like but eliminate scholarships and have them pay tuition. Would be tough to fill out a team though.
This may have been covered earlier, would the scholarship now be considered part of the compensation and become taxable? Could athletes from state schools earn more than those from private schools where the scholarship is worth more compared to general student bodies.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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Billions made off the athletes? Very few athletes are marketable and make a school money. A combination of athletes, rather a Team, can contribute to a school making money. But, rarely is one athlete so good that he’s helping the university make money. Tim Tebow, Zion Williamson, Johnny Manziel yes. But, not Kellen mond or Alex O’Connell.

And, the athletes the university lose money on, should they lose their scholarships? I’m thinking of women golfers or men’s cross country runners. Athletes on a sports team that’s operating at a loss and get their money from other teams success. Should we do away with them?

If you're going to get into a conversation at least know what the facts are. These bills/laws enable a player from any sport to make money off their own likeness or talents or popularity. So if one of your female golfers wants to charge to give lessons or if you're stanford and have olympic level swimmers they can sign deals with speedo without having to leave college. The schools aren't going to pay them. They are still on scholarship they are just able to make money without giving up eligibility. I don't know who Kellen Mond is but if he wants to do a football camp (if that's what he plays) with a couple of other players and charge and make a little extra scratch he can do it.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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How about they allow the athletes to make as much money as they like but eliminate scholarships and have them pay tuition. Would be tough to fill out a team though.
This may have been covered earlier, would the scholarship now be considered part of the compensation and become taxable? Could athletes from state schools earn more than those from private schools where the scholarship is worth more compared to general student bodies.

Another guy who doesn't know what these laws do. It's not making the schools pay them. The scholarships would still be used it's just letting players that can monetize their talents to do so. Not all players would be in that category but for the ones that are they would be free to make some money.


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Aug 6, 2011
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You didn’t mention the Olympics?!?!

I only mentioned the weather and myself as examples. I'm certainly no Olympian but I was in the service (USMC) which I referred to in my comment. My image was on the news several times. I never got paid for that either. But I did get a couple of medals. :)


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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You’re ignoring the fact that these kids get their education, room and board and meals payed for. Plus all the clothes they want.

Your intern analogy would work if collegiate athletics was a profession. It isn’t. The same rules don’t apply for different things.

Listen I’m all for players being able to be paid to coach summer camps or even get a stipend. But I believe there needs to be a cap.
Its not a profession\job because they dont get paid.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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You’re ignoring the fact that these kids get their education, room and board and meals payed for. Plus all the clothes they want.

Your intern analogy would work if collegiate athletics was a profession. It isn’t. The same rules don’t apply for different things.

Listen I’m all for players being able to be paid to coach summer camps or even get a stipend. But I believe there needs to be a cap.
You know what a football player got in 1920? An education , room, food and training. Flash forward and ESPN FOX are paying billions and theres many other compaines that pay to sponsor bowls and sho companies paying schools and coaches millions. And what do the players get? Same tging their great grandfather would have gotten when the head coach was also the english professor.


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Sep 7, 2011
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Its not a profession\job because they dont get paid.

You know what a football player got in 1920? An education , room, food and training. Flash forward and ESPN FOX are paying billions and theres many other compaines that pay to sponsor bowls and sho companies paying schools and coaches millions. And what do the players get? Same tging their great grandfather would have gotten when the head coach was also the english professor.

They get a full ride, room and board and and free food. All for playing a sport. Stop ignoring this.

100 years later an education, room, food and training is 10 times the cost. I’m still paying over $700 a month for my student loans. An it’s been almost 2 decades. The third stringer punter doesn’t even have that.

You want to give them a stipend that’s fine. But an uncapped “likeness” payment is the epitome of stupid if you think that isn’t pay for play.


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Jul 2, 2013
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I do wonder if Cali will start paying their athletes and find out they're still not paying enough to turn out a championship level program. :hmm:


Not Banned
Aug 2, 2011
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If you're going to get into a conversation at least know what the facts are. These bills/laws enable a player from any sport to make money off their own likeness or talents or popularity. So if one of your female golfers wants to charge to give lessons or if you're stanford and have olympic level swimmers they can sign deals with speedo without having to leave college. The schools aren't going to pay them. They are still on scholarship they are just able to make money without giving up eligibility. I don't know who Kellen Mond is but if he wants to do a football camp (if that's what he plays) with a couple of other players and charge and make a little extra scratch he can do it.

The swimmers are already allowed to do that. This law isn’t going to come without unintended consequences. It allows boosters to recruit students away from other schools by paying them money. It’s not directly from schools, but it’s money that would/could go to schools if paying athletes wasn’t allowed.

This isn’t a law that just permits legitimate endorsement deals.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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But with the transfer portal and paying players doesn’t it just lead to a lot more transfers because these guys can be successful and transfer to a school that needs a qb and pays more.

Like what’s stopping D’Erick King or Khalil Tate from transferring after their first good season to a team that has boosters that can pay more money for autographs?
Presumably the NCAA would tighten up their transfer rules again, and you would have to sit out a year. Now, you might get paid during that year so you wouldn't care. But, you are correct that the transfer portal will play a big part in this should we get there.


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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They get a full ride, room and board and and free food. All for playing a sport. Stop ignoring this.

100 years later an education, room, food and training is 10 times the cost. I’m still paying over $700 a month for my student loans. An it’s been almost 2 decades. The third stringer punter doesn’t even have that.

You want to give them a stipend that’s fine. But an uncapped “likeness” payment is the epitome of stupid if you think that isn’t pay for play.

They play a sport that brings the NCAA billions . Quit acting like they are playing at the local park.
I'm sorry your parents didn't teach you how to punt.


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Sep 7, 2011
Central PA
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They play a sport that brings the NCAA billions . Quit acting like they are playing at the local park.
I'm sorry your parents didn't teach you how to punt.

They get free room and board, a free education and food clothes and contacts. Stop acting like they get absolutely nothing.

I’m sorry your parents didn’t teach you common sense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Its not a profession\job because they dont get paid.

They did a study on how much a scholarship ends up being worth at a top school in the NCAA.
After room/board tuition, equipment, apparel, coaching, transportation (flights,etc), lodging, training, use of facilities, tutors, and so on. A scholarship will cost a school upwards to 2 million dollars.

If an athlete wants to get paid while they are in school for free. They should pay for that free schooling. Because without the school and using the school’s brand, unless you are an Olympic athlete — you wouldn’t be getting any offers for ‘endorsements’.


Did you err ?
Aug 16, 2014
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Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
Hoopla Cash
$ 25,000.00
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They get free room and board, a free education and food clothes and contacts. Stop acting like they get absolutely nothing.

I’m sorry your parents didn’t teach you common sense.

1880- Hey you get free room and board and get to go to school for free.
2019- Hey same shit while ESPN FOX and all the sponsors give the NCAA and schools billions to slice up.
