2 reasons why the NBA is more popular:
1) Hockey is exclusive to cold weather climate and people with $. If I want to play a pick-up basketball game, all I have to do is grab my shoes and head to the local park. If I want to play hockey, well that is pretty difficult to find here in Virginia.
2) The NHL does not lend itself to TV as easily as the NBA. It can be difficult to follow the action at times.
Both are borning.![]()
bottom line is the NBA is more popular within the States than hockey.
BUT NHL doing a great job of getting more exposure of the sport out there with their new TV deals. NBC sports is helping in a BIG way.
that is the reason really, NBA has just had more exposure over decades, NHL just recently getting on TV more and more each season is allowing it to become more popular, keep doing this and the sport will be huge here. Especially after games like last night.
Says the guy who's a fan of MLB.
Yup hockey sure is more boring than baseball. I know I love watching a bunch of juiced-up meatheads paw at their crotch while chewing on HGH-laced tobacco. This excitement is brought to an abrupt halt by the riveting spectacle that is the pitcher stepping off the mound to glare at the base-runner. It sure gets better when he daringly picks up his rosin bag. All this work has this 320 pound 67% body fat index specimen sweaty. He takes of his vaseline drenched cap to mop his brow. My pulse is racing by now!!!
All of the pitcher's posturing is timely because the jumped-up baboon at the plate now has time dig his barely opposable thumbs into his jock in order to adjust the shrunken raisins that once could be called testicles.
Finally the pitch!!! Foul balland the ball lands in the beer of some fan who has justifiably fallen asleep.
Rinse, repeat and continue for 4 hours.
Hockey is a clown sport bro.
I was going to disagree but then I figured if someone listed his location as "All Up In Ya!" and finished his post with 'bro' then I figure he has got to be right.
I was going to disagree but then I figured if someone listed his location as "All Up In Ya!" and finished his post with 'bro' then I figure he has got to be right.
Do you mean this kind of clown?
The NBA is popular because the NBA does a fantastic job selling its stars. They promote like no other.
NHL playoffs>>> anythimg on earth. By far the hardest trophy to win.
Sell the stars more and the NHL will do better. To me I dont give a shit because NHL will always be number 1. Those who dont agree are fags and or gay
I agree.The NBA is popular because the NBA does a fantastic job selling its stars. They promote like no other.
NHL playoffs>>> anythimg on earth. By far the hardest trophy to win.
Sell the stars more and the NHL will do better. To me I dont give a shit because NHL will always be number 1. Those who dont agree are fags and or gay